The Words of the Stein Family

 Table of Contents

A True Victory of Love Story from Brazzaville, Congo (Pamela Stein (Mlle Pamela Fifer) - November 1975 pdf)

A True Victory of Love Story from Brazzaville, Congo (Pamela Stein (Mlle. Pamela Fifer) - November 1975 - Edited August 2024 pdf)

Trials in the Congo (Pamela Stein - April 1981)

Parents Board (Dan Stein and Beverly Berndt - March 27, 2002)

Hyun Jin Nim’s Core Values in Second Generation Youth Ministry and CARP (David Stein - October, 2003)

STF Kickoff Workshop Report (Will Stein - September 19, 2005)

Colorado Workshop Report (Will Stein - October 26, 2005)

It's Africa's Turn, Aju! Appeal For Congo (Pamela Stein - April 7, 2007)

Emotional Wellness - A Family Affair (Pamela Stein - August 2010)

Emotional logic: the hidden imprints that influence our choices (Pamela Stein - September 30, 2015 pdf)

WFWP: Membership Increase 50+ by end of December! (Pamela Stein - December 11, 2015 pdf)

Dan Stein presents the Fall of Man to Unity Baptist Church in Las Vegas (Kyouko Yamaguchi - April 9, 2016 pdf)

Free One Day Seminar: Witnessing to Ministers this weekend (Dan Stein - February 17, 2017 pdf)

Testimony Upon Receiving the Hyojeong Family Award 2018 (Dan and Pamela Stein - April 2018 pdf)

Parent Sharing Group headed up by David and Kendra Stein Starting January 27 (Michael Hentrich - January 11, 2019 pdf)

FFWPU USA National Victory Contribution (Pamela Stein - September 5, 2019 pdf)

Colorado Family Church Thanksgiving Sleepover! November 30 - December 1 (David Stein - November 28, 2019 pdf)

FFWPU BFD UK: Interact - A talk about Boundaries from Kendra Stein (Michael Balcomb - April 16, 2022 pdf)

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