Looking back on Puk-Hak-Dong times
(Won Chin Hwang - August 1970)
K-CARP Directors headed for Japan
(Hyun Soo Hwang - April 1971)
Summer Camping for CARP Members was
Held (Hyon Soo Hwang - July 25, 1971)
The Celebration of God's Day
(Won Jin Hwang - January 1, 1972)
The Public Life of Rev. Sun Myung
Moon (Hwan Chae Hwang - February, 1980)
I Will Serve True Parents Will With
the Spirit of Indemnity and Restoration (Sun Jo Hwang - April
1, 1999)
The Participation of Japanese
National Messiahs in Pantanal (Sun Jo Hwang - August 2, 1999)
The Meaning of 9.9 Jeol and 3.10
Jeol (Sun Jo Hwang - September 12, 1999)
Liberation Ceremony of Cosmic
Unification for the Parents of Heaven and Earth (Sun Jo Hwang
- September 13, 1999)
Directions from True Parents
(Sun Jo Hwang - September 16, 1999)
In Remembrance of Young Jin Nim and
Special 40 Day Period of Devotion (Sun Jo Hwang - November 3,
America Hosts The Millennial True
God's Day America Honors Reverend Sun Myung Moon On His 80th
Birthday (Sun Jo Hwang - December 15, 1999)
4th Adam Holy Candy (Sun Jo
Hwang - December 9, 1999)
How We Should Live in this Time of
Great Transition (Sun Jo Hwang - December 26, 1999)
The True Meaning Of Bok (Blessing;
Fortune) (Sun Jo Hwang - January 9, 2000)
Directions Regarding the 40-Day
Workshop for the 4 Groups of National Messiahs (Sun Jo Hwang -
January 11, 2000)
40 Day IdeaFamily Workshop and
NationaMessiah Fishing Workshop (Sun Jo Hwang - March 11,
Starting Family Life: Directions for
Those Blessed in 1st 400 Million Couples Blessing (Sun Jo
Hwang - March 11, 2000)
The Special Workshop for Korean
National Messiahs and the Change of Location for True Parents' Day
Celebration (Sun Jo Hwang - March 20, 2000)
Instructions from True Parents Day
and World Leaders Meeting (Sun Jo Hwang - April 14, 2000)
Understanding Our Role In A New
Providential Era (Sun Jo Hwang - April 16, 2000)
Creating The Conditions For
Reunification (Sun Jo Hwang - May 21, 2000)
The Final Providential Mission
(Sun Jo Hwang - June 18, 2000)
Disposition of Missionaries (Sun
Jo Hwang - June 22, 2000)
Special Blessed Wives Workshop for
Registration (Sun Jo Hwang - July 27, 2000)
Grace From Heaven (Sun Jo Hwang
- August 2000)
Through The Eyes Of Providence
(Sun Jo Hwang - September 28, 2000)
Everything We Need To Know (Sun
Jo Hwang - October 22, 2000)
Restoring The Homeland (Sun Jo
Hwang - November 12, 2000)
Changes Regarding the Transition of
the Three Ages Four Position Foundation Registration Unification
Blessing Ceremony (Grace Ceremony) (Sun Jo Hwang - November
27, 2000)
Changes regarding the Transition of
the Three Ages Four Position Foundation Registration Unification
Blessing Ceremony and Directions for Special Activities (Sun
Jo Hwang - December 4, 2000)
Our Task in Relation to the
Providence (Sun Jo Hwang - December 10, 2000)
The Final Providential Mission
(Sun Jo Hwang - June 18, 2000)
Main Points from the 34th True God's
Day (Sun Jo Hwang - January 5, 2001)
True Father’s Direction to All
Leaders and Members At Or Under the Age Of 40 (Sun Jo Hwang -
February 2, 2001)
A New Course in a New Era (Sun
Jo Hwang - February 18, 2001)
Information about the 12th and the
13th Special Registration Workshop for Blessed Wives (Sun Jo
Hwang - March 8, 2001)
Directions about Jardim 43-day
Workshop (Sun Jo Hwang - March 16, 2001)
Welcoming the Spring (Sun Jo
Hwang - March 18, 2001)
40 Day World Wide Family
Mobilization (To bring on the Cosmic Level Pentecost) (Sun Jo
Hwang - March 28, 2001)
The Providential Meaning of Father's
50-State Speaking Tour and New Directions (Sun Jo Hwang -
April 10, 2001)
Instructions Regarding Hoon Dok
Rallies (Community Conferences) in All Nations (Sun Jo Hwang -
May 9, 2001)
Information About 13th, 14th Special
Registration Workshops for Blessed Wives (Sun Jo Hwang - May
3, 2001)
The Day Of Pentecost And Our Mission
(Sun Jo Hwang - May 20, 2001)
Update to the Worldwide Blessed
Family Mobilization (Cosmic-level Pentecost) (Sun Jo Hwang -
June 4, 2001)
The Work Of The Holy Spirit Two
Thousand Years Ago And Today (Sun Jo Hwang - June 10, 2001)
True Father's Direction at the
International Leaders Meeting (Sun Jo Hwang - June 29, 2001)
Forty-Day Summer Pioneer Witnessing
Activity (Sun Jo Hwang - July 16, 2001)
Announcement of Ascension of Byung
Jun Kwak Sonsaeng Nim (Sun Jo Hwang - July 21, 2001)
Sixteen Days of "Settlement of
God's Fatherland" Tour (Sun Jo Hwang - July 15, 2001)
Sixteen Days (Sun Jo Hwang -
July 15, 2001)
The Second Series of Blessed Wives'
Special Workshops for Registration (Sun Jo Hwang - August 1,
Thirty Percent Tithing (Sun Jo
Hwang - August 13, 2001)
Speech to Headquarters Staff Members
(Sun Jo Hwang - September 26, 2001)
Directions from the 14th Foundation
Day for the Nation of the Unified World (Sun Jo Hwang -
October 8, 2001)
Preparation of Comfort Blessing
(Sun Jo Hwang - October 9, 2001)
Change of schedule for Special
Workshops for Blessed Husbands and Additional Information (Sun
Jo Hwang - October 17, 2001)
The 42nd True Children's Day
(Sun Jo Hwang - November 20, 2001)
Husbands 8-Day Workshop:
Additional/Changed Information (Sun Jo Hwang - November 29,
Twenty-one Day Blessed Wives
Registration Workshop Additional Schedule and Four Position
Foundation Registration Blessing Schedule (Sun Jo Hwang -
November 30, 2001)
The Beauty of Reconciliation
(Sun Jo Hwang - December 9, 2001)
The Beauty of Reconciliation
(Sun Jo Hwang - December 9, 2001 - different version)
True God's Day information (Sun
Jo Hwang - December 15, 2001)
Special Condition (Sun Jo Hwang
- December 23, 2001)
Cheon Il Guk: A New Beginning
(Sun Jo Hwang - January 6, 2002)
Schedules of WCSF 2002 (Sun Jo
Hwang - January 16, 2002)
Information about the 19th Special
Registration Workshop for Blessed Wives and Registration Blessing
(Sun Jo Hwang - January 30, 2002)
Relating with God Through Living for
Others (Sun Jo Hwang - March 2002)
Special Workshops for Blessed
Husbands from All Nations (Sun Jo Hwang - March 6, 2002)
Essential Aspects of Our Faith
(Sun Jo Hwang - April 2002)
Pyonghwa Stands for Peace
(Sun-jo Hwang - April 2002 pdf)
Special 40-Day Witnessing Campaign
in the 2nd Year of Cheon Il Guk (Sun Jo Hwang - June 26, 2002)
Our Task In Relation To God's
Providence (Sun Jo Hwang - June 30, 2002)
Three Feasts To Hold On The Path To
Tribal Messiahship (Sun Jo Hwang - July 14, 2002)
True Parent's Direction July 23,
2002 (Sun Jo Hwang - July 23, 2002)
True Parents’ Directions
Concerning Supporting Declarations to Messages from the Spirit
World (Sun Jo Hwang - July 23, 2002)
Chil Pal Jeol Event and True
Parents' Instructions to Registration Mobilization Missionaries
(Sun Jo Hwang - July 30, 2002)
The Meaning Of The Realm Of Life Of
The Unity And Completed Settlement Of The Parents Of Heaven And
Earth (Sun Jo Hwang - August 19, 2002)
The Mystical Dimension of our Life
(Sun Jo Hwang - September 2002)
True Parents' directions Concerning
Hoon Dok Hae (Sun Jo Hwang - October 7, 2002)
Rally for the Harmony and Unity of
Heaven and Earth (Sun Jo Hwang - October 15, 2002)
Holy Burning Ceremony for the Peace,
Unity and Liberation of Heaven and Earth (Sun Jo Hwang -
October 18, 2002)
The Rally for the Harmony and Unity
of Heaven and Earth (Sun Jo Hwang - October 21, 2002)
43rd True Children's Day Celebration
and Directions (Sun Jo Hwang - November 9, 2002)
10th Special Worldwide 8-Day
Registration Workshop for Blessed Husbands (Sun Jo Hwang -
December 6, 2002)
Becoming Owners Of Cheon Il Guk
(Sun Jo Hwang - December 29, 2002)
International Signature Campaign for
the Prevention of the Construction of a Freeway through the Holy
Ground at Songsan-ri (Chung Pyung) (Sun Jo Hwang - January 6,
Let's Be the Owners of Victory in
Our Lives (Sun Jo Hwang - February 16, 2003)
The Path to True Ownership in Cheon
Il Guk (Sun Jo Hwang - March 16, 2003)
Fighting Decisive Battles (Sun
Jo Hwang - April 6, 2003)
Postponement of WCSF 2003 (Sun
Jo Hwang - May 3, 2003)
The Declaration of The Great
Transition to the Realm of Dominion of the Ideal of Creation
(Sun Jo Hwang - May 27, 2003)
21-day Special Condition (Sun Jo
Hwang - June 5, 2003)
Information in English and Korean on
the WCSF 2003 Schedule (Sun Jo Hwang - June 19, 2003)
Aligning Ourselves With The
Spiritual Reality (Sun Jo Hwang - June 22, 2003)
Changes in Accommodations for WCSF
2003 Blessing Participants (Sun Jo Hwang - July 3, 2003)
Official Memo FFWPUI 2003-45 Cheon
Il Guk Year 3 Summer 40 Day Witnessing Activity (Sun Jo Hwang
- July 9, 2003)
Cheongpadong HQ Building Ground
Breaking Ceremony (Sun Jo Hwang - July 21, 2003)
Cheon Il Guk 3rd year 40 days
mobilization - directions for the Korean church and IIFWP website
(Sun Jo Hwang - July 27, 2003)
The 7th 7.8 Jeol (6th Anniversary of
the Declaration of the Realm of the Cosmic Sabbath for the Parents
of Heaven and Earth) (Sun Jo Hwang - July 21, 2003)
July 28th meeting in HQ (Sun Jo
Hwang - July 28, 2003)
More information about the Blessing
on Aug. 24th 2003 (Sun Jo Hwang - August 5, 2003)
Becoming People Of Substance
(Sun Jo Hwang - August 10, 2003)
People of Substance (Sun Jo
Hwang - August 10, 2003 pdf)
Preparations for the 2nd Fishing
World Cup (Sun Jo Hwang - August 14, 2003)
Declaration Ceremony for the
Beginning of the Nation of the Fourth Israel (Sun Jo Hwang
August 22, 2003)
Special 7-day Condition (Sun Jo
Hwang - August 25, 2003)
Monday Morning HQ News Etc. (Sun
Jo Hwang - September 8, 2003)
Letter regarding Nam Hi Hwang
(Kathleen Hwang - October 20, 2003)
The Path to Building God's
Fatherland (Sun Jo Hwang - March 21. 2004)
Escaping the Inertia of Bad Habits
(Sun Jo Hwang - April 11, 2004)
Instructions from the 44th
Anniversary of True Parents’ Day (Sun Jo Hwang - April
28, 2004)
Commencement of Ahn Shi Il and the
Declaration of Ssang Hab Shib Seung (Sun Jo Hwang - May 12,
Milestones On The Road Of The
Providence (Sun Jo Hwang - May 20, 2004)
The Providence Of Community Outreach
(Sun Jo Hwang - June 2004)
Announcements about the Events of
the World Culture and Sports Festival 2004 (Sun Jo Hwang -
June 24, 2004)
WorldTies: Announcements about the
Events of the World Culture and Sports Festival 2004 (Sun Jo
Hwang - June 30, 2004)
Confirmed Information Regarding "The
Blessing for Registration in Cheon Il Guk for the Revolution of
True Heart and for True Liberation and Complete Freedom" and
the Eighth Chil Pal Jeol [Cosmic Sabbath for the Parents of Heaven
and Earth] (Sun Jo Hwang - August 11, 2004)
The Blessing for Registration in
Cheon Il Guk for the Revolution of True Heart and for True
Liberation and Complete Freedom (Sun Jo Hwang - August 15,
Additional Information Regarding
"The Blessing for Registration in Cheon Il Guk for the
Revolution of True Heart and for True Liberation and Complete
Freedom" (Sun Jo Hwang - August 18, 2004)
Providential Autumn And The Owner Of
Cheon-Il-Guk (Sun Jo Hwang - September 1, 2004)
Urgent Instructions from True Father
Regarding the International Peace Conference for Mongolian leaders
from around the world and the Mongolian Peoples' Federation For
World Peace (Sun Jo Hwang - September 20, 2004)
The Blessed Wives 40-day Special
Chung Pyung Workshops (Sun Jo Hwang - September 13, 2004)
Instructions from the 17th
Foundation Day for the Nation of the Unified World (Sun Jo
Hwang - October 14, 2004)
Who Will Be Remembered in History?
(Sun Jo Hwang - October 17, 2004)
All Humankind Will Be Welcome
(Sun Jo Hwang - November 1, 2004)
Special Prayer Condition (Sun Jo
Hwang - November 2, 2004)
Upcoming Events (Sun Jo Hwang -
December 20, 2004)
Official Motto (Sun Jo
Hwang - January 6, 2005)
Special Blessing of Second
Generation (Sun Jo Hwang - January 6, 2005)
Special directions from True Parents
and additional matters regarding FFWPUI 2005-2 (Sun Jo Hwang -
January 12, 2005)
Celebration of True Parents’
Birthday (Sun Jo Hwang - January 14, 2005)
Special Amnesty From True Parents
(Sun Jo Hwang - November 7, 2006)
have to be engrafted to True Parents (Sun Myung Moon and Sun
Jo Hwang - August 8, 2007)
Promoting Filial Piety in China
(Kathleen Hwang and Eve Lau - May 2008)
Celebration of the Publication of
Father's Biography (Sun Jo Hwang - May 14, 2009)
Not By Bread Alone (David Hwang
- January 2010)
The reality and the prospect of
God's Providence - slides (Sun Jo Hwang - August 2010 pdf)
Outreach to our Clans Receives New
Emphasis (Sun Jo Hwang - September 2010)
Report on the Visit of Dr. Sun Jo
Hwang to USA (Annie Gagne - September 21, 2010)
Important Message from Dr. Sun Jo
Hwang in Britain (Leonita Zahora - October 2, 2010)
Culture of the Marriage Blessing and
Seunghwa Blessing (Sun Jo Hwang - December 11, 2010)
The Completion of True Parents'
Responsibility - slides (Sun Jo Hwang - May 20, 2011 pdf)
Eric Palhof's and Mason Hwang's
Travel Networks Provide Unificationist Families Free Travel
Housing (Ariana Moon and Renee Shaw - July 17, 2012 pdf)
Bo Gun Hwang's Guri Church grows
with New Life Festival (June 23, 2013 - Translated from
tongilgyo.org pdf)
Appointment: Yop Joo Hwang now responsible for mission nations
(Michael Balcomb - September 27, 2013 pdf)
No one can put out the fire that
burns in our hearts (Thomas Hwang - October 2013)
Thomas (Yop Joo) Hwang Promoted to
International Vice President of Family Federation (Douglas
Burton - October 2, 2013 pdf)
International Vice-President Thomas
Hwang's visit to Albania and Kosovo (March 17, 2014 pdf)
The Pain of a Family Divided
(Thomas Hwang - October 2014 pdf)
World Leaders' Convention for the
Advancement of Korean Reunification and Peace in Northeast Asia
(Thomas Hwang - December 15, 2013)
Examining our FFWPU motto
(Thomas Hwang - January 2014)
First International Cheon Seong
Gyeong Divine Principle Lecture Contest and Hoon Dok Contest
(Thomas Hwang - February 11, 2014)
Me and My Mission (Thomas Hwang
- February 14, 2014)
Unification of North and South is
achieved by Peace in North-East Asia (In-tae Hwang - May 20,
2015 pdf)
Parenting Workshop at IPEC
(Kathleen Hwang and Kimiyo Anceney - August 15, 2015 pdf)
Happy kids: “Remain respectful
toward self and others” (Kathleen Hwang and Kimiyo
Anceney - August 15, 2015 pdf)
True Love Peace School helps
adolescents develop their dreams and talents (In-chun Hwang -
December 2015 pdf)
Organizing True Parents' Entrance
into Cheon Jeong Gung on June 13, 2006 (Sun-jo Hwang - July
2016 pdf)
The Mainstream of God's Providence
(Thomas Hwang - September 2016 pdf)
Teaching Sun Moon University
professors Divine Principle & Unification Thought (Sun Jo
Hwang - October 2016 pdf)
Restructuring of Regions and
Reassignment of Personnel - Thomas Hwang (Sung Il Cho - July
26, 2017 pdf)
Inauguration of Asia Regional Group,
Chairman Chung Sik Yong and Greater China Regional President
Thomas Hwang (Thomas Hwang - August 9, 2017 pdf)
WANGO Seeks Part-time Membership
Director (Sun Jo Hwang - August 27, 2017 pdf)
WANGO Seeks Part-time Deputy
Secretary General (Sun Jo Hwang - August 28, 2017 pdf)
61 Second Generation from Greater
China attend the 2017 Global Top Gun Youth (Thomas Hwang -
August 30, 2017 pdf)
Inauguration of Youth and Students
for Peace of Greater China region and Taiwan (Thomas Hwang -
February 4, 2018 pdf)
Inauguration of Filial Piety
Association in Hong Kong (Nam-hi Hwang - April 14, 2018 pdf)
STF-Greater China Region graduates
its first class of eight STF graduates (Thomas Hwang -
September 13, 2018 pdf)
Hong Kong's Confucian Seminar:
Cultivating Filial Piety in Contemporary World (Nam-hi Hwang -
July 5, 2019 pdf)
FFWPU Hong Kong co-hosts 13th Filial
Piety Awards Ceremony - 500 participants (Nam-hi Hwang - July
6, 2019 pdf)
FFWPU Hong Kong & Filial Piety
Association's Heavenly Tribal Messiah Blessing (Nam-hi Hwang -
July 7, 2019 pdf)
Chinese People's Federation for
World Peace inaugurated in Tokyo, Japan (Thomas Hwang -
October 19, 2019 pdf)
President Trump has plenty of
issues... but I really appreciate his China policy (N. Hwang -
June 4, 2020 pdf)
This unimagined and undeserved grace
from Heaven indeed honors my family (Po-guk Hwang - October
15, 2020 pdf)
Strategy Presentations Heavenly
Korea: Central Region Leads the Unification of Heavenly Korea!
(Bo-guk Hwang - January 8, 2021 pdf)
Epoch-Making Inter-Korean Ties and
Peace - A Path to Korean Reunification (Bo-guk Hwang - July
2021 pdf)
Where there is division, Satan is
present - Wherever there is peace, God is there (Bo-guk Hwang
- July 2021 pdf)
Thinking Of A Heavenly Unified Korea
- The Concrete Vision Of A Unified Korea (Jin-tae Joo; Bo-goon
Hwang; Yu Gyeong Deuk; Sang-jae Lee and Young-bae Park - January
2022 pdf)
One Million Rally for Korea: One
World Centered On Heavenly Parent (Bo-guk Hwang - February 13,
2022 pdf)
Heavenly Korea: Subregion 2: On
Starting the 40-day Special Dedication Period for the Victory of
the 10th Anniversary of True Father's Seonghwa (Hwang Bo-guk -
July 3, 2022 pdf)
First Activity Report Chinese
People's Federation For World Peace for 2023 (Hwang Yup-ju -
February 25, 2023 pdf)
Paju Won Jeon Ceremony for Moon Hyo
Jin, Moon Heung Jin, Moon Hye Jin, and Moon Young Jin (Hwang
Bo-guk - April 6, 2023 pdf)
UPF-International ILC 2024 Calls For
Peace and Unification through Faith (Kathleen Hwang - April
22, 2024 pdf)
Hwang Bo-guk Inaugurated as 20th
President of FFWPU-Korea and Yu Kyeongdeuk as Chairman of World
Peace and Unification Family Federation Foundation (Song
Yong-cheon - August 1, 2024 pdf)
FFWPU Europe and the Middle East:
Hwang Bo-guk replaces Song Gwang-seok as President of FFWPU So.
Korea (Knut Holdhus - August 4, 2024 pdf)
FFWPU USA Leadership Changes:
Hyung-tae Ha; Mason and In-Ja Hwang; Dong-hun Lee; Elizabeth
Patterson; Ben and Shizuka Pehling; Natascha Phillips and
Takayoshi Miyamoto (Demian Dunkley - August 19, 2024 pdf)
FFWPU Europe and the Middle East:
Bo-guk Hwang on Holy Spirit Movement for Korean Reunification
(Knut Holdhus - August 26, 2024 pdf)
FFWPU Europe and the Middle East:
Bo-guk Hwang on the Ceremony Uniting Christianity and the Family
Federation (Knut Holdhus - August 31, 2024 pdf)
Revival - Hwang Bo-guk, FFWPU Korea
President, Embarks on National Tour (Song Yong-cheon -
September 1, 2024 pdf)
FFWPU Korea: Hwang Bo-guk's - 13
District Reorg and CheonBo Family Seminars (Song Yong-cheon -
November 2024 pdf)