CSG 2006 - Absolute Sex

Book 6
Our Life and the Spiritual Realm

Chapter 1
The Path of Life

§4. The Secret of Entering Heaven
§4.4. Heaven and hell are divided based upon absolute sex

The first love relationship between a man and a woman is their time for meeting God. The moment of the first love relationship after marriage is the point at which the husband is perfected as a man. He rules over God’s entire world of plus as an antenna. He represents all male-types and right-sided beings. The negative electrical charge and positive electrical charge meet at exactly the same point at the top of the antenna. The point where a husband and wife make love is where they are both perfected. The royal palace of love can begin from that place and establish itself on earth as the center of heaven and earth. It is the origin of perfected love, and life can be connected from there. Is this not so? The lineage is connected to that place. At the same time, a heavenly nation is created from there. The Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in the spirit world begins from the first perfected love relationship, from that place where the gate of the first perfected love is opened. Humankind has not understood this. (261-16, 1994.5.15)

Do you know about the original palace of love? The first love relationship is the beginning point of the Kingdom of Heaven both on earth and in the spirit world. It is where man and woman are absolutely united into one. In the absolute state of unified masculinity and femininity within God, God’s invisible internal nature and external form could divide and start the process of creating human beings. Similarly, man and woman give birth to sons and daughters by becoming one in love. Human beings are creating, in the visible, substantial realm, that which was created by the invisible God. Love is the power that can join lineages. What is the central axis that can bring together different lineages? What is the power plant? It is the first love between the convex and concave parts of man and woman. From that love, for the first time, electricity begins to be generated through the love relationship. That place is the epicenter for the generation of true love, true life, true lineage, and a true family on earth, as well as the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in the spirit world. Those who ignore this cannot truly exist. They can only go to hell. There is no way around this. (259-229, 1994.4.10)

You have to realize the importance of the love organs of man and woman. God comes down through them. God’s liberation begins from them. God can begin to sing and dance around them. They are connected to the royal palace of love, to the eternal royal palace. The gate of the first love relationship of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in the spirit world opens in that place. Does this seem true or false? Were you all aware of how valuable this was when you were single? Your first love is important. If your first love goes away, the whole universe goes to hell. This is where everything was lost: the royal palace of love, the royal palace of life, the future history of true lineage, and the origin of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in the spirit world. What would be the fate of the one whose first love went wrong? There exists a set of principles and laws, yet what is his fate? He will have no place to continue to exist. He will be thrown out. People were created to live forever, but they are going to waste. Onto the wasteland they go. They end up living upside-down. (261-27, 1994.5.15)

Where is the original place where the perfection of man, woman, and even God is brought about? Where can God’s love be perfected? Where can man and woman be perfected? Where is the central place of settlement? These are the issues. The heaven that emerges from the ideal of love cannot expand on the earth without knowing where that place is. Is that place your eyes, your nose, your hand, or your feet? Where is it? (261-167, 1994.6.9)

The place where man and woman, convex and concave, unite is the place where God is perfected. That is where woman, who is one half, and man, who is the other half, is perfected. The land of settlement, where the ideal of God’s love can be perfected, begins from the place where concave and convex unite and the first love relationship is established after marriage. The first love relationship of man and woman represents the place where the object partner of God is perfected. This is the core of the universe. When this moves, the entire universe swings back and forth in harmony. It is the base for the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in the spirit world. Since this is the origin of love, it is called the original palace of love. Among the many royal palaces, the central palace is called the original palace. This is the original palace of love, life, and lineage, and the origin of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in the spirit world. It is the place where the freedom, happiness, and peace longed for by humanity begin. This place is the royal palace for love, life, lineage, and all creation. The individual, family, tribe, and race are connected from here. You should understand that it is the original source and starting point of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in the spirit world. It is also the origin of freedom, happiness, and peace. If a woman does not have a man, she is in absolute darkness. If a man does not have a woman, he is in absolute darkness. (261-173, 1994.6.9)

Where is the greatest place a man can worship? Is it a woman’s face? Is it her breasts? Is it her body? Where is it? There is only one place where concave and convex can fit together. The natural environment, the society, nation, world, universe, and Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in the spirit world are brought into connection by this place. This is the iron rule and formula for the existing world. (262-55, 1994.7.23)

The base of peace and everything that constitutes the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in the spirit world arises from love. What kind of love? Is it man’s love, woman’s love, or the combined love of man and woman? It is the combined love. Where does the love of a man and woman come together? Is it combined at the face? Is it combined at the fingertips? It is combined at the concave and convex organs. (263-52, 1994.8.16)

God’s wedding is Adam and Eve’s wedding. Consequently, the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and the Kingdom of Heaven in the spirit world are created at the same time. They begin from the love nest. The moment a man and woman unite through their sexual organs without committing the Fall is the origin of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in the spirit world. That place is the base upon which the three great Kingships should be established. The love nest can be built in no other place. (263-57, 1994.8.16)

Since the first love relationship is the starting point for establishing the ideal heaven, it is the royal place of love. It is the royal palace. The sexual organs are the royal place of love. In order for it to become a royal palace, you have to be married centered on God. Through married life, the royal palace of love is created. How is a couple united? Are they united through the lips when a man kisses a woman? They are united through the concave and convex organs. This is a tremendous discovery. Through this love relationship, the entire being of a man and the entire being of a woman are completely united. From here, the lineages of man and woman are brought together and, for the first time, amid a vortex, a new history is connected and established based on a new life. It does not end with one generation. The eternal history is connected. The Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in the spirit world begins from this place. (263-122, 1994.8.21)

A wife lives for the sake of her husband’s love organ. She lives for love, life, and her sons and daughters. All women like babies. Women have large breasts and large hips for the sake of the baby. Their attributes should be locked up. Where can we find the original place of the three great palaces of true love, life, and lineage? This is a fundamental issue for human beings. This is the root of the family, society, and nation, and the root and origin of the earth, the spirit world, and the Kingdom of Heaven. (252-104, 1993.11.14)

The original palace of love is the royal palace that perfects God and brings solace to Him. How is this achieved? The royal palace emerges at the unified meeting point of Adam and Eve’s convex and concave sexual organs. That is a truly great place. Thus, the sexual organs are called the original palace of love. These are amazing words. The original palace of love is the royal palace that perfects the entire creation of heaven and earth and also provides a place of settlement for all, even God. The Kingdom of Heaven in the spirit world and on earth does not come first. Heaven begins from the family. That is the original palace. These are amazing words. The place of conjugal unity is the original palace based on true love, true life, and true lineage. It is the origin of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in the spirit world. Without this unity, the original world of the Kingdom of Heaven, the spiritual realm, and the earthly realm of human beings cannot be established. This amazing place of true love has been vulgarized. Since it became the cause of national ruin and destroyed heaven and earth, it has been treated as the most evil thing to this day. Originally, it was something holy. You teachers, do you understand? When you get up in the morning, you should greet your love organ, saying, “Good morning!” You should know that this very place is the place that enables you to attend the love of your greatest ancestors rather than the ancestors themselves. (263-347, 1994.10.27)

If you use your love organ recklessly, you will be punished. It is the royal palace of love, the ancestral garden of love. Love, life, and even history started from that place. It is the origin of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in the spirit world. The origin of God’s happiness is formed there. The basis for God’s smile starts from there. That is the very place where God can find love and dance with joy. You have to search for and find that place. Is this right or not? This is how precious it is. (256-199, 1994.3.13)

The fact that the flower of God and the flower of human beings blossom from love allows the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in the spirit world to emerge. Thus, the phrase, “True love is the flower of complete perfection,” makes sense. In this regard, each of you inherited from God the ability to create new life through the conjugal relationship. How great is the glorious position of being able to feel the joy God felt, and to experience the eternal existence of God deeply and substantially? (256-235, 1994.3.13)

If you wish to become a beautiful person in heaven, you should harmonize with the flower of love that blooms in all its glory, express the beauty and the fragrance of that flower in the world of relationships, and live on this earth in a manner that can harbor new seeds from that flower. When you pass on to the spirit world after living in this way, you will appear in the same way in the eternal world. (256-170, 1994.3.13)

The woman’s sexual organs are the source of the universe. The place where you hold a relationship of love becomes the original palace of love. It is the original palace. Love begins from there. The first love relationship of a blessed marriage is the start of the original palace of love. The life of the woman and the life of the man become one for the first time. Therefore, that place is the original palace of ideal life and the original lineage begins from there. Thus, that place becomes the original palace of the lineage. Heaven also begins from there, so that place also becomes the original palace for the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in the spirit world, and the original palace of human perfection and God’s perfection. (257-324, 1994.3.16)

When human beings fell, it was because of love. Thus, the sexual organs are the most terrifying thing. Religion regards the act of adultery as the sin to be most feared. So then, is free sex in America part of the devil’s doctrine for expanding hell, or a doctrine for expanding heaven? It is a part of the devil’s doctrine. It is the kingdom of hell on earth and the kingdom of hell in the spirit world. All of it will be destroyed. (261-302, 1994.7.24)

I searched for all manner of truth. I looked into the spirit world and the physical world and inquired into all the scriptures. Yet, there were no answers to my questions. Does God exist or not? If God exists, He would not leave the world the way it is. I fought to reach a conclusion about these issues. What are the fundamental principles regarding the birth of humankind? Why was humankind born? Man was born for the sake of woman. This is the greatest truth of all truths. The ideal man is the greatest truth for a woman. This is the essence of the truth of the ideal that perfects the entire universe. For a man, an ideal woman is also the essence of the truth of the universe. She is an absolute embodiment of truth. (267-230, 1995.1.8)

I never imagined that the fundamental problems humanity has struggled with, to this day, had such a simple and straightforward solution. I went through terrible hardships. Not knowing how simple the solutions were, I entered the spirit world and searched through things that were extremely repulsive and suffered all sorts of hardships. In the end, I discovered that the solutions existed within each one of us. I exclaimed, “Ah! This is what I did not know!” The answers lie within us. This is inspiring! The entire universe is inside you. It is inside every one of us. (199-314, 1990.2.21)

The truth is not found outside of ourselves. Each one of us is equipped with the truth. It is not something that can be learned anywhere else. I myself searched everywhere for the truth, but I could not find it anywhere in the universe. I searched all over the spirit world, throughout the earthly world, and suffered in the pursuit of discovering it, but in the end, I realized God has given everything to us. It was a big surprise. I had not known until then, but all the answers lie within us. (263-97, 1994.8.21)

4.5. Conjugal love is the central flower of the ideal of love

God has the attributes of vertical dual characteristics and human beings are substantial entities that have attributes of horizontal dual characteristics. The ideal of the husband and wife is the unity of God and human beings in a perfect sphere, actually the shape of an apple. They are the parent body consisting of four shapes of internal nature connecting the ideals of love from the north, south, east, and west. (127-99, 1983.5.5)

If you are married, you no longer exist just in a horizontal plane. Although you as an individual only have a two-dimensional base, the vertical concept comes into being when high connects to low. A two-dimensional history might bring order to the universe, but it will not bring order to the cosmos. When the vertical meets the horizontal at a ninety degree angle, it all fits together, whether you replace heaven with the earth, or the earth with heaven, or front with back, or back with front, or between any correlative aspects – left, right, top, bottom, front, or back. The standard for the perfection of the physical world leads to the complete perfection of the spirit world. (230-259, 1992.5.8)

While on earth, you have to paint the absolute ideal of husband and wife, establish an artistic couple, and draw a picture of love never created before. The passing over to the spirit world with this picture is the beginning of a journey into an infinite, eternal, and heavenly world. There, you do not need money. You do not need food. You do not need clothes. If there is something you want to give to your beloved partner, it will be your privilege to give it to them. If you want to clothe your partner with garments of gold or anything imaginable on earth, then, by maintaining an earnest and giving heart of love, the object will appear. You will be able to travel anywhere you like. You will be free wherever you go. (271-281, 1995.8.28)

You have to make your family life into a work of art. You have to become a pleasing and artistic husband. If you find something good in a magazine, you should bring it home and read it with a soothing voice to your wife when she is about to fall asleep. If you dream of your wife while falling asleep after having been deeply moved by this, your dream will be substantiated. This way of life will continue into the spirit world. How wonderful this is! Would you like to live like this, or would you like to live as very drab couples? If you wish to live such a life, you have to assume a new direction with a fresh mind-set enabling you to possess good vitality. This is the basic requirement. (271-282, 1995.8.28)

When you enter the spirit world, you will not need to farm but rather you will just eat and be at leisure. Then how will you enjoy yourself? You have to think about this. Do you think you would become bored? How would you enjoy your life if you were not involved in any disputes? How can you enjoy life without something that you would never tire of, even in a thousand years, something you would enjoy touching and listening to for thousands of years, even for billions of years? Food, you can eat everyday. Spirit world is a place where you easily can find anything you wish to eat and do anything you like. (279-21, 1996.6.9)

There, you would live a mobile lifestyle. (203-57, 1990.6.14)

If you watch TV for a month, you come to know everything about how people live in this world. Everything becomes very predictable and you become tired of it. This is why you have to understand the spirit world. You must know the spirit world. When you offer your prayer with sincerity, the image of the spirit world will unfold. How wonderful that will be! Angels will come down and dance. Even those famous people from hundreds of years ago will gather to dance. How wonderful! These are not fanciful ideas. (203-57, 1990.6.14)

In the original world, all elements are connected, as the parts of a plant are connected to the root. The sap, leaves, and flowers growing from the same roots will all be of the same strain. If you can harmonize with the essential elements coming from your roots, then, when there is unity, there is nothing extra you need to learn. Can any one draw his or her own face with total accuracy? Why do you need a drawing when each of you has something even greater? What use is a picture when you can have a beautiful couple with the ideal of love, a couple blossoming through the relationship of man and woman? This is how precious love is. The greatest masterpieces among paintings themselves are yearning to praise the love of the ideal couple. You do not realize how valuable this is. When people wear colorful clothes, they do so in such a way that reflects and harmonizes with the environment in accordance with the seasons. All sorts of cultures and the arts have developed in empathy with and as an expression of love of the environment. (202-92, 1990.5.6)

If your spirit self lives for eternity after entering the spirit world, who would you seek out? Your mother or father? Your elder brother or elder sister? Your children? It would not be your children. It would not be your elder brother or sister, nor would it be your mother or father. It would be your spouse. Why? You feel tremendous joy and fulfillment in having given birth to and having raised children. The joy of giving birth to a baby for the first time, after living as a couple, is the most stimulating. Amidst that joy, your heart goes out most to the first son. With one mind, the husband and wife both invest their heart in the baby. This is why the first child if often loved the most. The difference between the first son and second son is that the first son received more love. The same can be said for the first daughter. The first son and first daughter are, undoubtedly, the extension of the father and the extension of the mother. (258-242, 1994.3.20)

When human beings reach perfection, God’s internal nature enters the mind of man, and God’s external form enters the mind of woman. The substantial marriage ceremony for Adam and Eve becomes God’s marriage ceremony. You will know this clearly when you go to the spirit world. This incomprehensible theory is correct. So, where is God? Where can He be found in relation to the couple? He is in the womb. This is where God is found. This is where the root of love is. I have revealed, for the first time in history, the systematic arrangement of the spirit world and its composition. (252-119, 1993.11.14)

Do you think God does not look at your couple when you are making love? It is all public. It is publicly in view before the entire spirit world. It is a big mistake to say that God does not see you. Your ancestors are all watching you. In the spirit world, you can see the act of love right before your eyes. You are being watched as if you were doing it standing on the palm of their hand. Therefore, it is a big mistake to try to hide this. (250-244, 1993.10.15)

All the harmonies and phenomena of this world that come out of love are as a fragrance to God. God wants to live within this beautiful fragrance and so He is seeking it. God’s love descends to the place of sexual relationship between husband and wife. This is where all creation and the universe are harmonized. (Blessed Family - 889)

If you think about a royal palace of love, there is a royal palace in the spirit world and a royal palace on the earth. Where do these palaces make contact? !at is the question. In other words, where do human beings and God meet? The sexual organs that bring the unity of true love are the original land. Since this is the original land, in terms of palaces, it becomes the original palace. This is the palace that God initiates, and it is the first thing He initiates. It is the original palace. (265-215, 1994.11.21)

After happily living together with your spouse, what will you think about when you pass away? You will always think about the love organ. You will remember your spouse’s face and kiss. The only memories that remain after going to the spirit world are the ones about the union of the love organs when the husband and wife kissed and made love. Would you want to pass away holding and kissing the love organ? (269-57, 1995.4.7)

Through love, you are born as an incarnation of God and you live by love. You give birth to sons and daughters in order to reach the destination of love and you return to God in order to live with Him for eternity. Therefore, when you become completely united in love, you come to resemble God. When a couple comes into union, completely fulfills these three stages of life, and goes to the spirit world, they become an object partner god before God, who is the eternal subject partner. This happens when a couple lives and passes away centering on true love. Thus, human beings begin life with God and end their life with God. (207-36, 1990.10.21)

Men and women should live intoxicated by conjugal love. This is their aspiration. If they are attending their parents, they should want to live amidst their parents’ love and the love of the family. That is the ideal and source of happiness. Happiness does not exist elsewhere. No matter how much you like the spirit world, after you go there, what will you do? I will seek out Mother. I will look for Mother. There are two mothers. One who gave birth to you as a baby and the other who gave birth to your sons and daughters. Two mothers live in one household: your mother who gave birth to you and the mother of your sons and daughters. There is also your father’s mother, your grandmother. This is why you love your mother. Is it not so? (174-250, 1988.3.1)

Each of you resembles God. You also resemble the perfected Adam and Eve. You resemble both parents. Since these are united as one, your mind and body do not struggle against each other. Man and woman do not struggle against each other. They are completely one. A new fountain gushes forth in the perfected place where the spirit world and physical world are one, where God the Creator and the creation are one and complete. This is the starting point for peace. It is the beginning of happiness. It is the beginning of the ideal and of hope. All these things were lost and hence, should be restored. (254-281, 1994.2.15)

In the spirit world, you will find that those born as men, who lived alone and died single, are not in a good place. They cannot go to a good place. In these circumstances, they lower their heads when they gaze upon God and look down before Him. God asks, “Hey you, why are you looking down?” If the tip of the male’s organ is pointing downwards, the man can only look down. What does that mean? How can a monk, born as a man, not knowing the harmony of heaven and earth, the union of yin and yang, and conjugal love, understand the way of love, which is the center of the great principle of heaven and earth? (197-24, 1990.1.7)

If you go to the spirit world without giving birth to and raising sons and daughters, you will have to stay on one side. You will not be free to move about. You will be in shame. Thus, those who emphasize a single life are under the direct line of the devil. The devil, Satan, will be driven out in the Last Days. Even so, such people will follow Satan. The devil was once the archangel. He does not live with the ideal of loving a spouse. Consequently, when that age comes, the young people will fall into ruin; the older men and women will grow weary of love, and sink into the devil’s love, leading a single life. Those who lead a single life will all end up in hell. (228-263, 1992.7.5)

Those who live a single life stand as criminals before God’s original will. Those who practice birth control and declare they will not have children will go to the other world and face the words of judgment: “Through your sons and daughters, I was going to send the prince and princess that would govern the universe! Shame on you!” Once you pass into the spirit world, these things will be known in an instant. You would come to know of this in a moment. God was trying to bring blessings to your generation and tribe through the merits of your ancestors who had worked hard through thousands and tens of thousands of years of bitter painful history. Yet, you were the one who cut off that channel. (264-150, 1994.10.9)

Widows will have a hard time in the other world. I do not mean widows, but those who live alone. What do you call them? I mean those single women who never married, and those men who die single. After they die, people call them bachelor ghosts. What do you call them while they are still alive? A bachelor ghost is a dead person. What is the word? What do we call them? A single woman? Single people have a hard time in the spirit world. They are not able to harmonize with anyone wherever they go. When a single woman goes to the groups of women or when a single man goes to the groups of men, they have no place to stand on. They have nowhere to go. So they head for a shadowy place, a world of shade. They cannot turn around. Harmony is possible centered on love in all directions: east, west, south, and north. Since they are stuck in one direction, they cannot turn back. You will see for yourself when you pass to the spirit world. (194-42, 1989.10.15)

You should not stain your Blessing lineage. All of you should be fully aware of this. Your lineage is your asset that will enable you to succeed to and inherit heaven. It is like a document of your blood relatives, or deed papers to your lineage. It is the equivalent of your genealogy. The issue is how you protect your purity. (263-62, 1994.8.16)

4.6. Entering heaven as a family unit

Our families and the Kingdom of Heaven have similar characteristics. There are parents, husband and wife, children, and brothers and sisters in a family. The household can be united through love. In a family, unification can be established, life can be connected, and the ideal can be realized. Therefore, you can become qualified to enter the Kingdom of Heaven when you respect conjugal love and parental love. Grandparents hand down love to parents, who hand down love to husband and wife, who hand down love to children. If you deny any one of these, the Kingdom of Heaven cannot be established. You should love your parents more than you love your spouse, and you should love your grandparents more than you love your parents. This is the essence of Heaven and the ideal motto. (Blessed Family - 946)

As God is the original substance of true love, when one is connected to true love, everyone becomes part of one body. Parents are gods living in God’s stead on earth, husband and wife are mutual counterpart gods, and sons and daughters are little gods. A family structure comprising three generations centering on true love in this manner is the basis of the Kingdom of Heaven. without achieving such a basis, the kingdom cannot be established. The family is the center of the universe. The perfection of the family is the basis for the perfection of the universe, so if there is love in a family and love for the universe, you can freely go anywhere. In this case, God stands in the combined central position of love as the Parent of the whole universe. (298-306, 1999.1.17)

The four-position foundation of the Unification Principle is the realm of love of three generations. When three generations live together in one household in love and happiness, the ideal of the cre- ation of heaven and earth is established. Naturally, husband and wife should love each other and they should pray for their children with love and sincerely care for them in order to create a happy and harmonious family. When this is accomplished vertically through three generations and connected horizontally with relatives, perfect love is established. Even cousins and second cousins should become one in love to form the perfect shape of love. (Blessed Family - 947)

The family is the basic unit of the Kingdom of Heaven. Once you enter the Kingdom of Heaven, you would never want to leave, because “The One” with whom you want to meet ten times and even hundreds of times, dwells there. If all humankind had a common desire to enter there and wanted to meet and live with “The One,” the world could be unified right away. The Unification Church is heading towards that destination. However, this cannot happen all at once. First, an individual foundation should be established, followed by the family foundation, which then extends to the people, nation, and world. (12-180, 1963.4.1)

Where does the life in the Kingdom of Heaven begin? It starts in a family. It does not start anywhere else. The Kingdom of Heaven is the spherically extended form of a family. It is not something wholly outside the domain of a family. Therefore, you have to think you are embracing your spouse so that the men and women of the world may become one. The family is the place where you can erect the foundation for loving the whole of humankind. (30-82, 1970.3.17)

What is the world of God’s ideal of creation? It is a world where the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in the spirit world is established through the authority of the True Parents. The Kingdom of Heaven can only be established on the foundation of love. In the fallen world, no one received the love of true parents; there is no trace of it. Since this has been the case on earth, the same situation also applies for people who have passed to the spirit world. Man’s love, woman’s love, son’s love, daughter’s love, parents’ love, and God’s love are all included in the original family-level foundation centering on God. Whoever loves their parents, spouse, and children in such a harmonized manner leads the life of the Kingdom of Heaven. (Blessed Family - 946)

What is the mission of the Unification Church? It is different from other religions of the past that have emphasized individual salvation. The Unification Church wants to build the original ideal world as it was before the Fall. When people perfect themselves in heart, marry with God’s love at the center of their relationship, and give birth to children, they can enter the Kingdom of Heaven that is the original ideal world. How can people claim it is the Kingdom of Heaven if the father goes to hell while the mother goes to heaven or if the parents go to heaven while the children go to hell? The Kingdom of Heaven is the place everyone goes to – parents and children, tribes, peoples, and nations. (42-286, 1971.3.27)

God’s ideal for the Kingdom of Heaven on earth can be established for the first time in the place where heaven is established on the family level. This should become a four-position foundation. In the Unification Principle, the perfection of the ideal of creation is the perfection of the four-position foundation. Why is this so? It is because the four-position foundation is established when the world of vertical relationships and the world of horizontal relationships are created through three stages, centering on God and Adam and Eve. The horizontal world can unfold only through Adam and Eve’s sons and daughters. When this happens, the vertical world forms naturally. Considering the body, the children are the horizontal extension or multiplication of the body and the spirit world is the horizontal extension of the mind. God is able to come down there for the first time. Thus, the Kingdom of Heaven is manifested on the earth. (96-29, 1978.1.1)

The Unification Church view of salvation is not just that the husband goes to heaven while the wife goes to hell. Both have to be together. You cannot let your father and mother go to hell. You should bring them, as well as your sons and daughters, to the Kingdom of Heaven. The Unification Church is on a different level of teaching from any other religion since it shows the way to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven with the family and with the tribe whom we love. This is why the Unification Church emphasizes the family while other religions emphasize the single way of life. The family-centered way is the way to go. This kind of family lives for the sake of God and the world. This is the way for Unification Church members to follow. (34-359, 1970.9.20)

The Unification Church teaches that salvation absolutely cannot come to you as an individual alone. Individually, you cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven. You cannot enter by yourself alone. This is the principle. In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve would have been able to enter the Kingdom of Heaven together. Could the husband, Adam, or the wife, Eve, have entered the Kingdom of Heaven alone? You cannot enter the Kingdom without the unity of husband and wife and family. This is the ideal. What kind of heaven is it if the father goes to hell and the mother goes to heaven? You should enter the Kingdom of Heaven as a couple, a family, and furthermore, with the relatives and tribe, and ultimately the whole nation. (50-63, 1971.10.31)

You should attend your grandfather like God, and your father and mother like the parents who can unify the world. Your grandfather is the special envoy of the heavenly world, and your father is the ambassador plenipotentiary to this world. You should think of yourself as growing to become the ambassador plenipotentiary, the son and daughter, and inheritor of two kingdoms: the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and the Kingdom of Heaven in the spirit world.

Then, you will surely go directly to the Kingdom of Heaven. Such people would have gone to the kingdom. Some Christians today, however, teach that the way to Heaven is through faith alone, but they need to exercise the greatest caution in promoting this narrow assertion. They should try going to the spirit world to see what happens. They will be stunned. They would say, “I never knew that it would be like this. How can this be?” What do I mean? There are heavenly principles and there are consequences of deviating from them. There may be tens of thousands of people who believe a certain way, but if they are wrong, every one of them will enter a dung-filled pit. You therefore must seek a principled standard of life. (249-265, 1993.10.10)

Your grandfather is the special envoy of heaven. If Adam’s family had not fallen, the grandfather would have been attended like God. Your grandfather is the last remaining master amongst your ancestors who have all passed away to the spirit world throughout history. Consequently, he is God’s representative, and your father is the king of the families of this world. Your parents are the king and queen of the families of all the six billion of humankind today. (246-198, 1993.4.16)

The grandfather symbolizes the spirit world, the heavenly world. Therefore, you should attend him like God. He is the ambassador plenipotentiary of heaven. Since the father and mother symbolize the present, they are the king and queen representing all the families of humanity in this world. The parents are the king and queen that represent humanity. The sons and daughters represent the future. They are the future princes and princesses who will inherit the kingships of two worlds: the spirit world and the earthly world. (246-256, 1993.4.18)

The grandfather symbolizes the past. The subject partner of the past ages is heaven, the spirit world. The grandfather can be called the representative who connects the spirit world with the earth. He is God’s ambassador who connects God and all the good things in heaven to his family on earth. Who is the ambassador for the Kingdom of God? It is the grandfather. (249-304, 1993.10.11)

The family is the model for forming a nation. The family represents the first stage. The nation starts from the family foundation. You should know this. Within the family, you find three stages: the grandfather and grandmother, the father and mother, and the children. These three stages of the family can be expanded in the process of forming the nation and world. Through the family, not only can you connect to this world but also to the spirit world. When you observe the world, you find a grandparent level, parent level, and child level. If you can expand all the things that are being practiced in the family to the world, you can easily fit in wherever you go. (225-166, 1992.1.12)

When you look at a family, you find a grandfather and grandmother, a father and mother, and sons and daughters. This makes three generations. All throughout history, this is the way it has always been. The grandparents represent your ancestors in heaven who have passed away to the spirit world. They are the ambassadors plenipotentiary sent to your household. So, like whom should you attend your grandfather and grandmother? You should attend them like God. By attending them in this way, heaven will begin. (226-56, 1992.2.1)

Why do you need to have sons and daughters? There is a principle that states you have to enter the spirit world with your family. Originally, your descendants were to be born from the combination of the love that came vertically from God and horizontally from the parents, that is, the coming together of the vertical and horizontal lineages of God and the parents. Therefore, those who do not have descendants cannot harmonize heaven and earth when they go to the spirit world, nor can they keep in rhythm with the north, south, east, and west. Without having descendants, you cannot have a place in the other world for enjoyment and rest. (297-269, 1998.12.19)

You should give birth to sons and daughters and be able to train them in the traditional way of the family. You should become the head of your tribe and eventually pass into the spirit world. When you enter the spirit world, the perfection of children, siblings, couples, and parents should be complete. (226-156, 1992.2.4)

You should first endeavor to become a filial son or daughter centering on the parents in the family, and then you can go on to become a patriot in relation to the nation. Following on from this, you should become a saint in relation to the world. A saint is a person who loves the world. A divine son is God’s son. Therefore, he loves God, the palace laws of the heavenly kingdom, and the people who live in the palace. Since such people live centering on God’s love, they respect the life of love and the lineage of love. The ideal land that human beings seek for should be a place where they respect these things and are able to live anywhere on this earth as if it were their hometown. When people who live like this enter the spirit world, they will go directly before God without any reserve. (209-16, 1990.11.24)