The Words of the Jenkins Family

Second Generation And All UTS Alums - The Young Oon Kim Scholarship Is Working

Michael Jenkins
June 9, 2006

Dear Young Adults and College Grads of the Second Generation and Alums of UTS,

Father has asked several times that all second Generation should go to our Universities - especially the Unification Theological Seminary. The theological and ethical foundation is a basis for moral judgments and good thinking in all careers. Father wants us all to be deeply grounded and highly educated.

The Young Oon Kim Scholarship is selecting outstanding College Graduates of the second generation for a special Masters degree education in Religious Education (MRE) or Divinity (MDiv.) Mr. Ritz Yamamoto of San Francisco is a UTS Second Gen. student who took time out from his studies to reach out for Second Gen. to join UTS. The results are fantastic. Second Generation wants to do things that will improve themselves their knowledge and their skills to better the world!! (watch his video on the FFWPU website at the top banner). Ritz has signed up a number of Second Generation and we believe there are many more who want to join. There are now 56 that are considering or thinking positively about this opportunity? Many have signed up for the fall of 2006. We are on our way!!!

We want to see UTS Revolutionized by having many American born and bred second-generation go through the course that Father has created. We believe when many second generation go to UTS we will see a huge change in the culture as those who grew up in America know the good points and the not so good points of this nation and will be fully prepared to guide and lead people to join us on the road to happiness for our families and peace in our nation and the world. . The second generation have incredible energy and creativity. With this education and time to "bond" together at UTS a new generation of leadership will emerge for America. We believe in our second generation and ask all alums to sponsor these wonderful college grads who have responded.

It will be a special scholarship and a commitment for "placement" in ministry for "experience" in teaching and guiding brothers and sisters. I was fortunate enough to be in the first class of the Seminary and now that education which many of our key Middle East Peace Initiative leaders have received, is very much a part of why we can move forward in all areas in the Middle East with all religious leaders. Without the seminary training I would not have the historical and theological foundation to understand the common ground upon which we can be unity of people of faith. This applies to America and the world. With the recent terrorism scare in Canada, the leaders of that nation are desperate to find those that can work successfully among and with all religious peoples. Its the key to peace.

As we are now meeting Presidents and Prime Ministers, the foundations in "history" that the seminary offers combined with Philosophy - from Socrates to Kant to Hegel to Camus to D.F. Strauss is enormously relevant and important. You will find that the Prime Ministers and Presidents of this world had this formal education and grounding so that the decisions they make will be in the context of the past trends in philosophy and history. With your seminary education you will always stand as and enlightened and highly educated person. You can lead the Presidents of this world with the Unification perspective and thought that is well versed and grounded in the facts of history. You may even be the next leader of the state, the nation or the world.

Your value is so great. Please sign up today. Contact Ritz Yamamoto or Tossa Cromwell for more information or just to ask a couple of questions at

Please check out the banner on the top of the FFWPU website. . Support the UTS Revolution.

With love and hope for America and the Peace of the World.

Your Brother,

Dr. Michael Jenkins
UTS Board of Directors
President FFWPU USA

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