CSG: The Manifestation of God’s Dual Characteristics

God is the Original Being having united dual characteristics

CSG 2014

11. It is said that God is the origin of truth, the origin of goodness, the origin of love and the origin of life. What do these phrases mean? They all refer to the same thing. For there to be truth, there must be love and life. To become a person who can speak the real truth, you must have the will and desire for truth pulsating within your own life. As the origin of life, love and truth, God is the Father and also the Mother of all humankind. The core is that God is the Parent. Seen in this way, it is easy to understand God. (021-184, 1968.11.20)

33. God is the foundation of happiness. Among all seeds, He is the seed of life. It is because life comes from God that life is great. God is the seed of a life that manifests the ideal. What is it that enables us to connect from the base of God’s happiness to God’s ideal? It is true love. God is the origin of life and the origin of love. He is also the origin of man and woman. He is the origin of the mother and father, of brothers and sisters. (174-248, 1988.03.01)

5. Love unfolds in mutual relationships. Therefore even God, who is absolute, has to be absolutely obedient in front of love. Otherwise He would not be able to teach human beings about the core principle of relationships. God wants to teach Adam and Eve, “Your conjugal love is absolute; you cannot change it for eternity” Why? It is because they are the manifestations of God’s attributes. God is one, absolutely not two. Adam is the manifestation of God’s attributes, and therefore he is an absolute being. Adam manifests God’s male attributes; Eve manifests God’s female attributes. These attributes themselves are absolute. Love brings together internal and external attributes. As such, love is absolute, and that is why even God absolutely has to obey absolute love. Hence, the couple that appears with this absolute love is one and only one, not two. It is absolute, and at the same time, unchanging and eternal. (226-170, 1992.02.04)

CSG 2006

God is the Original Being of united love

If we observe the universe, it shows us that everything exists through a reciprocal relationship formed between the dual characteristics of positivity and negativity. This principle applies in every case, beginning at the level of the minerals. A molecule is formed through the fusion of positive and negative ions. In the case of plants, subsistence and reproduction depend on the union of their male and female counterparts, stamen and pistil. These dual characteristics are more pronounced in the case of animals. All animals, including fish, birds and mammals exist in male and female form. Finally, we human beings, God’s greatest creation, are divided into men and women. The first man, Adam, and the first woman, Eve, are the progenitors of the human race. What is the purpose of existence of the dual characteristics of male and female? Why did God create in such a manner? (201-204, 1990.4.9)

What did God want to do by creating man and woman? He wanted to see them. Is God feminine or masculine? He is both feminine and masculine. If God were only masculine, He would only look at the woman, and Adam would have to live in the shade. It follows that the two natures of both sexes coexist within Him, so that He may find joy in looking at both woman and man. We thus conclude that God is a being in the vertical position, within whom the harmonized dual characteristics that make Him feel love towards both man and woman exist. Such is God. He needs both man and woman, and wherever He goes He is always in the position of the subject partner, that is, having subject-partner status. Thus, God combines a central subject-like masculine character, and an objective horizontal feminine character within Himself. (188-92, 1989.2.19)

Is there one God or two? There is only one God. Since there is only one of Him, how then could He enter two people at once? Would He go into each of them alternately, into the man and then out and into the woman, and so on? Furthermore, considering that there are so many people in the world, how would He enter and exit all of them? This poses a problem. The Unification Church’s Divine Principle teaches that God is a being having unified dual characteristics. This is the principle. God is a being who is the harmonious union of dual characteristics. This is a truly wonderful conclusion. (41-290, 1971.2.17)

God is the Subject with dual characteristics who stands in the masculine position. Then who is He like? He is like us, you and me. He is the same as we are. Accordingly, the position of subject partner presupposes that of an object partner. It contains such a meaning. It arose out of its need for that reciprocal partner. (124-83, 1983.1.30)

In a lecture on the Principle of Creation, it is simply stated, “God is the subject who incorporates dual characteristics and a harmonious union of masculinity and femininity.” When we say He is the harmonious subject, what does that mean? What pleasure would He derive from having a harmonious union of masculinity and femininity in the subject position? Centering on what, should God be harmonious? God is a harmonious being centered on love. (193-153, 1989.10.3)

What does God want? What did He want to do through the creation and perfection of the ideal of creation? He wanted to fulfill love. What would God want for Himself? In terms of the Principle, He is a being with harmonized dual characteristics. He is a subject being. In summary, He is a masculine subject being. (149-9, 1986.11.1)

What is the source of unity? What would allow God, alone as He is, to stand in the joyful position of unity? In terms of the Principle, God is the being with harmonized dual characteristics in the masculine position. We need to discern what this position signifies. The one who stands in the masculine position is the subject partner and the plus, but the plus cannot be without a minus. Considering this view, why would He be in the plus position? It would be because of love. Even the Absolute God desires to obey true love absolutely. If love is not based on the mind to submit and become one absolutely, there can be no unity, harmony, or concord. Instead, all would disperse without such a source. (195-20, 1989.11.1)

Given that human beings were created by God, what should they do? He created the object partners of His love for the purpose of His joy. Through what would He feel joy? It would be through love. Even God, the Absolute Being, requires love. Isn’t that so? Existing as the Subject, yet even with His dual characteristics, He inevitably needs an object partner of His love, which is why He created everything in the universe. (223-300, 1991.11.17)

Man and woman are not enough to fulfill love. They are just two beings. Just connecting them is not enough to fulfill love. It is the love from the central position that brings them together and moves them. Then, if we were to trace back this coming together in love of man and woman to its beginning, we would clearly see that it stems from God’s dual characteristics. The union of masculinity and femininity that exists within God was developed and manifested in the reciprocal relationships of creation. Thus, God desires that the object partner of His love be better than Him. (210-317, 1990.12.27)

Let me draw the conclusion in precise terms: God is the Subject Being who possesses harmonized dual characteristics. When viewed from the right side He can appear as a man, and from the left side, a woman. Isn’t that what dual characteristics signify? Since He is like that from the side, then from above He can appear as a man and from below a woman. Only then will both woman and man be satisfied and say, “Alright!” (139-56, 1986.1.26)

Unless a religious person comes forward with a logic that offers a clear scientific explanation of cause, process, and result, the religious world cannot be saved. The Divine Principle of the Unification Church has such logic as described above. The conclusion suggested by that fits everything: that God exists with dual characteristics, that He is the Subject partner and the universe is His object partner, and that therefore He is the Subject partner of love and humankind was created as the object partner of His love. This fundamental relationship continued through the power of love which bound it to the eternal world, transcending history. This action of love continued through thousands of years, and whereas other forms of power became weaker as time passed, this power of love remained strong. (219-178, 1991.8.29)

Even God makes unity based on love. The Unification Church also has this concept, and that is how it can unify the world. This, however, is not the case with Christianity. Christianity teaches that God is an absolute and omnipotent God. He can do anything. This is wrong. Although God can do anything, according to the original principle, love is supposed to be fulfilled by two beings. Thus, it is intended for dual characteristics to be united, and love is possible only when that condition is fulfilled. (224-155, 1991.11.24)

As God is a being with harmonized dual characteristics, what would be the center of this harmonious being of duality? It would be love. Even God has based His very existence on true love. (193-303, 1989.10.8)

What is God like? As expounded in Divine Principle, He is the Subject being with dual characteristics that are harmoniously unified. The essence of that Subject being is love, an absolute love. (136-37, 1985.12.20)

How does the Divine Principle depict God? He is the Subject with dual characteristics in a union of harmony as well as the Subject of love. The word love must be added to the description without fail. (223-160, 1991.11.10)

For God to become the harmonized being whose dual characteristics are separately represented in the form of Adam and Eve, as created by Him, around what should the harmonized being be centered? This being should be centered on love, and in the masculine position of the Subject in relation to all creation. (194-64, 1989.10.15)

Why did God create human beings? We first need to answer the fundamental question: “Why was I born?” God is the Subject of love. Doesn’t the Divine Principle refer to Him as a being with a harmonious union of dual characteristics? However, it has not been disclosed until now that He is also a unified being based on love, maintaining a state of harmony. Therefore, it should be added to His description that He is the being of unity based on love. (223-268, 1991.11.12)

Where is the origin of human love and life? Doesn’t it lie within God? He is the Subject Being with harmonized dual characteristics and at the same time is the source of love. It should be added in the Divine Principle that God is the source of true love. It should be clear that nobody but myself can amend the Divine Principle. (224-228, 1991.11.24)

The starting point is the question of whether God exists or not. If He does exist, what relationship does He have with humankind? For Him to be able to relate with human beings, He must be a personal god. We have fully awakened to that fact. As a personal god, He must be like us. Just as human beings have an internal nature and an external form as part of their characteristics, God, who created them, must possess those same characteristics for the sake of their common purpose. The concept of dual characteristics arises from this. (167-243, 1987.7.21)

If God is a personal god, who would He be like? He is the combined form of Adam and Eve. God is the Subject of dual characteristics. He is not a messy combination of male and female. While being the combined form, He nevertheless occupies the position of the subject partner. The coming together in union of man and woman as object partners of their invisible subject partner God is the way for Adam and Eve as human beings to perfect His ideal of creation. (166-208, 1987.6.7)

Oriental philosophy does not have the concept of the personal God. It is ignorant of His existence. They talk of yin and yang, but such vague terms cannot sufficiently describe the personal Origin. Everything must be understood clearly from the roots. It should be the root that illustrates the characteristics of both man and woman which can explain how human beings turned out as they are today. From this perspective, the logic of dual characteristics as taught in the Unification Church is truly a great one. (145-196, 1986.5.4)

The universe was created in the image of dual characteristics. Based on our understanding of God as the origin of the universe, the image of a being with the concept of subject and object partners arises. Hence, we arrive at the conclusion that the dual characteristics referred to in the Divine Principle of the Unification Church are truly great words. At the place where subject partner and object partner begin to interact with each other, existence is generated and maintained. Since the universe was created based on this origin, everything in it exists in duality and interacts through giving and receiving. (106-296, 1980.1.13)

The created world resembles God’s characteristics. We understand that all created things exist as the divided forms of the dual characteristics, and that they are connected to their counterparts in the relationship of subject partner and object partner as well as the reciprocal relationships of up and down, front and rear, and left and right. What would be the purpose underlying such relationships in the environmental system? The world of creation moves with love as its purpose. (106-57, 1979.12.9)

Where do subject partner and object partner come from? There must be a basis for their existence. In the Unification we call this basis “dual characteristics.” Subject partner and object partner were not created by human beings themselves; therefore, there must be another source for this. This origin is that of dual characteristics, incorporating original internal nature and original external form. (33-36, 1970.8.2)

Energy cannot be generated without interaction between subject partner and object partner. Energy cannot generate itself; it requires subject and object elements. As an object partner, when you feel good or bad, there is always a subject partner you relate to in experiencing such emotions; hence, the term “dual characteristics” in the Divine Principle as taught in the Unification Church. (21-344, 1969.1.1)

According to Divine Principle, God is the Subject with harmonized dual characteristics. Based on what is His position as the Subject established? It is established through a relationship of love, and therefore a horizontal foundation is necessary. His desire to have a stimulating foundation in many directions led to the expansion and development of the created world. (193-217, 1989.10.4)

All seeds are made up of two halves enclosed in one outer layer. Beans, too, are divided into two halves. Since God is the origin of the universe, unless they resemble Him in form, they cannot be original seeds. (53-232, 1972.2.28)

The seed of life is always made up of two halves. This is a principle of heaven and earth. God exists as one being, one personality, with dual characteristics, which are symbolized by the seed. Within the seed is a germ, parts of which will form the roots, the bud, and so on. In other words, within it is everything required for it to develop its existence; it is made so that, even if left to itself, it can grow into a perfected substantial form. (262-147, 1994.7.23)

Since God has dual characteristics, we human beings also have them. All forms of creation also possess dual characteristics of plus and minus. When God, humankind and all creation are brought together and connected, the number seven is attained. There are three vertical stages, and in spreading out horizontally, the four-position foundation is formed. When the numbers three and four come together in harmonious union they form the number seven. The number seven is the number of completion in the purpose of creation. (26-187, 1969.10.25)

Everything in the universe is made up of plus and minus. If we look at a molecule it shows us this. It is made up of positive and negative ions. Everything exists in reciprocal relationships. The atom contains protons and electrons. That shows the basis for the formation of the universe. In plants there is stamen and pistil; for animals, male and female, and for human beings, men and women. Everything exists reciprocally. As such, they must be brought into order within one system. Since God is the Subject, they must be brought under His control. If a unified reciprocal realm brought about by His will for creation is not established, then He cannot derive any joy from the creation. (247-183, 1993.5.9)

The Divine Principle explanation set forth by the Unification Church, that God is the Subject who has harmonized dual characteristics, runs along the same lines as the undeniable truth drawn from results of scientific analysis. When subject and object partners are completely united, God’s power will be with them eternally. Power cannot exist where there is no subject or object. Then how does God exist? He can exist eternally because within Him is the power that comes from a perpetual giving and receiving relationship between subject and object partners. (39-166, 1971.1.10)

The Principle refers to dual characteristics. Why are they necessary? Without them there can be no harmony within the creation. By virtue of their existence, they can give and receive from one another; one is like the bones and the other the flesh. By reciprocating with each other they can give rise to a new form. Since God has the original dual characteristics, His objective world must be brought into existence. In this way, dual characteristics are essential in achieving the exquisite beauty of creation. (27-340, 1970.1.1)

According to the Principle, it is universal prime energy that connects everything together. God’s dual characteristics are present in all things based on universal prime energy. This core principle is always the same. (293-11, 1998.5.1)

A feminine nature is found latent in man, and since a masculine nature is found latent in woman, there is room within her for him to live in the spirit world. As God possesses dual characteristics, He can dwell in woman as well as man. Similarly, despite their respective predominant features, husbands and wives can dwell in each other’s hearts by virtue of the dual characteristics latent in them. They are one and inseparable. (256-58, 1994.3.12)

Adam is the ancestor of all males and Eve the ancestress of all females. In other words, they are the seeds of man and woman. They are two halves. Everything is made up of two halves enclosed in a single shell, symbolizing God and the universe. Within the unified God are dual characteristics, and within them the embryo, seed and nucleus. (253-249, 1994.1.30)

Since God is the incorporeal Subject, it is logical to conclude that He unquestionably needs the realm of substance – absolute corporeal beings in substance. He has dual characteristics and consequently the act of creation enabled Him to express His incorporeal internal nature in a corporeal external form. When we consider the created universe from this perspective, we can see that even the mineral kingdom is functioning through the relationship between subject and object partners. In the case of the molecule, the positive and negative ions manifest this subject-object relationship, and similarly, protons and electrons in the case of the atom. (228-140, 1992.3.27)

The fact that God possesses both masculinity and femininity makes Him a being of dual characteristics. He brought together all the male attributes within Himself to create man, and all the female attributes to create woman. In this way, the subject and object figures were automatically separated. When these have give and take with each other, they come together in union to engage in a process – namely origin-division-union action, as stated in the Divine Principle, which will one day become a major issue in the fields of philosophy and religion. (41-290, 1971.2.17)

God created humankind in order to perfect His love and fulfill His will centered on love. (293-158, 1998.5. 25)

He created human beings to become His children, resembling Him in every respect and naturally manifesting everything within Him. Thus, the dual characteristics spoken of in the Unification Church are amazing contents hitherto unheard of in this world. What is meant by the “Subject with harmoniously unified dual characteristics”? It comprises all the principles of heaven and earth. (144-236, 1986.4.25)

Even love cannot arise in isolation. It operates to raise two people to a higher position through their harmonious union. This is the power of love. Everything in the universe is made to harmonize with the ideal of love because love cannot operate without the bridge of couples, without pairs. You must know the fact that God had to create everything in pairs in order to actualize His ideal of love, hence the term “dual characteristics.” (177-271, 1988.5.20)

When everything in the world is taken into consideration in order to find the one fundamental principle governing the whole, it can be seen that everything is engaged in relationships of subject and object which give rise to existence and development. Simply put, existence and action are brought about by subject and object partners. The Unification Church understands the concept of dual characteristics based on this fact. Then do the dual characteristics remain as they are? Are they at a standstill, or are they in motion? If they are in motion, why would that be? Why would they be in motion? Would it be to suffer a loss or to create something more valuable? If there were a principle which dictated that action and motion took place to incur a loss, then our actions to achieve the ideal or to advance towards our dream would be fruitless. If we were to suffer a loss through them, these actions would diminish and ultimately stop altogether. Yet if set in motion with a view to creating benefit, they would grow bigger with time. (125-72, 1983.3.13)

God is but one entity. Since He exists as the Subject of dual characteristics, He may think He can love within His own dual characteristics. He may say, “This part of me is in the position of the male subject partner, and that part is in the position of the female object partner,” and may have some feeling of love in his mind. However, in the position of man and woman who have been separated He would not be able to feel any stimulating effect.

Thus, if God sees Adam and Eve make love passionately even without considering Him, He as the Subject of love does not feel bad about it. Why? Because He is the Subject Being, who feels joy from His object at the place where they come together as one, and the more valuable is the love felt by His object partners, the more happiness He would feel. Would not that be the first law of love based on His creation of humankind? Hence, people cannot attain such a state unless they receive an education in this love. (51-173, 1971.11.21)

Essentially, power diminishes through action, but that of love alone grows stronger with action. What is spread out infinitely has an infinitely concentrated energy within it, and so it pulls others towards it. Accordingly, it possesses an internal energy of circulatory motion. Such logic can be applied here; indeed, the logic of dual characteristics taught in the Unification Church can be applied anywhere. Through my wisdom I caught all these things. (164-87, 1987.4.26)

How wonderful is true love! God Himself was born for love. He came into existence because of love. Doesn’t that make you feel good? “Well, Rev. Moon says God was born because of love!” Grab hold of Him and try analyzing Him! I analyzed God down to His dual characteristics. Are there not dual characteristics within the dual characteristics themselves? Are not both male and female hormones secreted within your bodies? If you are unsure, go to a hospital and get yourselves examined. This is why you can all relate to one another. (222-179, 1991.11.3)

After inquiring again and again why dual characteristics are part of the Principle of Creation and what the fundamental issues concerning subject and object are, there comes a point when you cannot inquire anymore and have to turn back. However much you may have delved into it, you have to turn around and go back. After this process is repeated for tens of thousands of years, you would have no choice but to resign and say, “Oh, this is the only way there is; there is no point in trying to find another,” and with these words the Divine Principle would be established, which is why it is unchangeable. (173-127, 1988.2.14)

God’s motive in creating the universe

Considering that heaven and earth did not come into existence of their own accord, but were created on the basis of a certain source of power, it logically follows that on a higher level there must be a central Subject Being who can move heaven and earth, that is to say, an original motivator with creative power. We call the being in such a position God. Since we come from different races with different languages, we use different words to name Him, but that does not matter. In any case, there must be a center of this universe. There must be a central being who remains stationary for billions of years at the center of the reciprocal world which is in motion, a being who, though everything else may be moving and in action, never moves along with them. (154-298, 1964.10.5)

In delving into the origin of the universe, the fundamental question arises: why did God came into existence? Why did He come to exist? For what reason did He come into being? What does He do? These are the questions we should be asking. The era of blind faith in Christianity has passed; gone is the era of unquestioning belief in God. After arriving at this conclusion through reasoning, we should next consider God’s internal nature, His relationship with the world with regard to His will, and the relationship between His internal nature and external form, as these relationships are open to question. (191-13, 1989.6.24)