True Parent's Direction July 23, 2002

Sun Jo Hwang
July 23, 2002

Family Federation For World Peace And Unification
Ref. No. FFWPUI 2002-30
To: Continental Directors, Regional Leaders, National Messiahs, National Leaders
From: FFWPU International Office
Date: 23 July 2002
Re: True Parents’ Special Direction concerning Mobilization of Blessed Families

Dear leaders of each nation.

May God and True Parents’ love and blessing be with you and your mission countries.

True Father has repeatedly emphasized that it is very important for blessed families to fulfill the restoration of their tribes as tribal messiahs. I announce True Parents’ special directions pertaining to tribal restoration in detail. Please encourage family members to accomplish their mission of tribal restoration.

1. The purpose of mobilization

We are to complete the organization of our tribes step by step according to the providential numbers of 36, 72, 124, 430 couples centering on our families.

2. The period of mobilization

1 July 2002 – 30 June 2005 (3 years)

3. The place of mobilization

1) Tribal restoration activities can be conducted around one’s place of residence,

2) Or centering upon one’s hometown,

3) Or centering upon one’s mission area assigned after the registration blessing.

4. Guidelines for activities and special conditions

Each nation is to issue its own guidelines concerning special conditions (prayers, fasting etc.) according to its respective situation. Time should be set aside for prayer before going out for the activities. A strong spirit of solidarity should be created.

5. The meaning of the tribe

Abel tribe: centering upon my own family connecting to relatives. Cain tribe: centering upon my own family, connecting to neighbors and friends.

6. Direction of activities

1) Use of tribal blessing file cards

Each nation is to issue its own tribal blessing file cards (based on the attached sample provided) to its blessed families for them to organize the blessing and restoration of their tribes. Please guide them to organize actively and efficiently by using these file cards. You should build up and use this database as a mailing list to your tribe for sending church publications, birthday greetings, congratulatory messages etc.

2) Progressive Restoration in 7 steps

Step 1: Education. Disseminate Divine Principle and True Parents’ words, giving them the basic mindset to relate to the central figure of tribal organization centering upon being citizens of the Cheon Il Guk.

Step 2: Holy Wine Ceremony. Explain to the members of your tribe the meaning and value of the Blessing, let them participate in the pre-blessing ceremony and spread the ideal of the true family.

Step 3: Hoon Dok Hae Registration. Organize those who have received education and participated in the holy wine ceremony to become registered Hoon Dok Hae members. (Distribute copies of hoon dok materials and messages from the spirit world)

Step 4: Issuance of Cheon Il Guk ID cards. Issue Cheon Il Guk ID cards to your tribe to become citizens of Cheon Il Guk and to make the foundation for the complete settlement of Cheon Il Guk.

Step 5: Participation in church events. Encourage them to participate regularly in church events.

Step 6: Participation in Sunday service. Encourage them to participate regularly in Sunday service, evening service

Step 7: Three-day ceremony. Guide them to fulfill their duties and responsibilities as blessed families by consummating the three-day ceremony following the main Blessing with the benediction.

Sun Jo Hwang