The Words of the Elder Family |
Below is the letter I sent to my father, Timothy Elder, after I read the letter from Hyun Jin Nim. I've been struggling to make sense of UCI behaviors, and when I finally thought I have, I've stopped giving much attention to what they say.
But since the UCI camp will arbitrarily send letters to insult Father and those who work with him, I thought I might as well post this publicly myself.
The tone of the letter is rather harsh. I know this. However, I do not intend to disrespect Hyun Jin Nim in anyway. I have done so little for Father in comparison with Hyun Jin Nim and those who work for him. I respect him and I respect them in this sense. However, their clear insurgency against Father has made me somewhat agitated, and hence the tone. I hope the readers of this letter won't take offense to the way I treat Hyun Jin Nim in this letter. If you do take offense then please, in advance, accept my apologies.
Also, my English being my second language, and being it as poor as it is, I will have to apologize to the readers for that as well. I hope my inadequate English won't hinder the conveyance of my message.
I've came to a conclusion on the UCI matters long ago. I thought I found the heart of their fallacy. I even tried this new-found knowledge on the die-hard UCI fans in their propaganda website, Daum Cafe. They failed to rebut my point. When I saw the arrival of an email titled "message from Hyun Jin Nim", I was intrigued because I thought maybe he would be smarter than his followers and directly face the core problems of his actions. Well, he didn't. Instead, what I saw from this message is regurgitation of the same circumventing the Kwak camp has been using for the past three years.
Letter to the Worldwide Unification Community from Hyun Jin Moon
The letter is divided into three categories.
1. "The leaders" are bad. They are leading the movement astray.
2. God and Father's will is yaddy yadda.
3. What I'm doing is correct so all Blessed Central Families (BCF) should join me.
What surprised me the most throughout the letter is that Hyun Jin Nim treats Father as if he is already dead. He mentions over and over, citing from books, Father's will, what Father wants. But he doesn't seem to remember that same Father denounced his actions, told him to come back and stay with him for a year to learn his will, made a huge fuss about Hyun Jin Nim's wrongful actions by writing a proclamation which was taped and uploaded to the web for the whole world to see. The same Father endorsed this 'going-back-to-religion' which Hyun Jin Nim seems to hate so much. The same Father demanded that the property UCI stole be returned to the rightful owner, which is Father.
There's only few possible explanations as to why Hyun Jin Nim is treating Father as if he is dead. Either he thinks Father really is dead, or he just thinks that the Father who gave us the peace messages and the Father who wrote the famous proclamation are different; the latter now gone senile.
Another point that helped me close the book on this argument over UCI who's right who's wrong, and quite the final and most important point is this:
When we talk about what is right and what is wrong, we must think in terms of God's perspective. In other words, what we may deem good may not be the same in God's eyes. Vice versa, what God may deem good may not be so easy for us to digest. This has been proven to be the case over and over through the stories in Bible.
This begs a question: "Then how do we really know what God thinks is good and what God thinks is bad?"
Although there are many who claim to know the Will of God, it is not easy for us to distinguish those who are hearing Satanic voices from the genuine listeners of God's voice.
Lucky for us Unification Church, we have a quite easy solution. We only consider one person, or one couple, the sole mediator between God and the rest of humanity. That's True Parents. This is the core of Unification Church belief. No matter how hard Hyun Jin Nim screams bloody murder that Father's effort was not to create religion, if considering a person, or a couple, to be the bringer of God's lineage, and the Messiah, does not constitute a religion, I don't know what does. And it is our proud belief that Father, as the third Adam who has united his body and mind, is under the 'Realm of God's Direct Dominion.' In easier English, it means that Father knows what God wants, what God hates, what God sees to be good, and what God sees to be bad. It means that we can only know the true Will of God through Father.
But guess what? Father said Hyun Jin Nim is bad. What he's doing, has done is bad. Do they really not know what that means? That means God hates what Hyun Jin Nim is doing. I really hope they would take the clue someday. It's getting really childish now.