The Words of the Kinney Family

Father's Good Points

Joe Kinney
February 19, 2001

It was around 6:00 am on a beautiful spring morning in 1975 at East Garden. I was passing by the (old) main house when I saw Father out for an early morning stroll. Father was by himself, no Peter Kim, no Mrs. Choi, no security, nobody but Father. At the time, I needed Father’s permission to use his bus to drive some group and needed an answer from him right away, but I had never encountered Father alone before.

It might be difficult for the reader to understand, but I just didn’t know how to relate to Father directly. I had always asked through a mediator / translator "would you please ask Father if I can change the oil on his car, or fix the light switch, or whatever."  Father was about 100 yards away and I approached, not knowing what to do or say.

Should I massacre the pronunciation of the Korean language by trying "Abonim" or Abojee?" How about Master… Christ… maybe "Your Majesty." How the heck does a young, single, no-position, maintenance guy address the living Son of God.

It felt too awkward too approach Father head on, so I walked a "J" shaped approach so I could approach from behind. (Probably a terrible mistake of Heavenly protocol)  I arrived to a spot about three paces behind Father and Father stopped deliberately waiting to see how I would address Him. I could feel that he understood my uncertainty and awkward situation exactly, and it was my responsibility to address Father.

Finally the word "Father" left my lips. Father turned around and faced me with a beaming smile radiating absolute love. This was a direct spiritual experience with Father.  It was a validation that beyond all differences of race, age position, one-on-one, soul-to-soul, Father’s love for me was the absolute manifestation of God’s original love.

That moment, for me, the very definition of the word "Father" changed forever.

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