The Words of Hak Ja Han Moon from 2013 |
True Father, who was present in the spiritual dimension at the
Foundation Day ceremonies, Sun Jin Nim and In Sup Nim enter, walk
serenely toward the dual-throne
Jin Nim places a robe and crown upon True Father's seat
Mother, arrayed in regal heavenly splendor, is followed by some of
True Parents' grandchildren (representing all blessed families and
the True Family) Shin Joon Nim, Shin Whul Nim, Shin Yuh Nim, and Shin
Gung Nim, as she enters and with lofty dignity makes her way down the
central aisle lined by attendants.
Mother, is followed by some of True Parents' grandchildren as she
enters and makes her way down the central aisle lined by attendants.
True Mother on earth; True Father in the spiritual world
Jin Nim, FFWPU international president, enters bearing the Seal of
the True Empress of Holiness and Virtue, the royal seal of the
Heavenly Parent; his older brother Kwon Jin Nim bears the Heavenly
Royal Seal, True Parents' royal seal.
Jin Nim presents the Seal of the True Empress of Holiness and Virtue
to True Mother
Jin Nim presents the seal to True Mother, after which the brothers
resume walking side by side and exit the stage.
Mother holding the heavenly royal scepter with firm authority
that True Mother received representing True Parents' spiritual
achievements she placed near True Father's throne.