The Words of the Kim Family from 2009 and 2010

Who Actually Committed The Act Of Rebellion

Baeksan Kim
June 6, 2010
Korea House of the Family

I'd like to ask who actually committed the act of rebellion

I was so disheartened to hear that Hyun Jin Nim has received unimaginable insult and humiliation as a True Child at the Brazil Church. I am so saddened to think how our Unification family has been degraded to this low level. Those who once worked as comrades, as the family members, or as friends, are now fighting against each other even to the point of no return.

It appears that the church attempted to use every possible method to prevent Hyun Jin Nim from visiting True Father's house. It is also very obvious that the Continental Director and some other leaders tried so many methods to stop Hyun Jin Nim from speaking to the members. I believe there will be many different responses to the two different testimonies from Continental Director, Rev. Dongmo Shin and Rev. Indon Kang, the contents of which contradict to each other.

However, I also believe that it will soon become clear who is giving an accurate accounting.

I had an opportunity to study together with both of them at UTS. Therefore, I know them to some extent; Continental Director Rev. Shin as a friend, and Rev. Kang as my younger fellow student. Of course I don't know if Rev. Shin still thinks I am his friend since the situations have changed since then. I have no intention to accuse him in this letter and I am not in the position to doubt the purity of his faith. I have no doubt in my mind that he said he did everything according to the direction of True Parents, and thus, he would attend him properly whenever True Parents give permission. I also do not deny that Rev. Shin strongly emphasizes his position of having absolute obedience to True Parents' words. However, I cannot tolerate any longer his criticism against Hyun Jin Nim by insisting on his authority as the church leader position.

What disappoints me is that he could not handle the situation better from the position of the Continental Director. Hyun Jin Nim's visit to South America has been planned for long time ago, and of course he knew that. I am aware that he sent an email a while ago to some leaders sharing about his struggle of how to sabotage Hyun Jin Nim's visit to South America. He apparently has been thinking about how to sabotage his visit since then. And when he realized that he couldn't solve this problem by himself, he requested World Headquarters to issue an official memo which says that they need True Parents' approval to hold events centered on Hyun Jin Nim, so that he could avoid his responsibility for this issue. I understand he persuaded the leaders and the members by showing that official memo. As some others expressed, it doesn't seem to be the usual attitude of Rev. Shin, who always acts based on his own belief. However, it seems that he moved politically and prepared his way out, so that all the blame would go to Hyun Jin Nim and his staff.

And besides, he directly led the Sunday sermon (which was not planned earlier), and used it as an excuse to not to welcome Hyun Jin Nim, even ignore Hyun Jin Nim after he had arrived. He even extended his sermon in his effort to prevent Hyun Jin Nim's chance to speak to the members. These attempts to stop Hyun Jin Nim's opportunity to speak cannot be considered as the reasonable action of the family members who are supposed to attend the True Children. Even though Hyun Jin Nim's going through the difficult situation in the True Family and the Unification family, we, as the members of the family, should not treat him in this way.

Rev. Shin and the church staff may have even purposely staged this situation, expecting this to happen from the very beginning. And they might have planned to put all the blame to Hyun Jin Nim and his staff. If that's really the case, this would be unforgivable.

However, Rev. Shin accuses Rev. Indon Kang and some leaders for having attempted a rebellion. When we examine his accusation, though, the main person of the rebellion is connected to Hyun Jin Nim. If that's the case, who do you say Hyun Jin Nim is planning the rebellion against? Rev. Shin may want to say that is against True Parents. Rev. Shin would say that the son planned rebellion against his parents. Needless to say, this kind of accusation is nothing new. It has been repeated again and again from a long time ago by the group who wanted to kick out Hyun Jin Nim from True Family. That group even prepared that "Spirit World Message" and attacked Hyun Jin Nim at Cheon Jeong Won in Sokcho in early March, 2009. When Hyun Jin Nim had difficulty in accepting that message, they managed to have the proclamation of 1 year suspension from the public activities given to him, which was for him like a cruel punishment.

Hyun Jin Nim couldn't stand any longer watching that group who do not hesitate to intentionally destroy parent-child relationships in the True Family and thus damage the central axis of the providence. Hyun Jin Nim was not furious about the fact that he had been forced out of the True Family and put in the position to bow down to his younger siblings, but the fact that the group that was damaging the providence had been setting up the tent surrounding True Parents centered on Cheon Jeong Goong, and they did not hesitate to commit unprincipled actions in order to protect their vested rights.

Last year, Hyun Jin Nim visited Las Vegas to meet True Parents. When Hyun Jin Nim told True Father that recently many churches had been eliminated and consolidated and many ministers had been cut off by the restructuring, Father got angry and told him with a loud voice not to lie. Just by looking at this fact alone, we can imagine how many false reports True Parents might have been receiving from their close aides. We all know about the fact of churches' elimination and consolidation, as well as the increase and decrease of the church membership. How can you explain why True Father is not aware of the facts which we all know?

People ask why Hyun Jin Nim doesn't visit True Parents and report the facts directly to them. This is simply because they don't know the internal situation of the True Family. For many years True Parents have been receiving so many negative reports about Hyun Jin Nim and thus there is so much misunderstanding about Hyun Jin Nim. Therefore, it is very difficult for Hyun Jin Nim to find a way to convey his true heart to True Parents. Even if Hyun Jin Nim manages to resolve one misunderstanding from True Parents, the next day everything would go upside down. This kind of situation happens so many times and Hyun Jin Nim's despair just increases.

I believe Hyun Jin Nim is trying to bring the victorious accomplishment to realize True Parents' dream rather than to defend himself before True Parents. It is not easy to avoid misunderstanding for a while. But I believe that he has absolute faith in True Parents that one day True Parents will understand his true heart. Even though that group is busy accusing and condemning Hyun Jin Nim as rebel or heretic, deceiving our family members by holding the clerical authority in our community, now is the time we should be able to distinguish the true fact from the false lie.

From this perspective, I believe one day our members will be able to judge through their conscience who is the true rebel. And I hope the day will come soon that all shall see clearly who understands the providence correctly and who is attending our True Parents with true filial piety and loyalty. 

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