Chapter 3 - The Fall

The discovery

The great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the Devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world — he was thrown down to the earth.

Rev. 12:9

Why do men and women have to wait and discipline themselves instead of just jumping into love whenever they feel like it? We know that the creation is bounded by a certain period of growth. Therefore, a child’s love cannot be consummated as soon as he is born; he must grow into the fullest realization of love.

Some accident occurred during the period of growth, an accident of love. We have an explanation of the whole process of that accident of love. We know that love is the supreme power, and therefore the consequences of the accident have been so grave. God gave the man and woman a commandment during their growth period, specifying that they should not do certain things.

In unlocking the problems of the universe, I realized that the greatest discovery was the truth about the Fall of man. If the forbidden fruit was a literal apple or pear which God placed right in the middle of the Garden of Eden, then God’s plan must have been imperfect. This was not the case.

Rather, I have brought a revolutionary declaration to the world that the forbidden “fruit” was a symbol of love between man and woman. From love can spring either good or evil fruit: therefore, the tree was described as one of the knowledge of good and evil.

Love is the judgment point for mankind. What is the love that God can relate with? God warned Adam and Eve to grow into the full sensation of love — for Adam to discover all of a sudden that Eve was not just a sister but a woman, and for Eve to discover that Adam was not just a brother but a man. In the sensation of love, Adam and Eve’s mind and body could work together and experience the electricity of touching each other.

Once Adam and Eve realized the explosion of their love, the entire universe would have been like one beautiful, fragrant flower garden. They would see everything echoing their love. When that electrifying sensation came to God, then He would be pulled to them and His entire creation would have been activated with love. God was supposed to be the matchmaker, bringing Adam and Eve together in the explosion of love.

In the ensuing explosion of love, all three of them would be consumed! The important thing is that there be no foreign element there, that men and women be pure when they consummate their first love. Then they become the core of the universe.

This core would be so powerful that everything else would be pulled into it, even God. Children would be multiplied from that core, and it would continue to grow and grow. From a family, the core would grow into a tribe, then a nation and a world. How wonderful a world it is when the universe echoes the love of the core. That is the Kingdom of Heaven on earth — that is the true world.

At this time in history Reverend Moon is declaring to the world that the Fall of man was an accident of love. This is the greatest declaration because it hits the core of evil. It is also a most logical and correct diagnosis, making possible the correct prescription for treatment.

Analyzing an event from 6,000 years ago was not easy, so it had to be done step by step. The love core was not achieved, and the opposite, evil result came into being, bringing division and perverted love.

This resulted in not only denial of God, but denial of parents, of men and women. Human civilization has sunk below that of animals. In this world there has been no ideal because no individual has had the correct diagnosis and could not find the proper prescription to achieve a cure.

Parents, Children and the World Centering on Oneself • June 5, 1983

God called out

8And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden. 9But the Lord God called to the man, and said to him, “Where are you?” 10And he said. “I heard the sound of thee in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked and I hid myself” 11He said. “Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten of the tree of which I commanded you not to eat?”

• Genesis 3

Fathom the painful heart of God who called, “Adam, Adam!” after Adam and Eve fell. God was in the position to abandon Adam and Eve, who had abandoned Him, the Creator; but God looked for Adam, calling out “Adam, Adam!” We must realize that God was not just calling for the two people, Adam and Eve. He was calling out to the history of humankind.

Until today, people on earth have been ignorant of the internal heart of God who called out to Adam after the creation. The voice that called out to Adam, at that time, became words of sorrow that represent the 6,000-year history of grief today.

God called Adam with the sorrowful heart that represented all the grief inside the fallen realm after the creation of the world. Although 6000 years of long history have passed since Adam, God is connecting the event of that time to the present era and is calling out to us, the second Adam and Eve, in the same manner.

We should realize the distressed heart of God, who was calling for Adam and Eve after the Fall, this was the heart of the Father who felt indescribably heartbroken when He saw that Adam had entered the forbidden place and had fallen.

When we grab onto that heart and mourn with the same heart, God can continue again in His dispensation of restoration toward people on the earth. Never forget that God has been calling out to you by setting up countless prophets and saints throughout the course of history. The voice calling out to fallen Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden is still heard today.

Heaven Is Calling Us • January 5, 1958

Consequence and responsibility

17And to Adam he said, “Because you have listened to the voice of your wife and have eaten of the tree of which I commended you, ‘Thou shall not eat of it.’ cursed is the ground because of it; in toil you shall eat of it all the days of your life; 18 thorns and thistles it shall bring forth to you and you shall eat the plants of the field.” …22Then the Lord God said. “Behold, the man has become like one of us, knowing good and evil; and now, lest he put forth his hand and take also of the Tree of Life, and eat, and live forever.23 Therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the Garden of Eden, to till the ground from which he was taken.

• Genesis 3

This fallen world is certainly not the world in which we long to live; it is the culmination of thousands of generations of fallen ancestors. …Looking back upon history, we find that our ancestry is not what we would have desired.

This is not the world that God planned, but rather the fallen world. Each generation has multiplied the results of the Fall, thousands upon thousands of fallen generations have brought the world to its present state. Each segment of history was terrible. When you think deeply about fallen history, can’t you feel how shockingly horrible it has been…

God has suffered far more than any human being; otherwise, He would not be qualified to teach suffering people. Parents can educate their children and the children listen because parents have endured more. The teacher who has experienced and suffered a lot is a better-qualified instructor. If a student has endured more suffering than the teacher, the teacher does not know how to guide him.

The world of creation exists for human beings, and it is pleading with us to be used for a good purpose. Even the fallen world will say, “Please apply the law of restitution and use me through it.” Restitution is necessary everywhere.

We must understand clearly what we are living for. The direction in which we are headed is the path of restitution for the sake of the world. This is the path that leads directly to the center of the whole. This is our daily direction.

Wherever we go — whether a family, a company, a nation or the world — we must show a good example. Our task is to overcome the payment due on all those levels. Do you understand?

What happened because of the Fall? By falling Adam and Eve were separated from God and cut off from the angelic world. They lost everything. They were expelled from the Garden, which means they lost the standard of true human beings, the true family standard, and the true national standard. Who was responsible for that? It wasn’t God, nor was it the angelic world, nor the world of creation. It was the responsibility of humankind.

Therefore, we are destined to follow the course of the providence of restoration. A person cannot go this path alone. He or she needs the help of God and the spirit world. Therefore God and the spirit world have been mobilized to help fallen man on earth complete the history of re-creation.

People in the Old Testament Age made offerings to God using things from the creation. Such offerings united God, the spirit world and the creation into a substantial foundation. Through these successful offerings, the foundation to restore a substantial Adam was begun.

This foundation of offering was supposed to be established worldwide. To do that, a particular nation, Israel, was elected. It was God’s hope that Israel would become the most important nation in the world, so that when the foundation was completed there, it would represent the entire world. On that kind of foundation, perfected Adam and Eve would be able to stand.

A person who cannot live up to the absoluteness of God’s law cannot cross the absolute barrier which God erected after the Fall. When Adam and Eve united with Satan and died spiritually, God set cherubim with a flaming sword to guard the way so no one could re-enter the Garden of Eden.

When we give the Blessing of marriage, we are aiming to harvest the fruit in this springtime of the providence, being admitted past the cherubim with the flaming sword to consummate the goal. When kingship and queenship is sealed in you, then even if you march to the gates of hell, the door will open. There will be no place you cannot conquer and nowhere you cannot go. Everywhere you go you shall bring springtime.

Spring Season of the Providence • April 1, 1979