The Words of Dae Mo Nim (Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim -- Hoon Mo Nim)

Candle Inheritance for Seunghwaed 2nd and 3rd Generation

Dae Mo Nim
August 23, 2008

Date of the first candle inheritance for seunghwaed children: December 13, 1999

When parents receive the candle, the child enters the parents' bodies and stays with them until 12 midnight, then goes to Heung Jin Nim's training center in the spirit world. There are those among the wives who had received the matching and the blessing before passing away, as well as those among the angels, who act as parents.

Holy Candle Lighting Time

Light the candle and pray twice daily, in the morning and in the afternoon or evening, at the selected times. If you are away and there is no one in the family who can light the candle, you must still have the candle lit, even if you have to bring it with you to your destination.

Time Period for Lighting the Candle:

2 years

Grace of Offering Sincere Devotion through the Candle:

The child becomes supplied with nutrients, much like being breastfed by the mother.

Days on which the Child Comes to the Family

Birthday, day of seunghwa (passing to the spirit world), national holidays [Korea - Lunar New Years Day, Chuseok (Korean Thanksgiving); Nations in the West: New Years Day, Christmas]

Blessing Ceremony

Heung Jin Nim and Dae Mo Nim will match the children and an official notice will be sent out announcing an event for parents of matched children. Detailed information regarding the blessing ceremony will be given at that time.

Multiplication of the holy candle and holy matches

Candle Multiplication:

Purchase a candle and holy salt it, then light the new candle using the original candle. Be sure not to mix up the candles.

Match Multiplication:

Purchase matches and holy salt them, place three matches from the original box of holy matches together with the new matches. It is okay to use Tongil Candle matches.

Registration form for raising sung-hwaed 2nd and 3rd generation (for CP)

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