The Words of Dae Mo Nim (Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim -- Hoon Mo Nim)

True Parents Sincerely Invest Themselves Before Asking Us To Do Something

Dae Mo Nim
April 12, 2008
Chung Pyung Heaven and Earth Training Center

No matter what it involves, True Parents never ask us to do something right away without warning. First, they set indemnity conditions, sincerely invest themselves and create an environment for us to carry out the work before they ask us to do it.

When we think about the providence in Korea, we see that True Parents have made preparations that make it possible for us to break through on the grassroots level. They have instructed us to return to our hometowns and become tribal messiahs, and they have laid a foundation to restore our nations through sending out national messiahs. However, each and every time, rather than thinking they are doing this for a reason, we carry out the work requested of us discontentedly and with many complaints...

In carrying out the spiritual work at Chung Pyung, I've seen with the people I am focusing my sincere conditions on that there are many things I cannot tell them. This is because there is more evil and satanic influence than the opposite in people's lives, and when insufficient conditions have been set, people don't have the spiritual foundation to work on their situation if they know everything in advance. That is why in many cases I cannot talk beforehand about the work I'm doing but can only do so after I have completed the preparations for it.

It is my belief that also with the latest campaign, True Parents prepared the way for us but revealed this providence to us only recently; hoping that we in turn would fulfill our responsibilities. Some of us may have thought True Parents bestowed this providence on us suddenly, but I don't believe that is the case. It was not a sudden providential decision made on their part; it was something prepared for us in advance.

Love and witnessing

That is why at Chung Pyung, beginning three years ago, I have been emphasizing that our members should do outreach activity for three hours a day and that the absolute, good spirits will help them in their efforts. However, our members have thought that their personal and family lives come before church work and that it is very difficult to reach out to society. So, in a way, I believe, we have all been unfocused in our lives.

Recently, as I traveled around Japan, I emphasized to our members there that the only way Japan can survive and fulfill her responsibilities is by witnessing. During that tour, I persuaded the second and third regions: to carry out a forty-day witnessing campaign. I believe that God will bestow blessings too great even to be imagined on those members who truly do their best to fulfill their responsibilities during those forty days. Our members around the world should realize that only when we pay attention to witnessing can we fulfill our responsibilities in the course of the providence.

Since we are still living on earth, it seems as if we are no different from the people of the secular world. Furthermore, as their lifestyles seem more appealing than ours, in a way, we do not recognize the importance of witnessing. Once you are in the spirit world, however, you will clearly see that both heaven and hell exist. If while living on earth a person does not know the Principle, thereby losing the opportunity to get rid of original sin and to receive the blessing, he or she will be far from heaven when passing into the spirit world, no matter how righteous a life he or she has lived on earth. After seeing the truth of this from the spirit world, you would naturally feel compelled to proselytize. This is why all the absolute, good spirits share the view that they must witness. After you encounter God and learn about the Creation and God's purpose for creating, you also come to believe, "I should really witness to others."

God has not rested for a day a minute or a second since the Fall. He has worked unceasingly to restore His beloved sons and daughters and have them live only in happiness and joy. That is God's only wish; when you encounter Him, you will realize this. Knowing that all people are dominated by Satan and evil, when He looks on His beloved sons and daughters -- blood brothers and sisters, and neighbors -- He has only pity and worry in His heart for them over what will become of them if they go to hell.

Only two things are occupying God's heart and are active within it -- love and witnessing. One side is taken up by love; the other is taken up by a desire to witness. And what is witnessing? It is restoration.

At the time of the Creation, God made people with the intention that they live in joy and happiness. If He could have foreseen the Fall and humankind today living in sickness, suffering and pain -- in short, living in hell -- would He have created us? You have to wonder about this, because God only wanted all of us to live in joy and happiness in this beautiful world. That night, when Satan, evil, and His beloved children's sins overturned His will, how did God feel about that? We need to understand this.

A member came to me and said, "My trusted, beloved son has gone off course." He was a dear son, whom his parents loved.

He was also very religious. He studied hard as a student. He was good to his brothers and sisters; he was a boy without any apparent shortcomings. Having had such a son go off course, the member said to me, "I felt I came to understand God's heart more than I ever had." The member was unable to find joy; and he could not concentrate on any work. Why? His child, whom he loved, was no longer walking on the path of the Principle. His child could be embraced not by God but only by Satan, so the father could no longer feel joy or happiness in his heart.

Under these circumstances, what must it be like for God? It must be the same for Him. As He looks down on us, people who are united mind, body and heart with Satan and with evil, proceeding toward danger, He feels continuous anxiety and cries for us. If we understood His heart and His circumstances, we would feel drawn to witness. Do you understand what I'm saying?

Witnessing is our life; it's our way of life. Just as we breathe air and eat food to live, as we sleep when it is time to sleep and wake up in the morning without being told to do so, we must unite our mind, body and hear: with witnessing. We need to realize this.

We cannot separate ourselves from witnessing.

If we had not converted people in the spirit world, 320 billion absolute, good spirits would not be there today. If we had not witnessed to Lucifer every day without exception for five years and three months, how could we have absolute, good spirits as our ancestors? How could we have rid our bodies of evil spirits? Ultimately, the conversion going on in the spirit world is what is bringing us to life in the physical world today.

Ideally human beings should first have become absolute, good people and then witnessed to the spirits and made them absolute, good spirits. However, because we have failed to do so, and remained ignorant of the need to do so, True Father set up the activities being done at Chung Pyung and first made absolute, good spirits and an absolute, good lineage through the True Children in the spirit world. He is now carrying out the providence of witnessing on earth so that people here may live in joy and happiness. We need to be aware of this...

During our time on earth, we all have goals. Based on God's will this year, 2008, what kind of lifestyle should we have? What shall I do today? Father said 2007 and 2008 are jubilee years. What should we accomplish during the course of this year? We must set up a goal, and then we must work to absolutely fulfill it. We need to observe the passing of time every day. "Oh, this many days have already passed. Which month is it?" We need to direct our lifestyle knowing that we should absolutely accomplish the goals we have set. Only when we are moving in the direction of the goals we have set can God work. We need to be aware that if we set goals and then forget about them, God will not be able to work with us.

With the heart of wanting to rid ourselves of our fallen nature and of wanting to separate ourselves from Satan, each of us, even now, should make a goal to accomplish before year's end, a goal connected with what God likes the most and wants to see the most -- love and witnessing. We will change. Tomorrow we will be better than today; next month we will be better than this month; next month we will be more loving people...

If you had made a goal to find twelve people this year and have not yet found even one, though it is already April, before the month ends -- no matter what other commitments you may have -- you must call on God, saying. Heavenly Father, 1 am supposed to find four people this month; please help me!

However, you must not just pray, but while going out to witness for three hours a day, you must have the heart that you will -- without fail -- find those four people. Please believe that when we do activities with that heart, heavenly fortune will come to wherever you are and that God will help you. Do you understand? (Yes!)...

We need to understand that in this era of numerous absolute, good spirits. if we focus our mind, body and mind-set on God and True Parents, and then witness, all our difficult problems can be resolved. You need to realize that we will be able to fulfill all the responsibilities we take on.

Establishing a tradition of witnessing

Therefore, just as we wake up in the morning and go to work, even if no one tells us to do so, we should spend some time, every day, witnessing. We all need to understand that this should be a part of our daily routine.

You should not say, I will do it if someone else does. Even if you are older, or are the person in charge of a project or organization, you should be the first to go out to witness. My one wish is to make witnessing a part of the culture of all our members around the world by actually going out and witnessing. If we were all to witness, with a wonderful tradition of testifying, people in society would not be able to remain unconvinced. If that tradition of going out to witness took root not only in one person endowed with Heaven's grace but in all the members who know the Principle of the Unification Family -- be they church leaders or other members -- God's will as it pertains to outreach would definitely be achieved while True Father is still on earth.

We need to understand this clearly. If only a handful of us were to appear on the day our True Parent, our True Father, passes on, that would be the most unfilial thing we could do and would make us the most unfilial sons and daughters. When that time comes, a crowd big enough to overflow our Chung Pyung property should come here and praise him, saying, You are the Messiah. You are truly the Lord. To us, you are certainly the True Parent of Heaven, Earth and Humankind.

On that day, all people should stand up together and give him praise and acclamations. If only a few members of the Unification Family were to come, we would not be able to hold our head up in front of God and True Parents.

You would pay more attention if I told you this person-to-person, but when I speak to all of you in general, you listen as if it concerns someone else. It is not someone else's concern -- not at all. You should know that I am speaking to each of you as individuals. Everyone -- all the members here today-should take the lead in witnessing.

How many two-day workshops have we held so far? Eight hundred and eighty! If all the members who attended these two-day and forty-day workshops had become one in mind, body and spirit and had promoted the work of witnessing, we would not have had to go through such difficulties in Korea recently. Instead, this would have been the time when we fulfilled God and True Parents will and fulfilled our duties as devoted sons and daughters.

The providence, the will, is not someone else's. It's yours. The will and the providence are never anyone's but your own. What True Parents say is not meant for someone else; it is not said for the benefit of other people. It is directed at you as an individual. In this new era, and especially in this year, heavenly fortune has been bestowed. I. believe we will have even greater heavenly fortune in 2009, but at present, as I look at this year, I have to wonder how there could be greater heavenly fortune than this! ...

When the will is accomplished through the give and take action between God, True Parents and us, our goals as individuals and families can be accomplished. Knowing this, we should move forward toward the fulfillment of God's will. Do you understand this all clearly? [Yes!] Can you do it? [Yes!] 

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