The Words of the Kim Family Before 2008 |
Young Whi Kim delivering his speech on the meaning of true art.
When we say "Art" we include many different forms of artistic expression: music, dance, drama, painting, sculpture, architecture, literature, cinema, etc. They form our modern culture and we know that man cannot live without culture. Art is part of culture, or we could say that art is the flower of culture. Art is directly connected to man's creativity. This is the field in which we can express the creativity that man received from God.
We know that the human brain has two main parts: the right brain and the left brain. The right brain deals with creativity, intuition, and the appreciation of beauty, while the left brain deals with knowledge and logic. However, when we consider the purpose of man, the activity of the right brain is closer to the heart of God. Artists have, therefore, the potential to be very close to God.
We can claim that art is the substantiation of God's love, which He gave to the world and to man. All creation is God's artwork. We can see how beautiful and balanced everything is. There is nothing which God created that is not art; everything He created is a masterpiece. Therefore, we can say that without God there would be no true art.
The communist world claims to have art, but if we look closely we can see that it is not really art. If we study the development of art throughout history, we can see that art always developed in relation to religion. Music developed greatly under the inspiration of Christianity. Many composers aimed to glorify God through their music and songs. If you go to art museums you will discover that most of the famous classical paintings were inspired by religion -- such as those of the Holy Family and the saints. In the case of architecture, many of the wonderful historical buildings and churches we see standing today were built to glorify God and His providence. Thus we realize once again that without God, there cannot be true art.
In the past, Christian art was centered on Jesus. But now we are in a new age, and it begins with our True Parents and Unification theology. Until now there have been no perfect people; they have all been fallen. But because of the work of God and True Parents, we can become perfect and our descendants can also be perfect. Therefore, in the future the center of the arts will be God, True Parents, and perfected people.
The essence of God is true love. To manifest God's love and to express true joy and happiness, we need art. If people are corrupt they cannot produce true art. Restoration must take place in order to have true art.
This year Father gave us the motto "Creation and Building of the Kingdom of Heaven',' but can you imagine the Kingdom of Heaven without art? The Kingdom of Heaven must be filled with art. There cannot be a Kingdom of Heaven without it. The reason we are having this arts workshop is because the time has come. Father has given the motto to build the Kingdom of Heaven, and to do this we need true art.
In order to create true art we have to understand God, His heart, and His love. We should be able to perceive -- and receive -- God's love. In the world of computers we need the hardware first and then we can produce the software. In our case the hardware is perfected men and women. When we restore true people we can make the software, or true art.
We are now doing the preparatory work for this. We have to accomplish two things at once: We have to become God's children so that we can feel God's heart and His joy, and we have to express through art our own joy, which is connected to God's joy. Therefore, we can say that art contains the essence of the Kingdom of Heaven.
I am not an artist, but in the Kingdom of Heaven everyone will become an artist. God created man as His masterpiece and He wanted to receive joy through His children. When man returns joy to God he will become a masterpiece of art. Everyone will become God's masterpiece, and whatever they do and whatever they make will become works of art. You are the forerunners of these artists. We understand that we have to produce new art, which can be called "Unification Are You are the creators of the new Unification Art which will constitute the main art of the future world, where we can live together with God.
I hope that you can gain much inspiration through this workshop. We don't have many artists in our church now, but if we work together we can make a good foundation for future development.