Unification Sermons and Talks

by Reverends Howell

Be A Creditor, Not A Debtor

by Mrs. Donna Howell
National Messiah to the Philippines from America
God's Day Message

God’s Day is a good time to reflect on how much we owe True Parents for what they have done for us. The debt we owe them is great and, though we can never repay them, we should always be working toward that end. So this morning, I want to discuss the issue of indebtedness.

For Father, this is a serious issue. Many times he has said that one should always give more than one receives. If we live our lives this way then always others will owe us more than we owe them.

We become a debtor when we owe others more than they owe us. This is actually a dangerous position to be in, spiritually. Father has said that "if you are in debt, you cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven." This is because the Kingdom of Heaven is a place for those who live lives of giving more than they receive.

Father himself says that he has never incurred debt, but has instead inflicted debt on everyone, including the Unification Church and Korea. Our goal as Unification church members is to live up to that standard. So on this first day of the year we have to really think about what we owe and to whom we owe it. Do we owe money, or time, or effort or heart? Whatever the debt we have to pay it before we begin the new year. If there is someone in your center or family who is always washing the dishes or cleaning the toilets and we never help them, then we owe them. We must pay the debt. If someone always works harder than we do, we owe them. If someone shows more heart towards us than we do towards them, we owe them. If we have borrowed things or money, we must pay it back. And the best way to pay our debts back is to include interest in the payment - giving something extra in order to show gratitude for what has been given.

Of course, not all debts can be paid quickly or in full in the same way they were incurred. Sometimes we can pay a monetary debt with heart or a heartistic debt with money. The important point is that we always have the heart to pay the debt and that we do our best to return what was given and then give more.

Father says our goal is to be a creditor, not a debtor. Therefore, I want to thank everyone who has been so helpful to our family as we make this transition to a new life in the Philippines. There are many people we owe who have helped our family, so we will do our best to give you more than you gave us. So let’s establish a heavenly competition for who can give the most. In this way we can create the heavenly kingdom right here in the Philippines. 

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