The Words of the Cromwell Family

On Perfection

Tossa Cromwell
October 24, 2009

Think Plato and his Forms -- (If you are familiar with them. If not, just read on:)

It is possible to attain an image in the mind of Perfection (if you are familiar with Forms, note the capitalization). We can come up with an Idea of perfection, what might be sought for. Infallibility. Beauty beyond measure. Complete health of mind and body. Supreme intelligence, knowledge and wisdom. Graceful yet meaningful gestures. Masculinity (or femininity) to its extreme. Desirable to the extreme. No trace of sin or evil. No malicious desires. Not one spot of ugliness. Bravery, hospitality, generosity, kindness, honesty, purity, and any other virtue desired.

Probably each person could come up with a different image of perfection in his/her mind. Perhaps, no two could be identical. Yet, there is certainly a Form, an origin, a "limit" in mathematical terms, which could be reached if enough people got together and came up with a consensus on what perfection is. That would be Perfection (capitalized).

To me, perfection is the unity of heart with God - the completion of such unity - the absolute, total, eternal, unbreakable bond of heart between God and a man or woman - to me, that is individual perfection, nothing more or less. I see greater horizons for familial perfection:)

I believe that Jesus and True Father achieved the level of unity with God that I consider as individual perfection. I also believe that Father attained even greater unity with God through his family and the Unification family/movement.

Jesus and Father did not achieve perfection as could be conceived through philosophical analysis, whether we are talking about Perfection (the Form/mathematical limit/ideal image) or the perfection within the mind of any individual.

This is crucial to understanding him and his mission. 

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