The Words of the Seuk Family

Special Proclamation True Parents

Joon Ho Seuk
June 8, 2010
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Gung
International Vice-President of Unification Church International World Mission Headquarters

Dear Family Members!

I pray the grace and love of God and True Parents will always your lives in this new era of the heavenly calendar.

Recently, certain heartbreaking events have cause shock and confusion among our family members. As a result of their concern over these events, True Parents took action during the Hoon Dok Hae at the Cheon Jeong Gung on June 5, 2010 to personally draft a document titled "Special Note" and declare as follows.


"God is the one King of Kings.

There is only one set of True Parents.

All families are people who share a single lineage, and are children of one heavenly kingdom.

Moreover, the command center of cosmic peace and unity is the absolute and unique command center. Its representative and heir is Hyung Jin Moon.

Anybody else [who claims such a position] would be a heretic and one who brings things to destruction. The above content is True Parents proclamation."


"I recognize only the official memos from the World Mission Headquarters of Tongilgyo of Heaven and Earth, World-Unification Church"

Directly drafted and proclaimed by True Parents at the Cheon Jeong Gung on June 5, 2010

Loving Family Members!

Recently in the headquarters of the Brazil Church, an incident occurred which never should have occurred.

In this incident on May 30, the Continental President who was delivering a sermon was pulled down off the stage so that Hyun Jin Nim could hold an assembly.

This day's event was broadcast by Internet throughout Brazil, and members who witnessed the incident were deeply shocked and were dealt a serious blow to their heart.

People supporting Hyun Jin Nim claim that this event was held as a result of an invitation by core members to Hyun Jin Nim to come to Brazil for the purpose of holding a worship service.

The actual situation was different. The Brazil Church has a board of directors composed of five members. Among the five, three are under the control of Unification Church International (UCI), and it was these three who unilaterally pursued this matter.

Loving Members!

First, on behalf of all concerned, I apologize for failing to prevent such an incident before it happened.

Of course, we made our best efforts on a number of occasions to hold discussion before the event. When the Continental President for South America first learned that people following Hyun Jin Nim were planning such an assembly, he immediately began working with the World Mission Headquarters. On May 21 an official memo was issued stating that a person could not deliver the sermon at an official gathering of members without the direction and permission of True Parents, and this memo was delivered.

In addition, requests were made beforehand to discuss matters related to the assembly, but the board members who follow Hyun Jin Nim went ahead with their preparations unilaterally, without sharing any information or holding other discussions with the Continental President. They wanted only to carry out what they had decided to do. Efforts by the Continental President to resolve the situation through dialogue extended right up to the time that the worship service began on Sunday morning. Ultimately, however, such efforts were unsuccessful.

So the Continental Director went ahead with the Sunday worship service as scheduled. Then, during the service, numerous young people entered the sanctuary together with Hyun Jin Nim. Using physical force, they removed the Continental President and Church President from the stage, and this scene was broadcast live over the Internet.

Loving Family Members!

This was a truly distressing and heartbreaking incident.

This type of incident must never happen again.

On May 31, True Parents issued a strong special direction, saying that this type of incident absolutely must not be tolerated and that Hyun Jin Nim may not deliver any speech or sermon at any official assembly or church in the future without the approval of the True Parents.

Then, during the Hoon Dok Hae of June 5, True Parents proclaimed the Special Note.

Accordingly, to prevent the repetition of such an event in the future, the World Mission Headquarters has decided the following policies:

We ask that leaders at all levels and all members absolutely obey the directions of True Parents and closely conform with the religious tradition of the Unification Family.

First, all Family Members around the world must carry out the directions of the True Parents centering on President Hyung Jin Moon, who has been appointed to the position of International President.

Second, no member of the True Family may mobilize church members for the purpose of holding a mass assembly or Hoon Dok Hae without the permission of True Parents.

Third so as to prevent any more disgraceful incidents such as what happened in Brazil recently, Hyun Jin Nim must accept True Parents instructions communicated to him directly by the True Parents at an assembly held in March 2009 in Sokcho, Korea, that he discontinue his work as Unification Church International (UCI) Chairman and all other public positions. After this, he is to await further instruction from True Parents.

Fourth, all changes in ownership of assets around the world must receive the approval of True Parents through the World Headquarters. All church activities and external activities such as UPF [Universal Peace Festival] must be approved by the World Headquarters, and any individual activity will be strictly prohibited.

I ask all public officials and family members to uphold this will of the True Parents and not be affected by erroneous information. In the future, True Parents' directions will be communicated through official memos. Some members, because they were not aware of True Parents' true will and were influenced by false rumors spread online, have expressed agreement with claims made by those who follow Hyun Jin Nim. It is important that all members now affirm True Parents unequivocal message and deep heart, and refrain from participating in any venue that is not an official assembly approved by True Parents.

Beloved Family Members!

True Parents are heartbroken over the current situation more than anyone. Whenever I am with them. I see how difficult it is for them to bear this matter. I believe we must all offer our Jeong Seong so that this matter can be brought to a resolution as quickly as possible. I ask all family members to contribute your efforts toward bringing a satisfactory resolution to this heartbreaking situation. Now is a time for us to move forward as one.

I pray that God's divine protection will be with each of your families.

June 8, 2010

Jun Ho Seuk Assistant Director
World Mission Department 

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