Day of Hope in review book 2 - Sun Myung Moon - 1974-1975

 Table of Contents

Contents - Why is His Message so Different?

Chapter 1. Day of Hope Banquet in Tokyo, Japan

Chapter 2. Sun Myung Moon Christian Crusade Presents: Celebration of Life

Chapter 3. Belvedere and Barrytown: International Training

Chapter 4. International Leadership Seminar 1974

Chapter 5. Three Day Fast for the Watergate Crisis

Chapter 6. Eight City Tour - Part 1 A - Day of Hope in New York at Madison Square Garden

Chapter 6. Eight City Tour - Part 1 B - Day of Hope in New York at Madison Square Garden

Chapter 6. Eight City Tour - Part 2 - Day of Hope in Philadelphia

Chapter 6. Eight City Tour - Part 3 - Day of Hope in Washington, D.C.

Chapter 6. Eight City Tour - Part 4 - Day of Hope in Atlanta

Chapter 6. Eight City Tour - Part 5 - Day of Hope in Chicago

Chapter 6. Eight City Tour - Part 6 - Day of Hope in Seattle

Chapter 6. Eight City Tour - Part 7 - Day of Hope in San Francisco

Chapter 6. Eight City Tour - Part 8 - Day of Hope in Los Angeles

Chapter 7. Sermon on Capitol Hill

Chapter 8. Seven Day Fast at the United Nations

Chapter 9. Third International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences

Chapter 10. Korean Professors' Proclamation

Chapter 11. Day of Hope Banquet in Seoul Korea

Chapter 12. Our Master Blesses 1,800 Couples - Part 1

Chapter 12. Our Master Blesses 1,800 Couples - Part 2

Chapter 13. Day of Hope Festival in Japan

Chapter 14. Day of Hope Festival in Korea

Chapter 15. World Rally for the Salvation of Korea - Part 1

Chapter 15. World Rally for the Salvation of Korea - Part 2

Chapter 16. Day of Hope Marches On

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