The Words of Hyun Jin Moon From 2012

I came to understand by attending Hyun Jin Moon

June 2012

Hyun Jin Moon -- June 6, 2012

Hello, I am a Second Generation who has been attending Hyun Jin Nim for about two years as a security guard whenever he comes to Korea. I know very well that putting up a post might cause pain for my family and it might even bring them difficulties, but I came to write this testimony considering that in order to protect my family that I love, I have to first protect God and True Parents' providence.

This is an expression of my personal opinion and thoughts. I am writing this letter because I wanted to freely express and convey the things that went through my head as I was attending Hyun Jin Nim. I would like you to read this letter knowing that it contains nobody else's thoughts but mine.

From the beginning of 2011, I had the opportunity to attend Hyun Jin Nim whenever he came to Korea. On the one hand it was a big burden to attend him because I knew I would be serving and attending a member of the True Family. Still, I always hoped Hyun Jin Nim would often come to Korea. And that is because whenever he came he would give the Second Generation and Blessed Families the gift of a message of hope. I was so thankful for that.

To me, the True Parents and the True Family were the people who allowed me to be born in this world through the Blessing, and they presented me a clear purpose and direction of how to live in this world. But I always thought they were people whom I could not approach.

However, attending Hyun Jin Nim I was once again able to understand the value of the True Family and I could feel that he, as an elder brother of the True Family, is trying to show us the right way. Although I am a Second Generation from a Blessed Family, while we were inside the car Hyun Jin Nim would always give me guidance and his words were always about the providence. I was amazed at how he is always thinking about the providence.

In the period that I attended Hyun Jin Nim in Korea, Hyun Jin Nim was concerned about how to advance Father's providence even one day faster and he was worried about how to guide the Blessed Families towards the right path. At the dormitory, in the car, and even at the dining table Hyun Jin Nim would not stop talking about God and True Parents' providence and he would not stop giving guidance to the leaders. 'Wow, that is really what Abel is like. True love that invests with no end in sight...' is what my mind and body told me I was experiencing.

Last May 6th, Hyun Jin Nim shed more tears than he did at the 21 day Alaska workshop of 2001 as he spoke to us. While he was speaking to us I realized something. Us, the Second Generation, have been too weak till now. There are few to none Second Gen who are dedicating their lives to True Parents' providence and we have not been able to understand the value of it. We have all disappeared... I should become stronger. If the Blessed Families and the Second Gen do not become stronger we will not be able to protect the work that God and True Parents have established nor will we be able to protect God's providence. As these thoughts came to my mind I determined to become more brave.

Chung Hwan Kwak-- June 6, 2012

And last month, after attending Hyun Jin Nim for over a year and a half, I asked him a question for the first time.

"Hyun Jin Nim, how do you overcome all the difficulties and persecution you are going through?" His answer was simple.

"I believe and have conviction in God and True Parents' dream. And because I'm an owner of that dream all these difficulties and persecution are nothing." And he emphasized that the Second Gen should also become owners of True Parents' dream.

One month later Hyun Jin Nim returned to Korea after having been in Paraguay and Japan. He seemed to be in higher spirits than before and I could feel that his passion and conviction towards the vision were stronger. And on June 5th, after he had dinner he asked me a question while we were going from one place to another.

"What do you think should I say to the Blessed Families tomorrow?"

I did not hesitate and answered "Give us a challenging speech". My reasoning was simple. I told him that I believed that in order to protect and construct God's vision the Blessed Families have to become more gutsy and stronger.

On June 6, there were over 1000 members and Peace Ambassadors were gathered at the event. In that place, Hyun Jin Nim gave a speech that all could understand and digest. At times he spoke focusing on the Peace Ambassadors. He himself would read parts of Peace Message number 1 and explain its meaning to us. I felt that he spoke to us as an elder brother would. I felt that Hyun Jin Nim did not give 100% of the strong and deep message that he wanted to deliver to the members, but still Hyun Jin Nim formulated the message well in such a way that all those present could understand and agree upon God and True Parents' dream.

To be honest, at first I also thought that all of this would be resolved if Hyun Jin Nim quickly went to see Father and get it over with. And I thought that in the Korean CARP Cafe forum people are always fighting and arguing, and that we are plunging ourselves deeper into a hole we can't come out of. But now I think that it is the opportune time for the Blessed Families, especially the Second Gen, to carry the providence forwards as protagonists. I see the confusion that is happening now as a necessary process of transference to establish the correct paradigm. I think it's a necessary process in order for us to carry forward True Parents' providence and to substantiate and complete God's dream. And in this process the Second Gen have to become stronger than ever. And I determined that we have to survive in this world to settle God's vision, protect the work that True Parents established, and fulfill our role and mission as Blessed Families living in the Era After the Coming of Heaven.

This is not something that Hyun Jin Nim brainwashed me with. And these are not words that Hyun Jin Nim's close leaders told me. And in the beginning I was neither a supporter nor a denier of Hyun Jin Nim. I came here to see for myself simply because I felt that God and True Parents' providence was not advancing with the Unification Church. But I saw Hyun Jin Nim advancing that providence in his work through another vehicle, so I wanted to join him in the creation of True Parents' providence.

However, when I see Hyun Jin Nim and when I listen to him speaking I could feel True Parents' heart of love for humanity, and I could look at the providence with a humbler heart. This brought me to prepare myself to become a stronger person who can unfold the providence in this world.

I don't know how many times more I will see Hyun Jin Nim. I don't know how many times I will be able to attend him. But if there's one thing that I'm thankful to him is that in this short period he allowed me to see God and True Parents not simply as objects of my own faith, but he taught me, and trained me to really understand them as the True Parents of all humankind. For that I am thankful.

In the future, I determine to protect God and True Parents' providence and to fulfill my responsibility as a Blessed Family.

To finish I want to say that I am a Second Generation from an insignificant humble family. If I could feel and experience this much, I believe that the elder Blessed Families and elder brothers and sisters who know and understand God's providence correctly will be able to understand it much faster than I did.

The Hyun Jin Nim that I experienced while attending him is a person who is truly thinking of God and True Parents, and who loves True Parents more than anyone else through his deeds, not words. Hyun Jin Nim is running forwards, not as a heretic and destroyer, but as a son whose eyes and mind are set only on God and True Parents' providence, and as a son who is trying to return everything to True Parents.

Thank you for reading my letter to the end. 

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