New Eden Academy

Several UTS graduates are currently involved in the launching of a residential, college preparatory school on the campus of the University of Bridgeport. Dr. Hugh Spurgin (Class of '77 and a member of the UTS Board of Trustees) is the Headmaster of the New Eden Academy and also the history and social studies teacher. Josie Hauer ('90) is the Academic Dean and will also teach English literature and social studies. Robert Schwartz ('86) serves as the Controller and Business Manager, Reid White ('88) will teach math and computer science and Mike Breslin ('77) will teach physical sciences and math. Dr. David Burton ('90), who teaches at UB, will be an adjunct teacher of chemistry.

The New Eden Academy is described in its literature as an international high school dedicated to creating world citizens. The Academy promises an outstanding academic program which will benefit from the close proximity of the University of Bridgeport and which, in addition to its core curriculum, will emphasize "creative, artistic expression; scientific analysis; computer skills; utilization of the Internet; the study and mastery of Korean and other foreign languages; and verbal and written communication." The school will also promote moral integrity. In a letter to parents of prospective students, Academic Dean Josie Hauer wrote that "Academy life nurtures public-mindedness and a responsible social conscience. Attention will be paid to character development in a spiritually enriched atmosphere where both a principled, moral lifestyle and community service are taught and practiced."

The cost of tuition, room and board is $12,000 per year but Dr. Spurgin has encouraged all parents to contact the staff if they are at all interested as the school was established with a sense of social responsibility. "We are committed to finding a way to fulfill our True Parents' desire to take care of our second generation through this school," he wrote in a recent letter. "This mission compels us to find a way to bring every Unification child possible to New Eden Academy, if the family is interested."

You can contact the New Eden Academy at 405 Linden Avenue, Bridgeport, CT 06604 Phone: 203-334-8581 Fax: 203-334-8651 Email: