The Words of the Kim Family |
True Father's Instructions Regarding SG Blessing
Young Jun Kim
January 14, 2005
Director of Blessed Family Department Korea
As we enter the Age after the Coming of Heaven, True Parents plan to personally match Second Generation who posses the appropriate standard, so as to set right the standard of Second Generation Blessings and bequeath the original, ideal Blessing. In order to have the same standard of heart as True Parents in preparing the Second Generation and selecting qualified Second Generation, all persons in public positions are requested to be responsible to recommend candidates for the Blessing only after having interviewed them.
Please note the following additional instructions given to us by True Parents:
1. Second Generation who participated in the Cheon Il Guk Year 4 Special Blessing on December 26 and all those who will be blessed in the future must go a public course. (Further details on this will be announced later.)
2. There is no need to start a family at a young age. It is recommended that they go through a public course and complete their studies before starting a family.
3. To be qualified to participate in a Special Blessing conducted by True Parents, Second Generation must be pure Second Generation who have not only maintained physical purity but also not been involved in any exclusive relationship with the opposite sex, or ever kissed or engaged in "petting." (True Father re-emphasized this point.)
4. Second Generation who maintained sexual purity but have been involved in an exclusive relationship with the opposite sex, kissed, or been involved in petting may not participate in a Special Blessing by True Parents for at least 4 years.
5. Those who were matched by True Parents in the December 26 event but could not participate in the Blessing because their partner renounced the match may enter the upcoming Blessing.
6. Those under age 30 (born on or after February 8, 1976) may enter the upcoming Blessing, provided they fulfill the five requirements.
7. The official name of the upcoming Blessing is "Cheon Il Guk Year 5 Special Blessing."