The Second Advent • The Way in the Completed Testament Age (CSG 2006)

§3. The Way of True Love is the Central Ideology of Humankind
The Way in the Completed Testament Age

The way of Adam is the way of the parent

Originally, Adam, as the progenitor of the human race, was meant to be, at the same time, the head of his family, tribe and race, as well as the king of his nation. Had the Fall not taken place, what way would this world have followed? It would have become a world of the way of Adam. Another word for this is Godism. That is how the world was originally intended to be. Yet this plan was torn to shreds by the Fall. The hole caused by Adam needs to be patched up. The Fall blew a big hole through God’s ideal world. (155-304, 1965.11.1) 

What did God have planned for Adam and Eve had they not fallen? He would have blessed them in holy matrimony and had them give birth to children in whom He could delight, thereby forming a family that would have been a source of joy to Him and having it expand into a tribe and then a nation.  

Once this nation expanded further, it would have formed a world of Godism and the Adam-centered ideology simultaneously. The ideology to be found in that world would have been the Adam-centered ideology, which would have been an outlook on the universe, cosmos and life itself. It would have been fine to have five races, all of different complexions, living together in that world. Skin color is merely a reflection of one’s environment, and so having numerous peoples with different skin colors is a natural and fine thing. Then how did these peoples come to have different languages? Due to the Fall of the first ancestors, God separated them. (156-202, 1966.5.25) 

The only path we need to know is the way of Adam; the only language, culture, tradition, way of life and system of government would be those derived from Adam. In fact, everything in this world should have been in accordance with the system of government of Adam’s nation. Such a path is Godism, as we need to attain oneness with God through His heart. (20-123, 1968.5.1) 

Before worrying about sovereignty, we need first to discuss the equality of human rights. The path we are in pursuit of is the cosmos-centered path, which can also be termed Godism. This is about becoming one with God. Today’s democracy has excluded God from everything, and communism is an ideology whose sole considerations are materialism and humanism. The cosmos-centered ideology, on the other hand, brings humankind together with God. Through that, we want to make this world one under God’s sovereignty. (13-72, 1963.10.18) 

We need to create the basis upon which we can establish the blessed land of the mind and heart, thereby setting a standard through which heart, mind, and body can be interconnected. Once mind and body are united in this manner, we need to embrace the world. Thus, in today’s era, we need a cosmic ideology that extends far beyond globalism, and this is none other than Godism. Unless people base their earthly lives on Godism and establish a firm standard through which mind and body can consistently experience God’s heart, we will never be able to live happily. (8-30, 1959.10.25) 

Due to the Fall, people’s minds and bodies were subjected to Satan’s false love, which in turn made them into egocentric, and consequently, dysfunctional individuals. Hence, the families, societies, nations and world formed by the coming together of such individuals created multi-dimensional expanded conflicts and were afflicted with mutual distrust, disunity, and discord through the complications and lack of integrity within themselves. Due to egocentricity, which reflects Satan’s desire, the democratic world today has become egocentric, with Satan and the people living in it heading toward destruction. To save this world, we need Unification Thought and Godism based on God’s true love. (219-109, 1991.8.27) 

Godism is not about living for the sake of oneself. It teaches giving for the sake of others. In short, it is a path whereby one puts others before oneself. The devil’s ideology tells you to live for yourself whereas God’s ideology asks you to live for others. That is why the more you give and give and then give again, the more your possessions will pile up in the next world of eternity. In the communist world, the more one gives, the more one loses, and so no one works for others. In God’s world, on the other hand, this is not the case, and so everyone works night and day without rest, shedding blood and sweat, for the benefit of everyone else. Those who consistently give in the same manner as God are bound to be blessed. (209-292, 1990.11.30) 

What is Godism? Another term for it is the Way of True Love. What is the Way of True Love all about? It is about giving and giving, and forgetting that you have given. If all its citizens were like that, what would Korea be like? (201-54, 1990.2.28) 

What is the Way of the Parent? It is the Way of the True Parent, which means having Adam and Eve as perfected parents on earth. Then what is Godism? Since the True Parents are the horizontal parents, human beings also need their vertical parent. Hence, the vertical Way of the Parent is Godism. Head-wing thought is also the Way of the True Parent, and Godism can also be said to be vertical Godism. The horizontal Way of the True Parent and vertical Godism, that is the vertical and the horizontal, come together and thus connect the life, love and lineage in heaven with those three entities on earth. The human race was born from this union, and that is why human beings have acquired dual characteristics. They consist of the internal and external selves. The internal self is one’s vertical aspect, and the external self is one’s horizontal aspect. These two selves come together to form a human being, the fruit of the union mentioned above. (224-277, 1991.12.15)