The Words of the Jenkins Family

Dr. Hyun Jin Moon, 12-city Speaking Tour - A Call to Action: God's Kingdom of Peace is at Hand

Michael Jenkins
January 29, 2007
New Jersey

New Jersey was the 10th state for Hyun Jin Nim’s 12 City Tour in America. The speech happened at United Missionary Baptist Church, where Hyun Jin Nim mentioned that the "United" on the name had a big significance for the event that night. We had CARP members singing holy songs while the guests were arriving to prepare the spirit of the event.

The event started with the New Jerusalem Choir singing. Right after that Rev. Levy Daugherty introduced Rev. Jenkins as the MC for the night. Dr. and Mrs. Zal and Josie Velez , deputy mayor of East Orange, were among the couples selected to lead the celebration of families. Elder James Page from the Evangelical Reformed Church offered the invocation. The mayor of Clifton, Mr. James Anzaldi, gave the welcoming remarks, saying that he was very touched to be part of the event and he enjoys every time that the New Hope School children’s choir comes to sing for him at Christmastime. Right after the mayor, Rev. Robert Pyle from the Mount Pleasant Mills Brethren Church talked about his experience traveling on the 4th World Tour, visiting 21 countries to give the powerful message of Father Moon. Also Imam Ameer Tasha Salahuddin from the Islamic Center of Passaic and Paterson talked about his experience and how much he relates to the heart of Father Moon. He felt honored to deliver Father Moon’s message in another country.

We had a choir from the Church of God, Saints of Christ directed by Mr. Robert Harrison. Dr. Yang came right after, explaining the meaning of the tour. Then Archbishop George A. Stallings introduced the keynote speaker, Hyun Jin Nim. His energy and his walking through the pews inspired and prepared everyone’s hearts to receive Hyun Jin Nim. Even his remarks about forgetting he was a Catholic bishop brought everyone as one as he seemed to be a Baptist preacher.

Based on that, when the keynote speaker was introduced, everyone was ready! Ready for the message of unity, breaking walls and a new start! Hyun Jin Nim started by saying, "As Archbishop Stallings said I’m a man who wears many hats, but at this moment I’m wearing the hat of a filial son, taking over my father’s burden." Hyun Jin Nim was freely walking around and talking to the ministers. That made the guests very close and personal. When Hyun Jin Nim asked some of them to say, "One Family under God, Aju" they really felt closer to him. This is how Elder Page described his experience: "He (Dr. Moon) is predominantly a Baptist preacher. Usually the preacher has notes but he didn’t have any. He just spoke. He came out of the pulpit and talked to all the people, in the front, back, and sides. Everyone enjoyed him. He came up to me first and asked me to repeat the phrase ‘"One family under God, Aju’. That is awesome! He is awesome!

Next we honored various leaders attending the speech. Also we recognized five new Ambassadors for Peace. The spirit was very uplifting!

The next morning at 5 am Hyun Jin Nim and Jun Sook Nim led the pledge service for more than 300 1st and 2nd generation gathered in the Sheraton Hotel in Newark, New Jersey. By this time in the tour Hyun Jin Nim’s tunnel of youth is becoming famous. After hearing from the Carp Band, the New Jersey Wait Team, and the New Hope School Choir, we all felt younger! Hoon Dok Hae ended with a gift from Hyun Jin Nim. He blessed New Jerusalem Community with seed money for ACLC work in our district. The AFP breakfast followed, with more than forty AFP religious leaders, FFWPU members, and guests gathered. After breakfast we all introduced ourselves to Hyun Jin Nim, and Hyun Jin Nim shared his vision for ACLC and Ambassadors for Peace, saying that we should study at the newly developing interfaith center at UTS. Those gathered had a chance to ask questions and make comments. Hyun Jin Nim directly counseled one pastor, encouraging him to attend UTS in order to find answers to the questions he was asking. Shortly after the breakfast Hyun Jin Nim and his wife departed for the airport.

The New Jerusalem community was truly blessed to receive this holy son of True Parents.

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