CBG Book 11, Chp 3, §1


Book 11, Ecumenical Initiatives

5 Those whose personal nature coincides with the spiritual aspect of the divine are curious about spiritual things. I was born this way. I find it very interesting to talk about God. I enjoy hearing about God 24 hours a day, forgetting to eat.

One should not speak about such things in a one-sided way, but reinforce it by truth. You have to give both spirit and truth. Each person knows his or her own personal character and nature. So, each of us must make the effort to develop both aspects as a complementary pair. You must research the truth of the divine and experience the spirit of the divine. You must devote yourself to prayer and study. The spiritual person must strengthen his or her foundation in order to confirm through truth what he or she already feels spiritually, and an intellectual person must strengthen his or her experiential foundation by spiritually supplementing the intellectual side. If you do that, you will have a basis to develop an eternal foundation at the core of who you are. Because it is difficult to do this alone, make friends with those who have characteristics complementary to yours and cooperate with one another, or learn from a teacher. This is the correct path. (076-141, 1975/02/02)

25 Work without complaint and with a grateful mind. When you pray like this after returning home from work, surely True Parents will appear in your dreams to teach you. Your spiritual eyes will open. If you do that, what kinds of phenomena will occur? Because you will be eager to see True Parents, you will even forget to eat. Also, because you want to see them, the sound of their voices calling you from within your mind will be audible. It will manifest to the degree that you cannot eat or sleep. Your sincerity opens your spiritual eyes.

When you pass through that state of mind, True Parents will live together with you. Such phenomena are occurring. At that time, you do not need to envy anyone, not even millionaires and billionaires. This is real. This is why I am teaching 365 days a year. I do this work because I understand these things. I understand everything, even inferring what kind of person I will meet tomorrow, and preparing for that. That kind of world exists.

Therefore, the world becomes like that, not only by your hoping for it but more importantly by your investing your sincerity. You have to invest your sincerity for that world as True Parents have done. You should invest your sincere devotion earnestly. Everything you invest will bear fruit in your life. (090-266, 1977/01/03)