The Words of the Jenkins Family

All Come To EG During This Time

Michael Jenkins
September 18, 2007

SECOND GENERATION DAY AT EG WITH TRUE PARENTS - Saturday, September 22nd. We would like to invite all second generation to share HDH with True Parents on Saturday, September 22nd, 2007. Please arrive by 4:15 am so that we can organize well. Recommended that you stay in the Tarrytown area.

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I want to thank all the brothers and sisters who have been attending True Parents each morning in East Garden. This has been such a special time with Father and Mother. They are doing so well. Father is now making very strong conditions through fishing on the Hudson River every day and asked Rev. Hwang (Korea), Rev. Im (Japan), Dr. Yang (America), and Rev. Eu (Hawaii / Pacific Rim) to join in each day.

They are fishing very long hours, and sometimes it is very cold and wet. All of this is to offer prayer for the success of the new declaration of the Universal Peace Federation as the Abel UN. It is also a special prayer that Korea, Japan, America and the Pacific Rim will become one and support the Abel UN to build Cheon Il Guk. The declaration of the Abel UN will occur on Sunday, September 23rd, for the UPF high-level delegation which will include key Ambassadors for Peace from America.

One of the most important things we can personally do to support this providence is to attend Hoon Dok Hae with True Parents at East Garden. The joy that they expressed on Sunday when there was an overflow of women attending was so uplifting to them, especially that so many American women members came.

Brothers and sisters, what Dr. Yang and I can see right now is that Father's desire and hope is to see American members in attendance. I am sharing with you from the heart. When Americans attend as the majority in East Garden, it gives our True Parents a special feeling of support from America. Somehow only Americans can really show "America's" heart to True Parents.

That is why I am calling upon all Americans to come to East Garden from New York. Every American from the East Coast should attend at least two times before True Parents leave. Tomorrow for Ahn Shi Il is a particularly important time to attend. All American members from across America should attend at least once. (At least one family member should attend.)

Please pray and think about how deeply we love True Parents and always want to do what is right. I know that is in the heart of our American members. We want to do what is right, centering on God and True Parents. Also, once Americans realize what is right, we spring into action in a way that is unique to the world. That is why America was chosen as the Elder Son Nation.

Therefore I would like to ask all Americans to realize and understand in your hearts that the best way to show True Parents how much America is moving forward for God is first to show it in through attendance to True Parents as blessed central families. Remember, this must be done from the heart and with the mind, "I am a filial son or daughter of True Parents. I am a blessed family member and really want to comfort God and demonstrate that we will be responsible for America."

The first step in being truly capable to take care of this nation is our heart of devotion to God and True Parents. With this heart, I sincerely ask all American members to come to East Garden at 4:30 AM each morning. Please reach out for other brothers and sisters to come.

This is an incredible opportunity to show our love for True Parents -- as Americans. Each morning we will make sure that American members have good seats in the front. If you have to leave for work - don't worry - just quietly go when you have to. (If you have to leave at 6:30, then better to sit in the middle or back).

Father knows your heart; if you are sincere, all will be blessed. Don't come out of guilt or fear. Please know in your heart that it is an absolute principle that when you offer your heart to God, God is then free to bless you more and more.

Father opened this door; I know if Americans really understand, they will rush through it to bring comfort and encouragement to our True Parents and to demonstrate that the heart of the Elder Son Nation is first to be one in spirit and heart with our True Parents and then to bring up America to lead the world to peace.

Please schedule your time to come to East Garden. It will bring joy to heaven. Please reach out the way we did during the Special Grace Ceremonies across America. Bring all brothers and sisters from America forward to attend True Parents.

Thanks, America.

With True Parents' Love,

Rev. Michael Jenkins
President FFWPU USA

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