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Message Of Alexa Ward, WFWP President
Alexa Ward
February 13, 2004
Women’s Federation for World Peace, USA
Dear WFWP Leaders,
Greetings from Bridgeport, Connecticut. Three of our national vice presidents, Sheri Rueter, Mrs. Tomiko Nojima, and Caroline Betancourt, have gathered in the San Francisco Bay area for the annual Vice Presidents Retreat. I will be joining them by speaker phone throughout the weekend.
This is an important annual gathering that allows us to reflect on the accomplishments of the past year, consider the focus of the providence at this time, as well as set the goals for the coming year, on both the national and regional levels.
I would like to explain to you briefly why I did not travel to California. As some of you are aware, I did some damage to my left knee around the time of the WFWPI workshop. I tore the meniscus and damaged a ligament. After four weeks of physical therapy, the decision was made to repair the damage with outpatient surgery on February 26.
Over the past couple of weeks a pain developed deep in the calf of my left leg. During a visit to a vascular doctor on Tuesday, I learned that I have a blood clot in that calf. Blood clots are always serious and are treated either in a hospital or as an outpatient. The doctor decided to treat me as an outpatient. I was put on a drug called coumadin for three months. This drug thins your blood, preventing the blood clot from traveling, and dissolving it over time. I will be tested on a weekly basis to make sure the level of coumadin is correct. You have to be careful what you eat on coumadin. Because coumadin thins your blood, you have to be careful not to bleed because you do not have the ability to stop the bleeding.
I will be resting for the first week or so, until the pain subsides. This is an effort to minimize the damage to the affected vein. Then it is a matter of carefully managing the coumadin over about twelve weeks. Once that is successfully completed, then I return to the issue of the knee surgery.
I am very fortunate. Many people with blood clots have no symptoms. Blood clots can travel throughout arteries and veins and cause serious damage, even death. Mine was caught early and will be managed properly.
This has been a reminder to me that we are at an age where we need to listen more carefully to our bodies and seek medical attention when needed. I am one of those people who lets an ache or two continue for a long time before I do anything about it. My first thought is that whatever it is, it will eventually go away. My second thought is, well, this doesn’t seem so serious; I will do something about it sometime in the future. It is time for me and us to change this kind of thinking.
One thing I feel badly about is that I was not able to travel to Korea and attend the Chung Pyung workshop with my blessing group toward the end of January. I understand the importance of leading by example. I understand that, because of my position, it is important to be among the first to respond to the providential call.
Please understand that, although I am not in a position to attend the workshop at this time, it is my position to fully support the call to attend this series of workshops and encourage all sisters to attend when it is their turn. This workshop brings grace to you and your family and is spiritual money in the bank for the providential work that needs to be done in the US. Father has always turned to the sisters to deepen the spiritual foundation of indemnity and continues to do so. Many thanks to each and every one of you for all you do in your public and private lives. It is a privilege to work with you. Happy Valentines Day.
With warm regards,
Your sister,
Alexa Ward
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