Prayers, A Lifetime Of Conversation With Our Heavenly Father - Sun Myung Moon |
Devotion [Part 2 of 4]
Please Use Us As Offerings For The Will
We know that the day of victory you are hoping for has not yet appeared. When we think that for the sake of the final victory you have been walking a course of struggle covered with blood until today, we don't know what to do with ourselves.
We know that we must arm ourselves with truth and safeguard your Will, and we know that we must offer everything we have in order to go forth fighting for the sake of carrying out the Will of goodness which you desire. Therefore, please let our minds and bodies be mobilized, and we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow the day to cone quickly when we are able to return glory to you.
In order to find this one day, while going through the course of history, our ancestors were exhausted, went through suffering, and eagerly waited for the age of the Lord. But we know that due to humankind, the sorrow of not having been able to realize that yet has pierced heaven and earth.
Please let us know that in order to find that day of glory which you are hoping for, there have been blood-curdling complications through your having called our inadequate selves, our worthless selves, our incapable selves. We are grateful for your grace of having let us determine and decide that we would offer all our minds and bodies in order to be able to fight for the Will.
Father, we earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to become sons and daughters whom you alone can boast about, whom you alone can possess by your separating us completely from conditions of the accusation of Satan, and by your receiving us as offerings through purifying our minds once again.
Now in relation to the Will you desire, we will have to fulfill loyalty through our minds and bodies, and please allow us to feel a new grace through our minds. Please act, Father, so that we may experience and feel keenly the grace of your glory overflowing in our minds and bodies.
Please allow us to bow down before you and to place before you the content of how we have lived until now and the responsibilities we have not been able to fulfill. If we acknowledge that the contradictory knowledge of contradictory humankind cannot replace your truth, we earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to place everything about ourselves before you, and to be filled with your grace.
We have humbly prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.
February 23, 1958
Please Let Us Dash Forward Embracing The Mission Heaven Has Commanded
Since we are in such an inadequate position that it will not do unless we request each and every thing from you, Father, please reach out to us and lead us with your compassion. And since the strength and character of sin inherited from our ancestors has closed the doors of our minds, we earnestly hope and desire, beloved Father, that you will open the doors of our dark minds by revealing the grace of your power and that you will guide us to be able to dash forward towards goodness.
The mission that heaven has entrusted to us is not a mission for the sake of our individual selves; we have realized that it is a mission which is for the sake of the people and for all humankind and which has to even resolve the indignation of billions of saints.
Since it is a mission such that it will not do unless we, who are so unworthy, accomplish that kind of Will of heavenly morality, we earnestly hope and desire, beloved Father, that you will accomplish that universal Will which you desire by accepting as offerings the minds and bodies of your sons and daughters who are bowing down here, and that you will establish us as people who are not lacking in the least in relation to accomplishing that Will.
Since there are many kinds of difficulties blocking the way in front of your sons and daughters who want to go towards the Will of heaven, oh Father, please allow us strength; please reach out to us with your power and hold on to us; and please allow us to win by your having entrusted to us the entire battle you have been carrying out. And we earnestly hope and desire, beloved Father, that you will allow us to become sons and daughters who are able to praise the Will of God highly in front of billions of satans.
We thank you that you have entrusted to our unworthy selves the mission of heaven of being able to fight representing this people. Since we have a universal responsibility such that it will not do unless we go forth towards heaven holding high the banner of the battle, oh Father, please give us your might.
Please guide us to be able to dash towards the eternal, unchanging course by revealing through our lives your works of inspiration and your direct movements so that we cannot help but go towards your Will even if we don't want to. And we earnestly hope that you will lead us to be more than able to testify in front of all groups of people that we are the sons and daughters with whom you dwell, after having battled and won over billions of satans.
We have prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
February 17, 1957
Even Though Our Minds And Bodies Are Inadequate, We Offer Them To You Completely
Father! Please do not cast away your sons and daughters who are bowing down before you in this place, and please allow us to become sons and daughters who do not hesitate to give you all our minds and bodies. We have many points that, in your view, are inappropriate, points that are inadequate and disloyal, but since, depending on your historical heart which has gone forth toiling in order to find us, we offer all our minds and bodies to you, please personally take dominion over us.
We earnestly hope and desire that you will purify our imperfect parts by burning them away with the fire of the Holy Spirit, Father, and that we will become appropriate for you to take. Please allow us to be able to tie all our minds and bodies into one and to offer them to you.
Father! The rugged footprints of your sons and daughters who have followed coming to this point are footsteps embodying the traces of your tears, and are footsteps, filled with loneliness, that embody your course which has torn at our flesh and blood.
Therefore, Father, since you know what we have determined in our minds and what we do with our bodies, at this time, please embrace us personally with your deep heart of love, and we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will not allow a single life to be caught by a condition of the accusation of Satan. We know that it is your Will, Father, to convey a new message to this people by establishing us, but we are very anxious that we might cause you sorrow by not being able to handle the responsibility and mission that you desire because of our imperfections and disloyalty.
Therefore, we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will look carefully at the fact of our imperfection in relation to your Will until now, and that you will add the power of your love and the power of your life which are able to supplement that, and that you will pour down on us your personal grace which allows us to be able to handle any kind of mission or responsibility whatsoever.
Since billions of satans will be active to block our way on the course we are going, please lead us, Father, so that by completely determining our minds and bodies in preparation for that, by offering our lives to you, and by persevering and enduring to the end, we will not fail in the battle with Satan.
Earnestly hoping that you will allow us to become sons and daughters who are able to fight and go forward for the sake of revealing your glory alone, Father, by going ahead with the determination and decisiveness we had in the beginning, we have appealed in the name of the Lord. Amen.
October 12, 1958
We Want To Become Offerings For You, Father
Father! Since you know our minds and you know our bodies, if there is anything inadequate about our minds or our bodies which are bowing down before your majesty at this time, Father, please reveal your power, and please let us become purified through your reaching out to us, and through your bringing about the work of re-creation.
We earnestly hope and desire, beloved Father, that you will allow only you to be able to act, only you to be able to take dominion, and only you to be able to advise.
Since we are worried that we might not be able to handle the responsibility and mission before you, who called us though we are nothing special, and chose us, though we are unworthy, from among the many people living on this earth, oh Father, please advise us at this time.
We know that when Moses stretched out his hand over the Red Sea, it split. We earnestly hope and desire, beloved Father, that you will allow us to become like rods of heaven which are able to move as you reach out, and that you will become the rod that guides us.
Since it is already the final time when it will not do unless we march towards the battlefield, please allow us to consider ourselves and to discern what place we are at now. We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will guide us to become people who are offered as yours, and that you will allow us to become sons and daughters who are given as offerings to you in each place that we are, and in each one's position.
We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that, through our becoming new bombs of life which are thrown, you will allow a day of joy to appear quickly in the midst of this people; that you will allow a day of joy to appear quickly in the midst of this global village, a day of joy in which we are able to find a foundation of rest for you, and a day of joy in which people who had died can come back to life.
Now since we want to offer before you our disloyal minds and bodies tied into one, please bless us to be able to cast away all the elements of sin, of our own accord, and to be offered as pure minds and bodies as yours alone, and please do not allow Satan to attack.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
December 14, 1958
I Offer Everything I Have To You, Father
Beloved Father! Humankind, who should have seen the ideal garden of love and worshipped your love, excluded the heart of our Father, who wanted to build the ideal garden of love. Since then they have left behind footprints of lonely blood and tears while going through the course of history of thousands of years. Please bear with humankind who are like this.
We know that the time has come of having to long for the lost love of our Father, and the final day of restoration is at hand, when it will not do unless we stand on your side and grope for your heart. Father of love, please establish us today and advise us anew. Since you have called us, please reprimand us anew. We earnestly hope and desire, Father that you will allow us to be able to eliminate the sorrow of restoration and to become people of glory and joy- who are able to bow down respectfully to you.
Now please do not allow our minds to remain as our minds alone, and please do not allow our bodies to remain as our bodies alone. Please do not allow anything, from the feelings we experience, to the concepts, the ideologies, and the things we insist on, to be ours. We know the truth that there is not a single thing that has started from us, and everything has heaven as its basis.
Therefore, we earnestly hope and desire, beloved Father, that you will allow us to become people who are able to put forth everything as yours at this time, and who are able to return everything to you as yours.
Please let us realize that we are beings who are not able to appear before all people with pride with just our own bodies alone, and who are not able to appear before all things with just our minds alone even if we want to show off our minds as individuals. Please let us recognize that we are beings who cannot appear proudly before the entire universe of our own accord, no matter what we have.
Then please let us place everything that is ours before you, and please transform us through your heart by our receiving your heart of resurrection, and please guide us to be able to penetrate deep into your heart. We earnestly hope and desire, beloved Father, that you will allow us earnest minds which are able to receive your commands of re-creation with hearts of joy. Since all we have to offer you are our earnest minds, please receive these minds as yours, and since we offer our bodies to you, please let them become living offerings.
We have humbly prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.
December 21, 1958
Oh My Father, Who Has Protected Me Even In The Midst Of Difficulties!
Father! How many tragic situations have you had as you sought to restore the people on earth who should be living for you? Father! Since knowing the Will we have had earnest minds which want to live for you, and even though our hearts are filled with aching and loneliness, I think that there are not many people on earth who have fulfilled their duty of loyalty to you according to that word. Who could have imagined that you, who created heaven and earth, could be in such a situation?
Oh Father! We thank you sincerely that among the many peoples you have protected this pitiful Unification Movement. This way we are following, this way others ostracize, and this way others say is not right, is a way that cannot be gone without tears, and it is a way that it will not do unless it is gone by those having determined to die.
When we think that we are people who have come forth, even though late, appealing to you with tears, on the one hand, we feel sad and mistreated, but when we think that we can stand in a position near to your heart, we thank you sincerely. Father!
Now this final period is changing rapidly. We know that we have been gathered through a historical destined relationship in this kind of age. Since because of that we must win today, and we must pioneer tomorrow, please let us become brave heroes of heaven who are able to pledge the victory of today and the pioneer work of tomorrow. Father, we earnestly hope for and desire this.
Oh my Father, who has protected me even in the midst of difficulties! I know clearly that you exist, Father, you, who have commanded me to go again, saying, "Since I am here, go again," even on the road of despair, and you gave me orders in the midst of difficulties. Now I have fulfilled my duty of loyalty to you, and I have already gone through cruel situations, while following your commands, but I cannot help but say that the Ģill you are carrying out is profound, and your providence is mysterious.
Oh Father! We have realized that when we run into difficulties, behind the scenes you are always bringing us a present. Since we have realized that you love the person who is being struck, and you bless the person who endures and wins over persecution, Father, please remember our members' absolute sincerity as they look at you while doing their best today, and please do not cast them aside.
We earnestly hope for and desire this. Please let the tear-filled road they are going blossom as flowers in the garden of your heart, and we earnestly hope and desire that you will please act to let them be able to become shields of victory on the path of the cross which you left behind.
Since we have now stepped onto the way of restoration which we must go, we must go even if we die, and we must go even if we live. Please let only you be together with us here, Father. We earnestly hope and desire that you will let us become your sons and daughters who are able to testify about you, and who can be testified about by you, even if we collapse.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
October 3, 1964
Please Let Us Be Offerings In Front Of These People Who Are Wandering
Oh Father! Please look with pity on this people of thirty million persons. Please allow us to convey heaven's righteous, new message to this people which has become exhausted, unable to know the destination it must go to, even while wandering, having lost its way, having gone through valleys of sorrow and having gone through a long course of history, and please allow us a day in which we are able to raise up a new altar or resurrection. We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow a new time of glory to this people.
Since we know that you have gathered our inadequate selves and ordered us to become offerings in front of this people, we earnestly hope and desire that you will let us become sons and daughters who are able to charge into the capital city of Satan like bombs and explode, as offerings who give everything for your Will, rather than staying in a position of grieving to ourselves that we are inadequate people who cannot handle this responsibility in front of heaven.
Since it is not just this people who are wandering and do not know where to go, please ring the bell of the new dawn for the many people who are living on the earth as well, and reveal the light of life. We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will let the time come quickly when we can introduce your day of glory.
Oh Father who has taught us the entire Will of the providence of heaven by calling us and establishing us! Since we have come to know your Will today, Father, please act with your direct power so that we are able to act for the sake of that Will.
We earnestly hope that you will allow us to become heaven's sons and daughters who are able to go forward and go forward again with new decisiveness and determination towards the blessed land of goodness you desire by your stirring up our bodies that are hesitating and by your urging on our faltering footsteps.
We have humbly prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.
March 8, 1959
Please Let Us Become Offerings With Humble Minds
Please let me be able to say, "I am a person who is going towards the garden of goodness which you left behind, and I am a brave person of heaven who is fighting for the sake of the mission which you left behind." Please let each one of us become an individual who is able to state clearly before you that we are making efforts to be found, knowing that we are the people you are looking for. We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that we will become people who are able to make a determination of our own accord, and be purified on our own.
Father! Please add to us your touch of re-creation which will enable us to long for the original homeland by coping with our scattered minds, and we earnestly hope and desire, Father, to become people who decide and determine to assure you and go forth by having become masters of sorrow through having inherited your sorrow, before inheriting your blessing.
Today with the idea of unification you have gathered us together in this place which others say is not right, Father. You have gathered us together to urge on our footsteps to that place we do not want to go. You are the one who has started this work of goodness. And we know that you are the one who will accomplish that work of goodness. Since we know that without going through your Will, the Will for which you called and gathered us cannot be accomplished, we earnestly hope and desire that we can become humble offerings before the Will today and tomorrow also, by being able to become water before the Will, to become fire, and to become oil.
We know that we must become oil which can burn the evil world, and we must be mild and humble in relation to goodness. We know that because you have sought us through this kind of law, Jesus said that "Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted," and you have gone forth establishing the way of heaven through sacrifice, service, mildness and humility.
We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow us to know our own inadequacies while being filled with that center, and to be able to be infinitely humble before you, and our hearts, that are able to give themselves entirely to you as offerings, to be able to affect even the heart of heaven through each of our minds communicating.
Now please let our minds grow endlessly in your direction, Father, and please let all ideologies, all concepts and all consciousness which are stained by sin depart from us, and please let us become people who are able to worship you endlessly, with hearts like little children and minds which long for you and want to hold you.
We pray that at this time you will lead us so that our original nature will be revealed, our original character will be revealed, and our original appearance will be revealed. Please act to let us become people who are able to make you happy, whom you can embrace once again, and whom you can set forth and of whom you can be proud before the entire universe and Satan. And we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that going beyond that level, you will let us become people who bow our heads before you.
We earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to become people who fight without yielding as the established elite troops of heaven and as pioneers of heavenly morality, even if our bodies are laid on the altar, with hearts of righteous indignation which burn with rage and cannot endure in relation to unrighteousness and evil.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
April 12, 1959
Please Let Us Offer Everything We Have To You, Father
Having gone forth along the way on which you called us, we thought that the way was a way of joy, but as we went along it, we came to realize that it is a way that must be gone while shedding endless tears. And we came to know that it is a lonesome, lonely, worrisome way on which it will not do unless one embraces a heart of indignation while representing heaven and earth unknown to others. We cannot help but experience and feel keenly that it is a way that a person who wants to live cannot go; it is a way on which only a person who wants to die can remain.
Father! Please take pity on your lonely sons and daughters who have gathered here. Is a heavenly idea moving in their minds? Please let them realize that this idea is not an idea centered on themselves, it is a historical idea. Is there a heart that is moving through this idea? Please let them realize that their hearts are not hearts that remain in their one generation.
If they have experienced the grace that they are to receive, and the grace that they are to feel, now please let them realize that they do not accomplish and live in the Kingdom of Heaven alone, centered on themselves. Since you are the one who started this work, we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow us to become people who are able to offer everything we have as yours. When we went forth on the way you called us, we had already given everything we had to you, Father. We had given everything we had as yours, even our hearts.
You are longing for a person who is able to be happy even when giving everything; please bear with our being sad seeing something disappear. Please let us have minds that are able to be infinitely joyful even after committing everything to you. We know that the person who possesses a mind like this is the person who will possess everything of yours, and the person who has in his bosom an earnest heart like that in relation to heaven, will be victorious in heaven and on earth.
Father! We have come to realize that your having taken everything away from our living environment was not for the sake of your joy; rather, it was the Will of the providence in order to bequeath to us everything that you have.
We have come to understand the heart of our Father who could not help but tell us to come, call us, who could not help but seek us with the Will of those kinds of complications. If there still remains a feeling or a consciousness centered on ourselves, please let us now place them before you. Then we earnestly hope and desire that you will fill our minds and bodies only with minds of infinite gratitude to you as we look at all the things of creation that exist in heaven and on earth.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
May 17, 1959