The Words of the Cromwell Family

Absolute Faith, Absolute Love and Absolute Obedience

Tossa Cromwell
October 24, 2009

The most important thing to realize about absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience is that God was the first to practice these. God had and still does have absolute faith in human beings, absolute love in human beings and even absolute obedience to human beings. I realize that as I look back on my life of faith. God was always there when I needed him, in whatever way I needed him. Also, God has had faith in me when no faith was merited. God has loved me no matter what I did or my parents did or my ancestors, people of my nation and tribe did.

To me, attempting to live a life of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience is possible only after realizing that God and True Parents have already lived that way, only it was towards us. Whether we keep the standard of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience toward God and True Parents or not, they keep that standard toward us. Father is constantly giving God's Word to people, regardless of whether they listen or practice what he tells them to do. It's because he has absolute faith in people, or at least in people's potential as children of God with original God-given nature.

I realized that absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience are needed in every relationship in life. Absolute faith is not blind faith and absolute love does not include love for unprincipled behavior. Absolute obedience is only as a response to original nature. There can be no obedience to what comes out of fallen nature and there can be no love for sinful acts.

I heard a story in Chung Pyung that makes me believe that God even has absolute faith in Satan. To me, absolute love, absolute faith and absolute obedience are an expression of heart. God's heart is so great that he could embrace all human beings throughout history. He has not given up on humanity as a whole. Religions, and the great figures God sends in history to help humanity are a testament to God's love. So are technology, science, art, culture, and better political and economic systems. We have so much to be grateful to God for. No advancement of technology, starting from discovering how to make prehistoric tools, to the development of space engineering, could happen without God's blessing.

I am so grateful to be alive at this time in history, when I can understand these things at least to some limited extent, through the grace of God and True Parents. Aju!

Let me clarify this:

"I heard a story in Chung Pyung that makes me believe that God even has absolute faith in Satan"

I don't know if God having absolute faith in Satan is true or not, but as a logical premise, it helps me understand what I heard in Chung Pyung. Without absolute faith in Satan, then why would God allow Satan to continue to exist? He could certainly do something about Satan if he wanted to. From what I understand, God invested so much in Lucifer and relied on him a lot when it came to creation. He even entrusted the education of his children, Adam and Eve, to Lucifer. Lucifer, as I understand, received God's love as a representative of the angels. He would have been precious to God.

Even after the Fall, God could not help but continue to have faith in Lucifer, faith that, if nothing else, then that one day he would return to his original self. That is because God loved Lucifer and he never stopped loving him even though he was the origin of the Fall and of the fallen human history. That is what True Love is. It never changes, never stops, never is two-faced, never is relative to the object of love. I just rephrased the statement that true love is absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal. Without faith in Lucifer, how could God have continued to exist? God created Lucifer. So he had to have faith in Lucifer. If he does not have faith in Lucifer, then he could not have faith in himself anymore.

This helps us understand God's deep heart of suffering and anguish.

I hope this helps to make my post above more clear. I guess this post does not really represent a discussion about philosophical questions. Rather, it was an expression of a deep and profound realization I came to and wanted to share with others. I hope that others may come to the same realizations that I've come to, or explain to me why my realizations were wrong if they were wrong.

Thanks! Have a great day!

Collection of quotes from Father about absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience:

1. Quoted from

"Unfortunately, history did not start out that smoothly. The fall of Adam and Eve orphaned humanity for thousands and tens of thousands of years. We lost our homeland and lived like vagabonds drifting here and there, begging for food. Humanity was to have attended God as the vertical True Parent. All the world's people would have lived as one family in accordance with the principles of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. Instead, we find ourselves divided from one another by all manner of barriers and international boundaries planted by Satan."

2. Quoted from

"Since you clearly declared that you have understood, then I have the right to erase this from the board. When it comes to completion, I am referring to world level completion and even cosmic level completion. Centering upon what? Centering upon family. Because even the Family Federation is centered upon the family. What kind of family? Whose family? (God's family.) My family. Your family. If there is even one cell among the forty million cells of a blessed couple that is complaining and demonstrating against you, then you cannot build the original family. At the cosmic level, each family is like one cell representing our body. This means that each family represents all the cosmic families. In your family life, the minds of your family members know which direction is right. If your family is heading in the wrong direction, the minds of your family members should know. If the father and mother are doing something wrong, then the children and other family members should know about it. If the elder brother is doing something wrong, then even the younger brother would know that. Then how can we take care of these problems? Because there is room for these problems to exist, God has given this kind of model: Absolute Faith, Absolute Love, and Absolute Obedience. This should be our daily motto. Our entire family should live centered upon this motto because this is the road that the Family Federation for Cosmic Peace and Unification and the Cosmic Era of Blessed Families are on.

"Don't you think that God has cells? At the time of creation, don't you think that God had cells? God wanted His creation to become totally united. Therefore He made certain that He created upon the foundation of absolute faith, love and obedience. That was God's aim and target. Everything was focused upon that goal. That was the first concept. [Father writes on the board] The substantial creation is in the position of minus. God's focus, His mental unity was in the position of plus. This was displayed in His creation from the mineral kingdom, plant kingdom, animal kingdom and humanity. We can find plus and minus relationships within all of these kingdoms. Since God created on the basis of absolute faith, love and obedience, our life must be centered upon this standard also. As plus and minus, we should uphold the absolute standard. Also, in the relationship between the spiritual and physical worlds, this absolute standard of plus and minus should be there.

"The vertical oneness between the spiritual and physical worlds should be manifested in a horizontal way within ourselves. Then we can see plus and minus in a vertical way, and plus and minus in a horizontal way. These two relationships meet at the core center. In this center we can find God, Adam, Eve and the entire creation. Do you understand? Therefore, in order to solve the possible problems that might occur, God gave us this daily motto of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. Without strictly following this commandment, our lives will become more complicated. This is why God gave His commandment to Adam and Eve not to eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil."

"Without the daily motto of absolute faith, love and obedience, even God cannot solve the problems among human beings. That is why God gave us this to follow. This is the first encounter between the king and queen sexual organ cells. [Father points to a diagram on the board] At this meeting point, your mind, body and all forty billion cells are focused, pulled in and poured in there. That is what is known as first love. Based upon first love all your forty billion cells begin dancing. If you reach that level through your love, then all your forty billion cells, your blood and body will become harmonized into one. This is total unification. The husband's body belongs to the wife and the wife's body belongs to the husband. God would come to that place of His absolute partnership and become one. Absolute man and absolute woman combine into an absolute couple and then combine with God and make one body. After they become one body with God, then everything belongs to that one body place forever. Forever yours. Centering upon True Love everything becomes yours; American land is yours, everything. All human beings don't have that kind of ambition. Is that true? (Yes.)

The value of first love

"Do you need this concept? (Yes.) You know the meaning. The first love intercourse becomes the unification place. On their wedding night just prior to the first lovemaking between husband and wife, they should ask each other if they have absolute faith in one another. When they ask each other, "Do you absolutely believe in me?" what should be their answer? (Yes.) Do you want to do that also? (Yes.) Don't you want to ask your spouse if he or she absolutely loves you? (Yes.) Then centering upon your absolute love, don't you want to ask your spouse if he or she wants to give you his or her absolute obedience? (Yes.) For the husband, his wife is his absolute love partner. For the wife, her husband is her absolute love partner. You need unification between husband and wife. That is why the name Unification Church emerged. Then is the name Unification Church good or bad? (Good.) What about its contents and concepts? (Great.) How great? Not gray, nobody likes the color gray. Great color. (Great!) Make sure that you pronounce the "t". Americans tend to lose the sound of "t". Make sure you say "great".

Once you reach absolute unification you can ask God to have absolute faith in you

"Once you reach the level of absolute unification between husband and wife, based upon absolute faith, love and obedience, then you will have the right to ask God if He wants to have absolute faith in you. God will then come and bow to you and say, "Yes my son, my daughter, I will have absolute faith in you." Then you may reply, "What about absolute love and obedience, will you offer these to me?" Then God will bow His head and give you that. No matter how high God is, He absolutely needs His absolute love partner. As soon as God recognizes you as His absolute partner, He will come and embrace you and never let you go. God exists in eternity. Within God you will have eternity as well, because you will become one with God centered upon love. That means you will become the owner of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience, in oneness with God. By doing so, we can achieve the world of eternal peace and unification. Do you follow? (Yes.)"

Based on the quotes from Father's words,

1. God created with absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience

"Since God created on the basis of absolute faith, love and obedience, our life must be centered upon this standard also."

2. The standard of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience should be applied in order to overcome "possible problems" when trying to unite mind and body centering on God

"The vertical oneness between the spiritual and physical worlds should be manifested in a horizontal way within ourselves. Then we can see plus and minus in a vertical way, and plus and minus in a horizontal way. These two relationships meet at the core center. In this center we can find God, Adam, Eve and the entire creation. Do you understand? Therefore, in order to solve the possible problems that might occur, God gave us this daily motto of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience."

3. The lifestyle of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience would have been way for humanity to attend God as the True Parent(s) and create one family under God

"Humanity was to have attended God as the vertical True Parent. All the world's people would have lived as one family in accordance with the principles of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. "

4. Absolute Faith, absolute love and absolute obedience is a motto to use within the family in order to resolve situations in which one or more of the family members is going in the wrong direction.

"If your family is heading in the wrong direction, the minds of your family members should know... Because there is room for these problems to exist, God has given this kind of model: Absolute Faith, Absolute Love, and Absolute Obedience. This should be our daily motto. Our entire family should live centered upon this motto because this is the road that the Family Federation for Cosmic Peace and Unification and the Cosmic Era of Blessed Families are on"

5. Absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience is the ideal attitude between spouses to one another

"On their wedding night just prior to the first lovemaking between husband and wife, they should ask each other if they have absolute faith in one another. When they ask each other, "Do you absolutely believe in me?" what should be their answer? (Yes.) Do you want to do that also? (Yes.) Don't you want to ask your spouse if he or she absolutely loves you? (Yes.) Then centering upon your absolute love, don't you want to ask your spouse if he or she wants to give you his or her absolute obedience? (Yes.) For the husband, his wife is his absolute love partner. For the wife, her husband is her absolute love partner. You need unification between husband and wife. That is why the name Unification Church emerged. "

6. God desires to have absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience in and toward humankind, but is unable to until husband and wife reach the level of absolute unification

"Once you reach the level of absolute unification between husband and wife, based upon absolute faith, love and obedience, then you will have the right to ask God if He wants to have absolute faith in you. God will then come and bow to you and say, "Yes my son, my daughter, I will have absolute faith in you." Then you may reply, "What about absolute love and obedience, will you offer these to me?" Then God will bow His head and give you that. No matter how high God is, He absolutely needs His absolute love partner. As soon as God recognizes you as His absolute partner, He will come and embrace you and never let you go. God exists in eternity. Within God you will have eternity as well, because you will become one with God centered upon love. That means you will become the owner of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience, in oneness with God. By doing so, we can achieve the world of eternal peace and unification."

In summary, absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience seem to be natural reciprocal aspects of an ideal model relationship, whether the relationship is between God and people or man and woman. Yet, in the act of the Fall, people broke that relationship with God and instead entered into an unprincipled relationship with Satan. I don't think there was any absolute faith, absolute love or absolute obedience between Adam and Eve or between Satan and Adam or Satan and Eve. As Father says, false love, false life and false lineage was passed down from that first family.

I think, and this is my opinion, that God in his heart wants to have absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience toward humankind, but he has been unable to because of the fallen lineage. With the coming of the restored lineage, God has started to be able to have hope for such relationships with human beings.

Quote from

Therefore, "blessed couples" should become "plus couples" who contribute for the sake of others in the world. To become completely reborn, we should practice absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience centering on God. I have personally practiced this throughout my life.

When God created the universe, He acted with absolute faith. God created us to be His absolute partners of love. Absolute obedience means that we invest ourselves completely to the extent that we give up all self-centeredness. Furthermore, one totally forgets about the investment that one makes and invests all over again. Such a process continues until one reaches a zero point without any concept of one's own self. Since God poured out all of His faith, what is left is zero; since He poured out all of His love, what is left is zero; since He poured out all of His obedience, what is left is zero. Nevertheless, Heaven's true love is such that the more it is invested the more it grows. We must come to resemble God in this way.

I don't know whether I mentioned this already, but i want to clarify something I wrote above.

I believe that God has faith in the potential goodness within his created beings. It may have been a stretch to call that absolute faith. It could be called absolute in that it does not change no matter how many evil deeds are performed by fallen people and the fallen angels.

Of course, without faith in humanity, there would be no way for God to work his providence of salvation/restoration.

And without (absolute) love in humanity, there would be no reason for God to work his providence of salvation/restoration.

The essential thing now is to liberate God's heart (I believe that is something that each and every person much strive to do, not just True Parents) and to fulfill his ideal on the earth. Aju? 

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