The Words of the Roomet Family

Invitation to Ascended Families Retreat

Celia Roomet
May 2, 2009

Dear brothers and sisters,

There will be a retreat for ascended families on Saturday, May 23, 2009 (Memorial Day weekend) at the Stony Point Center, located in a quiet area of beautiful upstate New York near Westchester. We are inviting all families who lost a loved one to spend time together in fellowship, comfort and inspiration.

For those who arrive on Friday, May 22, and wish to spend two nights at the Stony Point Center, the cost is $175.00 for the two nights and includes four meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner on Saturday, and breakfast on Sunday before departure at 11 am. If you don't wish to stay at the center you can stay with friends who live in the area and come on Saturday to the meetings and fellowship.

To reserve rooms at the Stony Point Center, please contact Mark Johnson.

If you want to know about the Stony Point Center, click

We hope to see you there!

Celia Roomet 

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