The Words of the Goldberg Family |
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
This world is in turmoil with tsunami's in Japan and revolutions in the Middle East.
Does anyone wonder if we are in the end times predicted in the Book of Revelations? Surely great upheavals are taking place throughout the earth externally.
However, we do not expect the literal destruction of the earth at the time of the Second Coming of Christ. Instead, Unificationists look forward to a world where the old selfish standards and values finally give way to the truth, the goodness and the beauty that was intended for us as God's true sons and daughters since the beginning of time.
I have always been fascinated by those bumper stickers saying, "In case of rapture, this car will be unmanned." That is just too odd to consider, in my humble opinion.
But even more intriguing to me is the statement by Jesus that,...a little child shall lead them." and..."unless you see through children's eyes you will not enter the kingdom of God." I think that we need to realize that we are all God's children and even more importantly, we need to start treating one another that way in practice.
Today's headline in the Washington Times reads, "Emperor comforts Japan in 1st TV talk".
With the wisdom born of age and compassion Emperor Akihito asks his people to take care of one another. This is such a simple yet great idea.
Wouldn't it be a better world if we all did that?
See you on Sunday.
Pastor Matthew and Marianne Goldberg
Anyone and everyone interested in praying for Japan, come to the Greenbelt Office this Sunday, March 20 from 2-4 pm. For more information contact Keiko Burton.
Principled Education for March 2011: We are beginning an exciting new era in New Hope Family Church, working with Lovin' Life Ministries, to bring regular weekly Divine Principle and Principle-rooted education programs to our community! All programs will be held at the New Hope Education Center, (aka Greenbelt Office) 7245 Hanover Parkway, Suite A, Greenbelt, MD 20770. This Saturday, March 19, explore your Spiritual Style; a 2 hour introduction to how to connect with God. Presented by Gary Rowe and Anne Marie Wienmann. $10 offering requested.
On Thursday, March 17, Kim Dadachanji will have another meeting at her home on 3100 Stonybrook Drive in Bowie, MD 20715 at 7 pm. All are welcome.
Double Helix: Parent and Youth Workshop! March 19th, 10 am -- 5 pm at New Hope Academy. Looking for a better life of faith? This is where it starts: You and Your Parents. $5/person.
WFWP invites sisters in the Laurel, Columbia, and Baltimore area to learn how to prepare favorite Korean foods on Saturday, March 26, at 1 pm. The class will be at the Reddins' home. RSVP to Vicki Phelps by Friday, March 25. Give a head count if you plan to bring food home for your family.
Maryland Healing Day! Receive a free energy healing, and discover more about this amazing complimentary healing modality Sunday, March 27th from 1-4 pm at the Maryland CARP Center, 3412 University Blvd. E. Hyattsville, 20783. Sponsored by the Women's Federation for World Peace. Call Anne Ulvestad for an appointment or to find out more information.
The Blessing Workshop for Blessed Children aged 24+ is now scheduled for May 20-22, in Gloucester, Massachusetts. An announcement and registration page is on the Blessed Family Association's web site (www.blessedfamilies.org). For more information, contact the Wetzsteins.
If you or someone you know would like to go to The Gambia this summer from the last week of June through the first two weeks of July, (3 weeks in all) please get in touch with me as soon as possible. Applicants need to be 17 or older, a "team-player", and have a willingness to serve. Each year has turned out to be a life-changing experience. We have been fund-raising already so all room, board, and program expenses will be covered. Participants will just need to pay for their round trip airfare, which will be between $1500-$2000. If you are in the Metro area and can help with any of the fund-raising, a substantial portion of the profit can be put toward your airfare depending on your time investment.
Pastor Matthew Goldberg will be available to meet with you at the Greenbelt office; 7245 Hanover Parkway, Suite A, Greenbelt, MD, 20706 by appointment Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9 am till noon. Call Gay Grow if you wish to make an appointment. Also, Pastor Matt is available for prayers and official ceremonies with one week's notice. Call Gay Grow with your request.
Make your donation check out to HSA-UWC or New Hope Family Church, and drop it in the mail addressed to:
New Hope Family Church
P.O. Box
Riverdale, MD 20738-0244
Women of Wonder (W.O.W.) is a group of "joyful, compassionate women who strive to 1) Uncover our true selves, 2) Explore life, and 3) Help others. We have been gathering as a book club for many years to study and share our joys, troubles and miracles. We make intentions for ourselves and our loved ones and help each other by prayer and service. This session we will watch video sessions of Joyce Meyers for three meetings. The titles of the CDs are: 1) Establishing Boundaries in Relationships, 2) An out of Control Soul, and 3) De-stress Your Life". We will then read and study the book, "Captivating: Unveiling the Mystery of a Woman's Soul" by John Eldridge and his wife. Contact Karrin Brady, Wendy Herstein, Debra Gertz or Robin Musiol for more information.
All announcements and advertisements for the Mid-Week Announcements need to be written and emailed to Gay Grow at by Wednesday at 5 pm. And announcements for the Sunday bulletin need to be written and emailed to Gay by Friday at 5 pm.
Temporary kitchen assistance needed at Lovin' Life Learning Center in NYC. Requires a healthy and physically strong person who can help prepare and carry food, and help clean the kitchen for groups of 60 to 100 people, assisting the lead cook. Qualified person will receive room and board plus a small stipend. Call Loretta Schauffler for an interview. Must be a positive and team-oriented person who wants to contribute to Lovin' Life Ministry and can take direction. Accommodations are in a newly renovated dormitory where there is no storage or closet. Some kitchen experience preferred.
Furnished room for rent including utilities, high-speed internet and breakfast. $550. Call Cecil or Debbie Robbins for more information.
Bedroom for rent in Laurel, Howard County. Howard County has the best schools in the state. Driving distance to colleges. Close to JHAPL, NSA, right off I 95. Please call David or Kathy.
Will and Clair Stein have a room available in April and are looking to share their home with a BC. All the information is on the house website; www.bawtryhouse.com. Or you can call Will Stein.
Nice basement apartment in New Carrollton. Washer and Dryer, Walk-in Closet, Carport, near Metro. $750 a month which includes utilities. Call Ron Musiol.
Interns Wanted: Help defend the human rights of our Unification Church members in Japan and work for religious freedom around the world. The International Coalition for Religious Freedom is looking for young people to fill 3 part-time positions. PAID!!
Update the ICRF web site at www.religiousfreedom.com
Translate documents from Japanese to English
Research/update reports on religious freedom in countries throughout the world
Work at our office in Greenbelt MD, or from home –10 to 20 hours per week. Great work for a student or young parent. Please let us know if you qualify for any or all of the above jobs. Contact or send resume to Diana Weber.