Prayers, A Lifetime Of Conversation With Our Heavenly Father - Sun Myung Moon |
Resurrection [Part 1 of 4]
Please Make Us Resemble Your External Form
Oh Father of love! Please extend your hand and take the hands of your inadequate children and guide us. Since we have bowed down to you with united minds and bodies, Father, please take us and lead us and raise us up, and we earnestly hope and desire that you will change our minds into minds of heaven.
Today we have placed all the ideas we have about the present age before you, and since we have come before your majesty with the hearts of gentle, mild children, Father, please bring about your work of re-creation through the touch of your grace. Please reveal the fire of the Holy Spirit. Please reveal your love which has been held back and in the last days. Please open the door of the realm of death which has been blocked, and beloved Father, we earnestly hope and desire that you will allow them to be able to bring to the fore your victory and glory. If there is an empty vessel, please fill it.
Please establish us as living children who are able to return glory to you and to be grateful, intoxicated by your ample grace. And we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow us the grace of your finding us to be your children whom you can love.
We earnestly hope and desire that you will allow our minds to be inclined to heaven's inclinations, and our bodies to move to the movements of heaven, and our minds and bodies to take the example of and to resemble your external form, Father.
We have prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.
July 1, 1956
Please Re-Create Us
Oh Father who has promised the resurrection of life! Please find again the original external form which you created for us. Then looking at that beauty you will be able to feel joy, and you would be able to present us respectably before all the things of creation of heaven and earth, and we earnestly hope and desire, beloved Father, that you will establish us as sons and daughters that you can be proud of.
Oh Father! Please allow us to hold as precious in our minds your will of the blessing which you have promised since before eternity, and please raise us up in relation to heavenly morality. Please do not let us become pitiful sons and daughters who give an impetus to sorrow.
Please allow us to become your sons and daughters who are moved to tears by your mind, and moved to tears by your nature, and who through our minds and bodies are able to realize the entire will you have established by realizing it before you have spoken it, and by doing things before you have asked for them, and by accomplishing things before you have even wished for it.
We earnestly hope and desire, oh Father, that you will allow all people to be awakened to your will, and that you will raise up a foundation of life for all people. On that foundation, peace will be able to appear.
Now please allow your sons and daughters who are bowing down here to become children who are able to receive your love and blessings with new hearts. Please allow our bodies to possess the beauty of glory you have blessed us with and to possess the beauty of love.
Are there any sons or daughters embracing the bitter roots of sin which can create anguish and are not acceptable to you? Father, please act at this time and appear to us. And through your personal touch please bring about the work of re-creation.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of our beloved Lord. Amen.
November 25, 1956
Please Allow Us To Become Embodiments Of Goodness Through The Word
We know that you are lamenting that on the earth there are no embodiments of your words of goodness which you spoke in the Garden of Eden, saying, "It is good; it is good." We also know that as long as the condition remains that we must find again the lost words of goodness, we won't be able to find embodiments of goodness.
Father! Please reveal the words of goodness. We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that through the words of goodness which have been found, you will please command us again, and through our minds and bodies you will carry out your special work of re-creation.
Father! Please come to us and establish the center of your words and carry out your work of conditions to be able to win over the authority of Satan. We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that if our minds and bodies are held in the satanic realm, you will separate and divide us through your word and you will let us receive your seal of sanctification.
Father! Since we know that our minds need power in order to be reborn, please act through your power and please act through your omnipotence. Earnestly hoping that you will cast out all concepts of evil, reveal the words of life which can give resurrection, and carry out the work of the resurrection of re-creation.
We have prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.
December 2, 1956
Please Resurrect Us As Substantiation Of Your Goodness
My Father! We know that in the beginning you had a will of goodness and you created all the things of creation, and through the standard of your original nature you existed as an unchanging being. But because humankind could not become an object of goodness to their father who was like that, humankind could not realize your ideal for us, and we know that humankind came to face everything a long way away from the standard of a good conscience. And furthermore we know that this has been the lamentation of heaven and all the things of creation.
Oh Father! For us there still remains the path of providential destiny which must be found even if we have to offer our eternal lives; and since the mission remains that we must go that path until the end, please urge us to be able to go that path through your mighty omnipotence. Since elements of evil invade through our bodies and block our minds which are heading towards goodness. Oh Father, please guide us so that in this battle our minds which are heading towards goodness will not be restrained by our bodies and defeated.
We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will please let our minds be led only by the power of goodness and the power of love, and please let us find you and harmonize as unchanging beings; please let us resemble your external form as eternal substantiations who cannot be separated, and please hold on to us so that we may attend you eternally, Father.
Fighting with evil throughout the long course of history, we have been covered with wounds, and the roots of sin have penetrated into our bones and flesh. The responsibility to remove them is ours, but since we are so inadequate, oh Father who has the power of life, oh Father who has the power of omnipotence, oh Father who has the power of re-creation, please extend your omnipotent hand one more time to our inadequate minds and bodies, and remove all the elements of evil which are holding us in the shadow of death. And we earnestly hope and desire that you will please reveal heaven's direct works of life which can raise up minds of victory stimulated by that center.
Then please raise up the power of resurrection from within us, and we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow us to become your sons and daughters who are able to bring about the work of resurrection by representing that center in the circumstances we face.
Please lead us so that we will not become those who lament due to being in an unsatisfactory position, and please allow us to have the qualification of being your true children by being victorious in the battle with the enemy satans who are blocking our way as we rush along the course to the position of perfection.
And please guide us to become sons and daughters who can be proud in front of billions of satans. And then please allow us to be able to fight and have victory over billions of satans and to carry the weapons that the heavenly forces and angels carried in their stead.
We have prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.
March 6, 1957
Please Allow Us To Become True Children Of Truth, Life And Love
Father! Please allow us to come to understand all the content of those grief filled 6,000 years and your internal situation during that time. And if we come to understand something, we ask you to please allow us to be able to take responsibility for it to the end.
At the same time that we feel the preciousness of the responsibility of the person who conveys your words, we have come to understand that the responsibility of the person receiving the words is just as precious. In fate, we have come to understand that the responsibility of the person receiving is more important than the one giving.
The time of giving is one time, but since we know that the time of receiving must continue forever, please allow us to become people who are able to keep for eternity the truth that we received one time from heaven. And please allow us to be able to keep forever the life that we received one time from heaven. And please allow us to be able to keep forever the love we received one time from heaven. We earnestly hope and desire, and we request that you will allow us to be able to understand that only if we become like that will we be able to become your true children.
Since our minds are empty at this time, please fill our empty minds, and since we repent at this time for the scores of times we have betrayed heaven until now, we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will bear with us.
In that way we will find the key of truth, and we will find the key of life and love. And as we open the door of the remaining universal truth, life and love, please allow us to become children who are able to relieve the internal situation for you who are the center of the cosmos. And we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow us to be able to go forth to the position of true children whom you can believe. We earnestly ask you to please separate all the things that remain, to fill in all the inadequacies, and to please guide us until the eternal Kingdom of Heaven is eternally realized.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
March 17, 1957
Please Let Us Become True Sons And Daughters Of The Eternal True Parents
Beloved Father! We know that the only thing remaining before us is the will of heavenly morality. And we know that the center of that will is you, Father, and the True Parents. And furthermore we know that the people living on the earth must become the true sons and daughters of the True Parents.
And not only that, we also know that what you want of us is to have all humankind become one brotherhood, and to have all humankind become your true sons and daughters.
Father! We also know that the sin of blocking the way of and violating the people who want to stand in the position of the sons and daughters you are hoping for is a greater sin than any on this earth. Violating the true sincerity of humankind is also a sin which can not be borne. But since we know that causing the true love of brothers to be lost is an even greater sin in relation heavenly morality, we earnestly hope and desire that you will guide us to become those who do not forget this.
Father! In the presence of heavenly morality which is seeking to awaken us from a deep sleep, when someone says he is not able to get up because of another brother, how can he say that he is being led by the shepherd? Please don't let us stand in that kind of position.
By representing heavenly morality, let us take responsibility for that brother as well. Please allow us to become sons and daughters who are able to prepare hidden altars. And please establish the ideal of the eternal son which you desire, and please let us realize that your gaze is always upon us.
Please allow us to feel the touch of your love, and please allow us to hear your voice appealing to us. and we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow us to experience your heart which is aching and exhorting us, to resemble your heart, and to follow the example of your internal character, and to become the head disciples of Jesus Christ, who can be grateful bowing down to you even if we die ten million times for the Will.
Father! Please let us fight with hearts of righteous indignation and hearts for the common good representing heavenly morality, facing the many enemies who are blocking the way. Please let us go forward enduring again and again in order to offer you the day of victory. On greeting the day of victory, please allow us to be able to report to you the sorrows that we endured during that time, and please lead us so that we will be able to go until the place where we can cling to your precious hand and receive comfort.
Please allow us to awaken all humankind who are sleeping on this earth. Since the entire world which you created is in the realm of lamentation, please mobilize us and let us restore this, and please allow to all humankind the wisdom of heaven so that all may become people of the Kingdom of Heaven by each individual fulfilling his responsibility.
Please let us become sons and daughters who are able to go forth without minding even if it is a course of struggle. We earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to become heaven's elite troops who are able to go forth for the Will alone even if we have to give up everything we have.
We have humbly prayed all these things the name of the Lord. Amen.
May 19, 1957
Please Protect Us Through Your Touch Of Re-creation
We have not been able to bring anything to give you, Father. Since we have come as objects of your concern, Father of compassion, Father of omnipotence, Father of love, please do not leave us as we are now. It will not do unless you take responsibility for us. Since millions of satans are surrounding us and are seeking to take our lives, Father, please protect us.
We earnestly hope and desire that you will please allow our individual beings to be submerged in the midst of your deep love and to be able to sing of your glory with our minds. And, Father, please allow this time to be one in which we can bow down to you here.
Since we know that in our lives there remain actions that you do not approve of, and many elements that cannot appear before your Will, oh Father of compassion, Father of omnipotence, we earnestly hope and desire that you will please appear with your power of victory, and grant us your touch of re-creation.
Since we entrust everything to you, Father, please receive us as living sacrifices, and please guide us so that not a single life will go outside your will.
We earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to become true sons and daughters who are able to say strongly that you are our father even if we are attracted by Satan.
Since there are lonely sons and daughters who are fighting difficult battles today, we earnestly hope that you will allow us to testify that we are your sons and daughters; and raise up your omnipotent power of re-creation.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
September 15, 1957
Please Let Us Have Lives Of Heaven
Please bear with our not being able to feel love when we come before your majesty, and please bear with our not having been able to work hard for the world.
When we consider our father's toil and our father's sorrow and our father's course of hardships, please allow our minds to be able to feel sorrow, please allow our minds to be able to feel the hardships, and please allow us to become sons and daughters who are able to feel that pain.
Since we know that it will not do unless we become those kinds of sons and daughters, oh Father of love, please allow us to have the love of heaven. And since we are sons and daughters who have gathered to find heaven while we are living, even if we cannot stand before you in view of all our sins, please bear with us, for we have bowed down before you longing for the grace of resurrection which you have established through an altar of blood, having fought for 4,000 years.
Dearly beloved Father, we earnestly hope and desire that you will please allow our minds to be able to give you joy, and please allow our bodies to be able to give you joy, and please allow us to offer everything to you as yours.
Now please discern each individual's innermost thoughts, and please allow us to be able to search and see what the center of hope is and what the goals sought for are, which are penetrating the center of each one's heart. If there is something centered on ourselves, please allow us to realize that we have not been able to find and establish the center of heaven in front of the will of the providence, and please guide us to evaluate ourselves and not to be disobedient against heaven's will.
Please allow us to admit sincerely that we are sinners, bowing down before you on our own to report everything truthfully to you. Please let only earnest adoring hearts which are able to repent with tears before you, Father, flow into and overflow in your sons and daughters' minds and bodies. And we earnestly hope and desire, my Father, that you will bring about the work of rebirth centered on those hearts.
Since we have bowed down before your alter, oh Father, please allow all the doors of our hearts to open and be filled with the will of heaven. Then please allow us to experience your heart, and please allow us to appear as the people of glory that you are hoping for.
We have prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
January 19, 1958
Please Allow Us To Clear Out The Root Of Evil And Go Forth On A New Path
Father! Please let as take a close look at our minds, and please let us consider our bodies, and please guide us to become sons and daughters whose minds and bodies are able to be moved to tears by your heart.
We know that as all of the saints in heaven accepted and went the way of the will of the providence, they were ashamed and could not raise their heads before you, considering that they were descendents of the fall. We who are on the earth have bowed our heads before you, and since we must make an effort in order to possess the mind of our father, we earnestly hope and desire, beloved Father, that you will please allow pride to be removed from within our minds, and please allow our bodies never to be disloyal to you.
As we come closer and closer to you, Father, we cannot help but bow down our heads, and we feel that we can not help but report truthfully of our own accord about our sins. Please allow us to have earnest hearts which are able to admit on our own that we are sinners, and to wait for the touch of your compassionate love, and to long for your heart with our heads bowed. And if there remain in us any roots of the black darkness of sin, oh Father, we earnestly hope and desire that you will remove them.
And then please act to let us go forth pioneering a new path, following the commands you have given us at this time. We earnestly hope and desire, beloved Father, that you will allow us to possess the original strength of heaven which is able to bring about new actions and receive new power.
Father, if we have some kind of theories, or if we have some kind of knowledge, ideology, assertions, or concepts, please allow us to be able to forget them all, and to be able to become like little children who long for you alone. And please allow us to be able to offer silently at the altar everything that our minds and bodies have. Then we earnestly hope that you will mold and remake us once again through your new words, and we earnestly hope and desire that you will allow, to appear, here your direct work of re-creation through which we are embraced in your love.
We earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to become your true sons and daughters who are able to return joy and glory to you and relieve your concern.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
March 2, 1958