The Words of Dae Mo Nim
(Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim -- Hoon Mo Nim)

In Commemoration for the Birth of the 1000th Chungshim Baby

Dae Mo Nim
November 27, 2007
Edited: Department of Education and Planning
Chung Pyung Heaven and Earth Training Center

Note: On November 27, Dae Mo Nim spoke at the commemorative event held at Chungshim International Hospital for the birth of the 1000th Chungshim Baby. Dae Mo Nim congratulated the birth of the 1000th baby and wished that all parents that attended the ceremony will raise good children.

Annyeonghaseyo. ("Annyeonghaseyo!")

I congratulate the mother, father, nurses and doctors of the obstetrics and gynecology of Chungshim International Hospital and all others who have worked until this day. However, the number one person who has dedicated until this day is God. God has walked a path of hardship to bring beautiful babies to life through changing all evil history that was inherited through our lineage.

The unborn baby has also gone through hardship to look for the exit gate when looking at its path way for birth. It's not an easy task for the unborn child to come out of the mother.

I want to say, that you must have the heart of gratitude for everything when you live your life. You must have the mindset, 'God! Thank you very much!' when the baby is born, and to the new born baby, 'My lovely baby! Thank you for coming out healthy!' I also thank for all the medical angels that have helped all other Chungshim Babies to be born until this 1000th baby.

Responsibility for Raising a Child

The baby is born in the midst of God's blessings. From now on, you must become proper parents that would bring up an even beautiful child. To raise a child it is most importantly to have a good family education. Always keep this joyful moment of today and educate your child properly.

After all, it's the responsibility of mankind to create peace on earth. Therefore, when you raise a child, you have more responsibility than anyone else. A blessed family does the Dedication Ceremony on the 8th day after birth. The Dedication Ceremony is also a ceremony where blessed families make a promise with God, 'We will properly raise the child of God', and I truly hope that you can become that kind of parents.

Dae Mo Nim's Wish

Whenever I name a baby (that was born in Chungshim International Hospital) I always give a thought, 'What is the best name for this child to have a happy life'. For the 1000th baby, the parents brought a couple of names to me; however, I knew it would be better to put a different Chinese character so I did.

When I name a child, in my heart, I always want them to become an 'adult'. People eventually become adults but there are people who act like a child even though they have matured. That is why, I wish for them to become a matured person.

I also wish for them to become 'parents'. 'Becoming parents' also means to 'live a life of sacrifice and dedication'. You also must live that sort of life.

I have named all the Chungshim babies with that on my mind. I wish that all pregnant sisters and parents attending this ceremony would raise their children to be a matured adult and have the heart of a 'parent'.

Once again, I congratulate for the birth of the 1000th baby born. The doctors of the obstetrics and gynecology have dedicated themselves as well. Also in the new born room, the nurses have really taken care of the new born babies.

I express my gratitude to everything that has happened. I hope that more and more pregnant sisters will come to the obstetrics and gynecology of Chungshim International Hospital and soon give birth to the 2000th Chungshim Baby.

I hope that you and the Chungshim International Hospital will develop even further, I would like to end my speech on this special occasion. Gamsahamnida.

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