Prayers, A Lifetime Of Conversation With Our Heavenly Father - Sun Myung Moon |
Hope [Part 2 / 4]
Father! Humankind must awaken from its deep sleep, from darkness and from the power of total darkness. But people do not know they must awaken. No matter what kind of barriers block our path please let your compassionate concern appear to us so that we may be able to dash towards the new banner of light.
Father! We know of the historical toil you have gone through for us, your young children. And we know that we are people who cannot help but be sorrowful about ourselves, who have natures of darkness latent within us, just as you have looked at the earth and felt sorrow, today it will not do unless we feel sorrow when looking at ourselves.
Furthermore, we know in our hearts that there still remains before us the responsibility that we must go beyond ourselves and pay off our debts in relation to all the things of creation which are in sorrow, and that we must comfort the heart of our Father, who is in sorrow. But please pardon our having come to this position today without having been able to cope with this responsibility.
You sought to establish a history of joy and substantial beings of joy, but the history of sorrow was taken over by sorrow and substantial beings of sorrow ended up arising from it. Since the resultant substantial beings were beings of resentment and lamentation, how could it not become your sorrow, and how could it not cause complications in your heart?
We are in a pitiful situation such that it will not do unless we hope that you will mold us again through acts of reanalyzing and recreating our wretched selves which are like this today. Father, today please take even more pity on us and take us as yours, and please take us as substantial beings who can be remolded by your idea, Father. Please mold our minds and bodies again according to the original laws of creation, so that we may have the beauty of the original nature of heaven as the Will you desire. Heavenly Father, we earnestly hope for and desire this.
Please allow us to be able to rejoice over attending you, Father, who created the entire universe, and to be able to sing a song of joy over having found the Lord of the entire universe; to be able to sing hallelujah; and to be able to look at the bright light of the new morning after having broken down the barriers of sorrow and come out of misery. And we earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to be able to have the original pride and be able to long for the original nature while relating to everything you created.
We know that since people fell even the things of creation have been sorrowful and have lamented and we know that they are hoping to be able to stand in the position of the original things of creation through the touch of true sons and daughters. When we think that we have the mission of having to restore the things of creation to their original position and of comforting you, today we humbly report to you how inadequate we are; and we ask you to please pardon that we are in a situation such that we cannot survive unless we can hope for your help and hard work once again.
We know that each one of us has the responsibility that we must resolve your indignation, and we must bring to an end the lamentations that have happened during the last six thousand years by realizing the hope of all the things of creation and your hope at least. Therefore, Father of compassion, Father of love, please do not allow our minds to move a long distance away from you.
Please do not allow us to become people who move far away from your internal nature and external form. Because you created us, we know that we have the destined relationship of creation that we are able to communicate with your mind, Father, and that we are able to communicate with your body, too.
Therefore, we earnestly hope and desire that you will establish us once again as beings of original nature, and that you will lead us into the realm of authority of your original power. Father, even though we have even less worth than specks of dust or micro-organisms. And please allow us to become bright lights to this dark world as sons and as daughters who are able to establish the prestige of heaven and be proud before you, Father. And please allow us to become herds of lambs who are able to appear representing the light of the East, and who are able to convey the joy of the new heaven to this dark earth.
Please allow us the strength to be able to take on this entire mission and responsibility. We have humbly prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.
February 15, 1959
Please Let Us Become Beings Who Sing Praises To You Eternally Father
Unworthy as we are, we have come before you, Father, who has dominion over our lives and deaths. Therefore, please accept us, and please take us according to your proper Will.
We want to sing praises to you while belonging to the realm of life, but our natures of sin which belong to the realm of death are still enslaving us today. Oh Father, who has been carrying out the providence of salvation, in order to guide us into the new realm, please manifest yourself and remove the power of death and allow us the grace of life and resurrection.
Oh eternal Father! Please allow us to move as beings of life that have the value of creation, and we earnestly hope and desire that you will allow those of us who have bowed down to become people who are able to sing your praises, who are able to praise your extraordinary beauty and who are able to sing of your extraordinary goodness.
We know the fact that through the fall of human ancestors the destined relationship of life of heaven and earth was cut off; and through the betrayal of heaven by the archangel who should have sung your praises representing the angelic world, he was not able to fulfill his responsibility of singing your praises. Since you have called us today, through us please resolve your indignation which has built up due to not having had your praises sung. Please discuss with us these internal situations you could not discuss, and please establish us as beings of a destined relationship that is able to connect all people and heaven. Father, we earnestly hope for and desire this.
We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will lead us to become able to form our destined relationship with you as substantial beings of life who cooperate with you, and who offer all our loyalty to you, our Father, who has been looking forward to sharing the joy of creation with us.
Please let us realize today the fact that heaven is looking forward to our standing before you as object partners, who are extremely cooperative today, and the fact that heaven is looking for people who will sing your praises with deeply devoted hearts.
Please allow us to become people who are able to stand as beings of endless grace, as beings who sing endless praises, as beings of endless cooperation with you, and as beings who have groped for and found the heart of our Father who established the idea of creation and has worked so hard until now in order to let us have dominion over everything.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
March 8, 1959
Please Let Us Have Hearts Of Hope Heading Towards You, Father
Father! We know well that Jesus came to this earth, and from the day that he knew the truth and the more time passed, his hope went beyond the family, went beyond the people, went beyond the nation, beyond the world, and even went beyond the infinite spiritual world, having to become one with you, Father. He knew that everything from the beginning to the end had to move together with you, and he went a difficult path, a sorrowful path, the path of the cross, without minding them. Father! All the things we see in front of our eyes look beautiful, but please allow us to realize that those things are merely phenomena that are passing by with us.
We know that the things of the world that we like, that we believe in, and that we depend on are of no help in the world of our mind or in the eternal world of hope. Oh Father! Please allow us to cast aside all these things, and allow only hope centered on you to become the entirety of our lives; and we earnestly hope and desire that you will allow it to become the totality for our entire lives.
We know the fact that we cannot become your sons and daughters if we are not people who go out to the battle and hold on to the fact that living for you and the hope of heading towards you are more precious than anything we have and more precious even than our lives. Please allow us a powerful hope that is able to laugh at even a peak of death and overcome it.
Please do not allow that to remain, just as hope alone, but please let our minds, which are burning with the impact of this hope, to be able to become even stronger. And we earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to become sons and daughters whose minds and bodies are able to dash towards that path. Please let us realize the fact that unless a person has a strong idea of hope that is for you, unless a person has hope that can overcome even the path of death, you cannot believe in him.
As for our hope today, we know it is not a hope we shall hold on to for a few years and then give up; rather it is a hope we shall hold on to for eternity. And furthermore, we hope and desire that you will allow us to become sons and daughters who know that without this hope, life is not rewarding.
Oh Father! The more we think of you, the more we earnestly hope that you will allow us to have hearts of hope that long for you, hearts of hope that long for your life, and hearts of hope that long for your love.
And until we are established as sons and daughters who can be blessed together with your promise, please do not allow our earnest minds of hope to be taken away in our daily lives along the course of our lives. Since we know that many satans are attacking us in order to take this away, we earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to become sons and daughters who are able to return glory to you, by holding on to the mind of hope you have permitted and by fighting to the end.
We earnestly hope that you will allow us to become sons and daughters who are able to return glory to you, by having held on to your hope and by having fought with many satans and won on the final battlefield which remains.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
March 22, 1959
Please Let Us Become Fruits Of Joy Who Establish A Day Of Rejoicing
We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will lead our minds and bodies to the position of being able to he recognized as your body and limbs.
Many people are leaving and heading for the heavenly castle, but when we think about how many true sons and daughters are going while looking towards your heart, we cannot help but stand before you with minds that are worrying.
You have been calling us and seeking us for six thousand years. As the Lord of creation, you have called us and sought us personally, but when we think on our own about whether we have come before your knees as appropriate fruits of joy, we realize that it will not do unless we repent once again before you for all of the things we have done in our lives in the past. It will not do unless we also reflect on all our everyday actions. Please pardon that we are in a position where it will not do unless we repent while taking this opportunity today to look with melancholy at the totality of how we will act tomorrow as well.
The original people that heaven looked forward to were people of glory, and the people heaven sought were people heaven could be proud of; but today we could not become those kinds of people, and we have not become original true people whom you can call, Father. When we discover that we cannot help but feel grief about our own selves, we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow us to have at least earnest minds which repent that we have no honor before you.
Now we know that you are longing for true sons and you are longing for true daughters who are able to shed tears looking on this land while holding hands together with you, Father. We know that many people, even though they had held your hand, have gone our and turned their backs on you, and they think they have been forgotten by you. But today we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will let us become sons and daughters who are able to remain and report our situation to you, and hold on to your hand, having offered our lives and commanded our bodies with sincere hearts that are heading towards heaven.
Even though many people resent heaven, exclude heaven, and stand in a position of betraying heaven, we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow at least us to become sons and daughters who seek the day of rejoicing in which you can find joy, and who have unchanging hearts.
Please do not let us become people who move through our minds alone. We earnestly hope and desire that you will let us become sons and daughters who are able to reveal your glory by offering our bodies as holy, living sacrifices to you, Father. We have come to know that the original homeland which you have left behind remains only as an ideal. We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will now allow us to have your heart in ourselves and to come to know that the responsibility and mission of accomplishing that ideal on the earth in reality still remains.
You have gone forth in order to save our unworthy human selves. Now please do not allow any changes in our minds which are praying, as we head towards the one final day of victory, and while earnestly hoping that you will not allow us to stand in the position of children lacking filial piety, we have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
March 29, 1959
Please Let Us Seek And Enter Into Your World Of Heart
Oh Father, who has not cast us aside and who never rests while guiding us through new love! Even if we do not seem appropriate in relation to your Will, and we do not please you, please relate to us with a mind of compassion. Even so, we have earnest minds that are seeking to enter your world of heart and are avoiding the sinister world. Therefore, we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will come into our minds and pardon them, adding your compassion as you look at our minds.
Since we know that you will not cast away a person who appears and is concerned about your heart, and who has gone forth seeking you with an earnest heart, please allow our minds to dash forward towards your mind, Father, and please allow our bodies to dash forward in order to be held in your embrace. We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will please incite our minds and bodies, and that you will let our minds and bodies be filled by a movement that can appear and kick aside the angry, lonely, regrettable history of sin.
Now our minds long for your internal nature; our bodies want to look upon your external form; our hands want to hold your hand, and we want to hold your body, Father. We know that it is your central hope in relation to humankind that you want to have sons and daughters who are able to sing of your love, to have that kind of true sons and daughters.
Therefore we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will let this become a time in which at least our minds and bodies are filled with that kind of heart. We know that only if our lonely heart, which rebukes what we have done wrong in the past, and which reproaches how insufficient we are today, explodes from within our innermost heart and calls out to you, only then will you hold on to us, will you look down upon us, and will you embrace us.
Therefore, Father, please allow us to have that kind of heart. We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that by allowing us to be filled with that kind of heart and to recognize how inadequate we are, there will appear in us an earnest mind that is able to offer everything to your majesty.
Even if we are faced with an environment where we cannot find a place for our body to stay, and our minds which must head towards heaven are wandering in the midst of chaos, we know that you will not cast us aside and you will lead us into your embrace through your touch of grace. Therefore, earnestly hoping that you will raise up minds that are able to bow down and appeal before you, we have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
April 12, 1959
Please Let Us Become Children Who Open The Age Of Your Glory
Oh Father, who has endured and fought throughout the long course of history in order to seek the glory of heaven! Please allow the day in which you alone may enjoy the glory of the providence, to appear quickly in heaven and earth. We know well the fact that from the day that our human ancestors made a mistake, the original Will which you established, has been trampled upon ruthlessly by countless satans.
We did not know the situation of heaven which was faced with being in a position of having to find a person who could cope with that Will, because the Will, which had to be realized centered on humankind on this earth, had been trampled upon. We know that because there was no person coping with the Will, you have suffered going a course of so much lonely toil, and the history of your inexpressible toil for the sake of conveying the Will which filled your heart toward humankind, is the very providence of salvation up until today.
Oh Father! Now please allow us to become sons and daughters of heaven who are able to offer all our devotion for the sake of finding the path of glory of our Father, and to have in our hearts the Will which is able to bring you joy through the course of history, and through the Will of the providence of salvation which has appeared. We know that your Will is to seek true sons and daughters. Therefore, please now be together with us as true sons and daughters who make you happy, and please let us he able to realize the nation, world and cosmos that are able to attend you. And please let us realize that this is the Will you are hoping for, the nation you are hoping for.
We know that it is the greatest hope and joy of our Father who has struggled for six thousand years to have true sons and daughters bring all the things of creation into harmony and sing his praises. And it will not do unless we become sons and daughters of heaven who are able to offer everything and go forth for the sake of establishing that nation.
Father! Today we know your Will, and we know that we are the sons and daughters you have chosen and established in the center of your Will. And we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow us to become sons and daughters of heaven who are able to offer our lives and go forth not minding the path of struggle, the path of being unjustly accused, or the path of death today or tomorrow.
Please allow this to become a time in which we are able to bow down respectfully to you, Father, and attend you as true children who embrace the true Will. We know that the power of countless satans are invading each place where people gather to accomplish this Will. Therefore, we earnestly hope and desire that you will let us establish your age of glory as living beings in your magnanimous embrace, and please remove the forces of darkness which invade and enter into each one of our minds and bodies. We have humbly prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.
April 26, 1959
Please Let Us Become Children Who Build The Original Homeland
We know the fact that your ideal of building the original garden, and embracing the original true children that you were to enjoy through the original heart has still not appeared on this earth.
Please pardon that there has never been a time that we human beings sang of heaven with original hearts from the day we were enslaved by death until today. Please pardon our pitiful selves who have not been able to stand in a position of glory and call out to you as original individuals, and we earnestly hope and desire that you will take pity on the fact, Father, that we have not been able to be moved and call you, "My Father," with earnest hearts, with original hearts.
Humankind, who lost the original garden, fell down to the world of death, has been fighting darkness, has been enslaved in the hands of their enemies, has been lamenting and despairing. But in their consciences in which traces of their original minds remain, they have been longing for the original homeland.
Even while going through the historical battle, through the touch of heaven which we could feel moment by moment, we went forth looking for the lifeline of heaven. We thank you, Father, for the cooperation you gave. Father, since you know that we, who are extremely young and unworthy, are struggling and becoming exhausted along this course, please reach out to us in compassion once again. Please allow us the power of recreation, and please let us restore our original hearts. We earnestly hope and desire, our Father, that you will hold on to us so that we may go close to you as original people.
Even if we cut off everything of this world, it will not do unless we go towards the original world which heaven desires. Therefore, please allow us to have earnest minds which are filled with longing for the original homeland, and we earnestly hope and desire that you will push us out, Father, to the point where we will run to the original homeland even if our bodies and legs become tired.
Please allow our bodies and minds to become one and to yearn for the heart of heaven. Please build through us the garden of happiness which you can finally enjoy together with us human beings. We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow us to become able to push and go forward with minds of love, even if billions of people of this age oppose us.
Since we are fallen people, at any rate, we know that it will not do unless we find our original selves by going through the course of restoration. And we know that it will not do unless we find the original homeland, we attend our original father, and we build the original world. Today we, who are fallen, have not known your heart of love; we have not known the original homeland; and we have not known our original personalities or our original selves.
Therefore, oh Father, we earnestly hope and desire that you will establish us as people of glory who are worthy of living while attending you by having all the elements which allow us to become beings of original nature once again through your word, through your personality, and through your heart of love. We know that in order to block this kind of work, along this historical course many enemy satans have attacked, starting with our ancestors up until ourselves today, without distinguishing between the age or time.
Having gone forth knowing that it is our responsibility to reject and restrain them, we now earnestly hope and desire that you will let us become true sons and daughters of heaven who are able to align ourselves with your heart, arm ourselves with your word, and go forth imposingly to face the enemy.
Now it will not do unless we find and go to the original homeland ourselves. We know that our families, our society, all the thirty million people living in this land, the many people living spread out on this earth, and even the many spirit people in the spirit world are wandering, looking for the lost original homeland. Therefore, Father, please let us become the people responsible for being able to build the original homeland which communicates with your heart.
Please let us become the elite troops of heaven, the workers of heaven who are able to build the original garden by finding true sons and daughters in the enemy world and gathering them together.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
June 14, 1959
Please Let Us Long For The Original World
Oh Father! We know that if there were people who had true minds, then there wouldn't be anyone who did not long for the original world; and if there were people living who had true bodies, then there wouldn't be anyone who did not long for life in the original world.
As for the way the original Adam and Eve looked when they could relate directly to you before the fall, heaven appeared, the earth appeared, and after all the things of creation appeared, after Adam and Eve had been created as human beings for the first time, how happy you must have been over how they looked! How precious our ancestors must have appeared since they had been placed in a position of glory where they could relate to you.
Now please let this time become one in which we are able to admire the original world through our minds. We have come to intensely long for hearts of goodness which are able to make your heart respond, Father, and we have come to intensely long for the look of goodness of the original homeland where we can hold your hand. Therefore, we earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to become people who are able to long for the ancestors of the original nature.
If we know while living on the earth that in the world of heart there are no historical distances, and there are no limits of time and space, even though we are groping around having lost our way and are asleep in the realm of death now, please allow us to long for the way our original ancestor looked who was born through the heart of infinite love, and to long for the way our original selves look.
Please allow us to become people who are longing to find our father who created us like that, and to become people who shed tears dispiritedly longing to look like that, and we earnestly hope and desire, my Father, that you will allow our minds and bodies to experience and feel keenly in this moment beauty itself which is able to harmonize together with the atmosphere of that world, the circumstances of that world, all the things of that world, and all things in the universe, even if we look shabby.
Father! We call out to you, and we have been happy to call out to our Father who has worked so hard along the historical course of the Fall, but we did not know how to even imagine our original father rejoicing in the garden of goodness without the sorrow of the Fall, and there was not even a time when we wandered searching for that father. And in relation to believing in the true savior, we human beings have known only the Jesus who hung on the cross; please pardon the fact that we have not been able to believe in Jesus who could have appeared as the Lord of glory and not gone through the suffering of the cross, and not been persecuted or in pain.
Father! Today please allow our minds to overflow with longing for the world of harmony where we can live together with our original selves, centered on the original ideal and the original goodness. Our Father, we earnestly hope and desire that you will please allow us a place of joy where we can call out to you through our original hearts.
Please let us come to understand the innermost heart of Moses who wanted to lead the multitudes of the 600,000 Israelites who were suffering in Egypt, and please allow us to realize the fact that Moses related to the people with a grieving heart. Today the Christians of the world must inherit the blessing of the second Israel which is spread throughout the world.
We have the responsibility of announcing that the blessed land of Canaan which they are looking for still remains. Since we know that the responsibility to fulfill this mission belongs to us today, oh Father, please allow the indignation, exasperation, and mortification which remain to penetrate deep into our flesh and bones. We earnestly hope, Father, that you will allow us to become your sons and daughters who have the fidelity of heaven and who will finally take vengeance upon your enemies even if our minds and bodies collapse and die a hundred times.
As we receive the command you have given and go forth, we have come to realize that the course of the cross remains. Since these are your lonely sons and daughters who have gone forth of their own will on this difficult path, please be a friend of their minds. We know the fact that when you become our center forever and ever, our minds and bodies take your example, and as unchanging central beings we will he able to represent you. Therefore, now please once again personally take our minds and bodies as your own.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
June 28, 1959
Please Let Us Know Heaven Through Our Hearts
We earnestly hope and desire that you will not let us become people who know heaven by having received the word; rather, please let us become people who know heaven through our hearts. Please guide us to not become people who seek to be saved through the word, but rather people who are saved in the presence of our Father through our hearts and can sing songs of life. Then, we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow us to become people who are able to first see how much you have worked and suffered, and who are able to bow down our heads and comfort you.
If we have a goal in life, please let us pursue that goal of life through our hearts; and if we must have content in our daily lives, we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will let the content of our daily lives be your heart alone.
Since many people have come before you, Father, please let them find on their own, for whom they are staying here, for what they are working, and to what place they are heading. If there were a person who could be recognized by your saying, "You are a person who will stay with my heart forever," we know that there could be no one happier than that person.
Father! We know that you come to us with eternal life, with an eternal ideal, and with a heart of eternal love; and what you are longing for are sons and daughters who can sing and enjoy being centered on the idea that we are not two but one, with your things being ours, and our things being yours, and you being together with us in our innermost hearts.
We too are looking forward to the arrival of a time in which we are able to attend you, and to be proud and rejoice throughout the whole world after having found and offered you all the elements of glory. Since you know all these things, Father, by connecting our minds and bodies, and by moving all the past things of heaven and earth, please transform all of them in the world of heart. And while earnestly hoping and desiring that you will let us be able to decide and determine ourselves in a state of joy and impact which is able to stimulate glory, we have humbly, prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.
July 26, 1959
Please Allow Us The Destined Relationship Of Father And Son Through Our Hearts