The Way For Students

by Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Section 3. The Way Of Songhwa

1. The Meaning of "Songhwa"

Do you know the meaning of the word "songhwa"? Why did I give the name, "Songhwa" to the young folks? If there is anyone here among you who likes uniting with elderly folks, raise your hand. Sorry to say it, but would it really be much of a help if all the old folks got united? Or what would happen if all the housewives became united? They all just start dancing the Taryong (a traditional Korean dance). Right? This is not really going to help. So, the thing God needs is the youth, the young folks, who have fire, who have the purity and energy and the fire which can assimilate with God's own feelings. That's why I gave the name "Songhwa" to you young folks.

"Song" (accomplishment) means the completion of the Ideal of Creation. In other words, it means the completion of the entire universe. Originally, the time for establishing the standard of completion is the age of 17 or 18, when the human ancestors fell. That's why God desires that everything be accomplished centering upon the "Songhwa," the twenty-year-olds. Those who can occupy the place of completion in the future are those in their youth.

You know about the stages of foundation, growth and completion. One doesn't fulfill the stage of foundation to just sit there quietly. What is the difference between the "hwa" in hwahak (Korean for chemistry) and the "hwa" in Songhwa? The "hwa" in hwahak means changing one's essential character and even shape, and the "hwa" in Songhwa means bringing about corresponding conditions from the position of an absolute subject with a clear view of subject nature. In this position, one is never restricted by formality no matter where one goes.

So if you ask what "Songhwa" means, the answer is "accomplishing and uniting." Achieving one goal and then forming a harmonious unity. And because you unite, there is only one, not two. just like leaven or yeast. It's the same as how in one home, although there may be a nice elderly grandma and a grandpa, or the mother and father, it is only when the kids break out into laughter that the whole house really chuckles. In this sense, you really need to know that the responsibility of being "Songhwa," of being young, is actually a big responsibility. (47-80, 21-83, 25-107)

2. Have The Awareness That "I Am A Child Of Heaven"

Now we have to truly become the sons and daughters of our father. We have to become part of our father's lineage in every sense of the word. We have to establish a relationship of unity wherein our father's shimjung (heart) is firmly bound with our shimjung, and where the aorta of our father's heart is firmly connected to the aorta of our own hearts. The path our father walks has to be our path, the situation our father is in has to be our situation, the purpose our father holds has to be our purpose. (27-270)

Fallen Adam and Eve didn't know it, but we have to bring to light all the facts concerning Satan, be equipped with the shimjung standard that won't be violated by Satan again, and stand in the position in which we can control even the historical satans. We have to become the direct lineal children of God, such that we have no trouble in commanding Heaven and Earth through God's Shimjung itself. We can only get to where we want to go, we can only get to the place we most earnestly desire, after we arrive at the day when God blesses us by saying, "My son, my daughter, this is your time, this is your day. You can do anything you want to do." (10-212)

What we need to know today is that if I live with the awareness that "I am of God's nation," "I am of Heaven's people," "I am a child of Heaven," I will, of a necessity, have to fight. (3-41)

You have to declare confidently before Heaven and Earth, before the entire universe, that I am, without a doubt, the Son of God centered on love. Is there anything that can contradict this? (137-304)

You have to testify to the extent that your recognition of being the child of True Parents is greater than that of being your own father and mother's offspring. I mean, you have to vocalize it constantly, even if you don't like to. You have to testify, saying "True Parents, True Parents" one thousand, ten thousand times. Testify constantly. Call "True Parents, True Parents" until you forget your own father and mother. That's what you should do. Otherwise, you won't be able to restructure your own awareness. What about the time when the Israelites entered and occupied Jericho? They blew their trumpets, beat their drums and raised up their voices, and after they all shouted "We are the People of God. You will surrender!" the walls just fell down, didn't they? [Yes.] It's the same thing. You've got to say "The world is mine. We are the sons of True Parents. The authority of deciding ownership by love is just around the comer, and if you try to deny this, you are going to have to pay damages!," and testify. In other words, don't play the wimp. (137-304)

If you are born a puppy dog, you have to live as a puppy dog. You cannot but live as a puppy dog. If you are born as a piglet, you have to live as a piglet, and we Moonies have been born as Moonies, so we'd better behave as Moonies should. (130-266)

Everyone here has to become a baby tiger, not a little kitten. Got it? OK, then are you going to become little tigers? [Yes.] Then, how about giving us a tiger's growl? [Grrrrrowl] Even if it's small, you've got to growl like a tiger. Don't go "meow" and make some little kitty-cat sound. You have to become baby tigers, not baby kitties, and sweep away the little kitty-cats crouching all over the Korean peninsula. (37-88)

3. When The "Songhwa" Awakens In The Last Days

If one asks what we mean by "the Last Days," we can say it is a time similar to the autumn phase of the year. The leaves begin to fall when autumn comes. Where do leaves fall from when they begin to fall? The leaves on the trunk are the first to go, not the ones on the branches. That means it is the things that belong to the past, to the old era that begin to go first. Their influence dissipates and passes away.

So, as far as our native Korea is concerned, we have come into the time when we 30-year-olds can steer society. And after a little while, the time when the folks in their 20s and in their teens can direct society will come too. That's why the university system is an issue now. A long time ago, one had to be in one's 70s or 80s if one wanted to influence or move the nation, but that age changed into the 60s, 50s, 40s, and has come down to the 30s. When the age of influence falls past the 20s and into the teens, guiding the high school students will be an important task. The problem will not be university students. It will be the high school students. It is not the old folks who decide the fate of the world. That's why the old folks are being called the old generation and are being kept pretty much out of the loop. And the older professors at the universities are being treated as model cases of the "old generation." A professor has to be in his 30s if he wants to get the students all interested. Strange, isn't it? So, what is all this? It's just the falling of the leaves. As far as the formation of humankind's culture is concerned, the old folks are falling by the wayside. In the old days, the whole neighborhood would jump if an old grandpa said anything, but these days even the neighborhood dogs don't pay attention to what an old granddad says, That's how it has become.

So now, my grandpa's time has gone, my Mom and my Dad's time has gone, my elder brother and sister's time has gone, and now it's my time. What time is it? It is the era of youth. The young generation. What's the biggest headache in Korea? Is it the government, the faction fighting in parliament? No, it's the universities. After a while it will be the high schools. We've come to the last movement, the last round in the game. The end days are very close.

What's the motive behind the fall? The manifestation of individualism is the beginning point of the Fall. Individualism manifesting itself is the starting point of the Fall. "Who cares about the world, about whatever?" That's what it is. Next, the development of a base of unrestricted freedom is the prime cause of the Fall. "Who cares if God said not to eat that fruit? Who gives a heck about rules and regulations! Who needs that stuff? What do I care about restrictions? Let's do whatever we want!" Is that Freedom? Behaving like this and doing whatever one pleases? We can't just do that.

The freer and more liberated the world gets, the more the world needs to stick to the rules and preserve order. The more precise a machine is, the more it moves according to a regular axis within a framework of order based upon the principled relationship of vertical and horizontal. By following this rule, the natural result is freedom of movement. This is even more evident when we examine today's scientific culture and social system. This society's structure calls for an unrestricted form. Is it possible that humans require freedom but that society itself doesn't? Because the social institution corresponds to the human condition, if the social institution is formed in the framework of regulation as an organization and a system, then humans have to respond to that systematic institution and be prepared for its conditions. In fact, they have to be able to guarantee and protect it's well-being in the position of subject. If one considers things from this viewpoint, there can be no such thing as unlicensed freedom.

If you are going somewhere, you definitely have to set up a path or road. There needs to be a direction. The philosophy behind modern-day liberalism is just without direction, isn't it? Can there be any direction when one just does whatever one pleases? Or can the mind exist without direction? No.

This kind of thinking is the kind of thinking that leads to destruction. We need to completely wipe out that kind of decadent philosophy. Therefore, the more difficult and refined something is, the more complex is the path taken to it. Do you like complex things, or do you prefer simplistic things? It's a very complex path.

Take a look at the human eye, for example. It looks very simple, but it is really a very complex part of the human body. Even the individual cells of the eye are very complex. They are all very complex, but in as much as they all live together as part of the one living organism, they respect each other and cooperate with each other, and don't inflict damage upon one another. So, it just not possible for them to say "well, I'm the eye, and I'm great," or "I don't like you other guys and we hands are the best part, etc."

As regards to the relationship of front and back, left and right, above and below, there is no other way to go other than adjusting to and obeying the defined rules and conditions according to position and class. There is no other way to connect the whole together. (49-190)

4. The Attitude Appropriate For Songhwa Activities

When I was young, I set and determined the goals in my life, and the measure of my aspirations. All of a sudden, I find that I have passed through my youth and middle age, and am approaching my senior years. If there is one regret I have, it is that I was unable to achieve completion and call upon my Father while I was in my youth. That is, I'm sad that I couldn't say "Father" during the same phase of life as Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. That's why you folks are in such a fortunate position.

As the one who is inheriting the undiluted tradition of God, I have to always go the direct path. I have to consider those students and teachers who do not know the Will as pitiful and unfortunate people. And I have to always think about how much God worked and labored in order to find and establish me.

I have to subjugate that which is unrighteous. And it takes thousands of times more effort to subjugate force with something other than force. I have to set up an integrity of loyalty and piety that can conquer and deal with any environment or circumstances. And I have to start with a pure mind and make unfaltering progress until I achieve my goal.

The Principle is like a traffic policeman, and the goal of the Principle is my life. If one walks toward the goal with all one's faith and sincerity, then signposts appear. Each of you, in the very environment in which you are situated, needs to make a historical departure, a historical beginning. And you have to plant and nurture the seeds of genuine sincerity. (21-83)

What is the thing that your mind wants most of all? This is the important question. If there is something in the world most worth having, then our youngsters are the ones who have to grab it. If one person isn't enough, and even if it takes ten, or a hundred, or a thousand, or ten thousand, you have to stick tightly together and then grab it all together.

How many junior and senior high school students are there in Korea? Would it be a few million? That's a pretty big bunch. If there is something really good which would take a million or so (youths) all connected together like a bunch of ants to get, could you mobilize a million students? If you can do that, should we make such a movement to go and grab that thing, or not? [We should.] Well, the thing is, I'm the only person who knows what that particular thing is. I've got to mobilize you youngsters, but what are you going to do? If you youngsters don't mobilize, then you will have no connection whatsoever with that most valuable thing in the whole world. But, if you volunteer yourselves, step forward and say, "I can mobilize one million students in the next few years," then you will make that most desirable thing in the world your own.

In other words, if the Korean students push past all the youths and the junior and senior high school students in all the various countries in the world, and then win the high ground, then our country would be the champion country of the high school students of the world. Right?

[Yes.] Wouldn't it be better to feel like that? If you don't know such a feeling or passion, then that's a different matter, but if you knew that kind of feeling, would you do it? [ We would do it!] So are you going to go do it or what? (shouting loudly) [We'll do it!] I have to say it in an exciting way like this because you folks are young, right? (laughter)

Anyone here today who is seeing me for the first time is probably thinking, "I thought our teacher was a real dignified and honorable gentleman, but this . . . this . . . he's like this!" But if I behave all dignified, it isn't very exciting. You won't catch fire. If I really want to whip up the spirit, I've got shout like this in a big voice; "So are you going to go do it or what?!" I've got to know about this sort of thing, too, if I want to lead you youngsters. So do you want to give it a try, or not? [Give it a try!] (33-277)

If there are any students here, then even those students, study as they must, have to shed many tears. What I mean is, can you just sleep peacefully, considering the direction in which students, that is, in which university students, junior, and senior high school students, are going? You've got to think, "By my own two hands, by this flesh and blood that is my very body, I'll save the young people in my university," or, "I'll save the young people in my high school," or "I'll save the young people in that world." You've got to pledge yourself often and stand up to the line, and have the shimjung (heart) which, because you don't have enough power in your own limbs, can cry out with tears before heaven lots and lots of times. That's what you've got to do. (94-323)

When I tell you youngsters "work and suffer," you probably think "Aigo! (Good Lord!) Son-saeng-nim! (Teacher!) I've just been through high school, from year one in junior High to year three in Senior High . . . time to stop, isn't it? You say more? Not me. I'm done for." But, wait. Think about it.

For a patriot, or a child of filial piety, if he's not dead yet, then without doing all he can, even unto death, he's not really a true patriot.

There's really no such thing as a patriot before he's dead. Why? No matter how much hardship he has gone through, if today he utters just one word of regret, he can't be a true patriot. No matter how much of a patriot he has been, if he turns his back on his country right now, then he becomes a traitor. Isn't that so? You can only become a person who has fulfilled the letter of patriotism and filial piety after you have been loyal and filial up to the time when you pass over the frontier of death. Absolutely true, right? [Yes.] That's why as far as the public path is concerned, the course for loyalty and filial piety is the same. We call someone who gives his or her life for their country a patriot, and a son who gives his life for his parents, a filial child. (64-75)

5. Become A Songhwa-Ggun

God, at the present time, is looking to the young people and pinning his hopes on them. In this way, God is trying to accomplish the world he desires by setting us up in the middle of this complicated world. For us, that is, we young folks in this world today, there is no way to avoid this path. (15-81)

I too, don't like becoming one of the "old" bunch. But I'm not really one of the old set. I don't like old folks. I like young folks. Even today I still like young people. Of course, that doesn't mean you should get too happy about that.

These days we call the junior, senior high school students of the Unification Church "Songhwa students." Songhwa. Do you know the meaning of the word "Songhwa"? It means "accomplish and harmonize." Then what do we call it when someone raises an uproar, or when something is extremely urgent and pressing? We also call that "songhwa." If we write these two words in Hangul, the spelling is just the same. The pronunciation is the same, too. But the meaning, of course, is different.

You here have to become the troublemakers of the Republic of Korea. You have to become the nuisances of your villages and neighborhoods. And can you comfortably witness at school, either? Have you ever seen anyone who goes "Aigu! What trouble can it be to go and do some study? I'll just grab a whole lot of my friends, and bring them over and convert them on the spot!" Have you ever met such a guy? You have to ask, "Just give it a try . . . take a moment to listen. . ." as if you are asking a favor, right? So if it isn't going well, why don't you just grab someone by the throat and give it a shot that way? I mean in a good way, of course, not in a bad way. (25-102)

I like troublemakers. You youngsters here are troublemakers. If you go to a village, you are that village's troublemakers. At the same time as you are troublemakers of Satan's world, you are troublemakers of God's world. That's why you make a start at one point, and bring in the fruits at one point. The meanings found in Hangul are remarkable.

Someone who goes to church is a Yesu-ggun (meaning "a Jesus-er"). Someone who goes and attends the temple is a Jol-ggun (meaning "a temple-er"). So what kind of "ggun" are you folks here? You are songhwa-ggun (meaning "a troublemaker-er). Have you ever thought of yourselves as troublemakers?

From this point of view, when the parents in this society say to their children, "Study hard. Listen to what you are told. You have to become a good example to your friends," is that what being a troublemaker is? If the parents say to their children "You rascal! If you don't study you'll flunk out and be a rotten student, so study, by George, you'd better study!," this is also a kind of trouble and annoyance. And if, as soon as they come home, the son or daughter takes some special thing his or her parent has lovingly prepared for them out into the street, and passes it out to other kids thinking "these other kids could really use this," that too is a kind of trouble. And, what if the parents should prepare some special thing for ten years or so, investing their heart into it just for their child, and straight away the child also picks this up and hands it out to other kids. This is also "trouble," right?

There are two kinds of trouble. One of them is the trouble that leads to destruction, and one of them is the one that leads to good fortune. One of them gives away blessings, and one of them sends away blessings. One gathers, gains and builds things up. One destroys, demolishes and breaks things down. (25-103)

From now on, you Songhwa students have to have the conviction that you will become the standard bearer who can bring vindication against the enemy and bring liberation to God starting from my very own flesh and bone, my own body. God will entrust his work to the person who can have a conviction deeper and stronger than the conviction God Himself has maintained in his battle for six thousand years, even if that person cannot fulfill the whole will. (47-80)

If I am lonely, I have to bring the students around me over to my side. So you have to be able to bring that school to surrender and shout, "Mansei! I got the victory. I won." Whenever you look in the mirror, you have to say to yourself, "Hey, Mac! Are you still sticking to the path you began when you took up God's will?"

You can't let yourselves disgrace the name "Songhwa." When you can't do anything further under your own steam, and you can't bear the weight anymore, and you finally say "God, please help me," only then will you become a truly independent person.

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