The Words of the Yu Family |
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Must understand lessons and apply them; must not be arrogant, must not boast, as Abel, brought Cain to voluntary submission.
Wongu peace cup Cain Abel rally was held, Cain Abel is connected to all in providence; Abel must mediate the love he receives and put his own love and give it to Cain; Abel will be educated by God only; not Cain, he cannot touch Abel; in case Abel does something wrong, leader gets strange, Cain members start talking about him, must pray to God: you establish him, take care of him, resolve it with prayer; three days, three hours; must understand clearly what they must do, do not leave your position, don't fight; lose power of grace; church will lose members; sometimes we are Abel, sometimes we are Cain; Abel must become one with God's Shim Jung and love and mediate it plus his own love to Cain, be a pathway for Cain to go to heaven.
Abel should have heart of parent and go as a servant; low humble position, subject partner of Shim Jung, not of power; Cain does not have true love, Abel must teach Cain how to attend God, natural subjugation, show heart of the parents; even animals can instinctively know who loves them; True Parents love us, even if they strike us it is out of love, Shim Jung of a parent, multiplied, church and country will develop; do not order, show the way.
Husband and wife, husband works, not much money, works for the church, wife needs to bring money to take care of the children, start to fight, one wants to live for the God's will, but reality; God cannot be there when they are fighting; must not fight, God cannot go to the husband, cannot go to the wife; something will happen to the family, grace of God cannot come to the family, repent to resolve that, God's way of warning them. We learn about theories but must know actual application in our lives.
Sunday, go to church, how? Joyful heart, take your offering specially prepared, spirit world behind us will go, not all are good spiritual world. Husband and wife are fighting, separate, God cannot work, that spirits go with you church. In the church will feel dark, members will not be inspired. Three people with the heart of the mother must prepare by prayer, to be inspiring service, singing, meet members, pastor's sermons. Receive grace at the church bring it back with you to your home. We have spiritual world always behind us, come and go, eat and sleep wherever we may go.
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Abel should consider Cain's feelings to maximum extent; I have to convey these words to the members, every time want to give something received from God or True Parents; Cain should sever his relationship with Satan; Abel and Cain: roots and soil. Roots cannot live without soil; cover Abel and give nourishment to the roots. Abel cannot develop if he rejects the soil, must go together. Everything is decided in the final moment, preparation may be long, but decisive moment is important. I must be careful and keep each moment as precious. Moments become days, a month, a year, and an entire life time.
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10 generations equals going back to the beginning; all were punished and destroyed, but not the fish; fish play an important role at the end of God's providence; build ark in the mountains equals faith, 120 years, if your husband would do that, would you support him; she couldn't understand, prepared no lunch, ate berries in the mountains, slept there, tears, sweat. Can ask Noah who is now in spiritual world, pray to find out his situation.
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Meaning of number 40.
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According to True Father, Noah made a mistake, should have made a proclamation: any mistake you make, will not be connected to God's providence, he did not do that; Holy Wedding ceremony: told True Mother: if you make mistake, it will be your own responsibility; Blessing Vows: we will take that responsibility; avoid failure; June 1st, date when Noah came out of the ark; once in South America, storm, True Father's boat went out, waves were so high, could not go back; I was concerned about True Father, only ones on the ocean that day; could not move forward; fish did not bite, catfish. National garden, bring the entire luggage there, had a ceremony, June 1st was the day Noah stepped out of the ark, wrote calligraphy; in 2009, in Seoul, June: said it again.
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Central Figure: Ham, second son, humanistic way of thinking, good thing to cover his father, but Noah cursed his son; felt ashamed, repeating Adam and Eve; Satan was always waiting for a condition to invade the family, feeling shame: I am the descendant of Satan.
Languages and races were divided; language of True Parents will be central language of the world; all races will be united.
Blood lineage will become one.
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True Parents go to the ocean: how difficult it is to be on these boats; deep sea, Brazil, 50 days, True Mother was touring the world, telephone connections, went to deeper water, three poles, three hooks, caught many fish, he kept catching fish all day; establish indemnity condition, shedding blood of fish, less blood for the end of time; small hut, talked to me about the providence late in the night, then wanted to go fishing, 4 o'clock in the morning; mosquitoes, very dark, could not see the fishing pole, put a white plastic, could see fish caught, first fish always offer to Heaven; offer large fish to heaven, not small fish; True Father went to catch as many fish as possible to feed as many people as possible.
True Father knows what is in our minds, pretends not to know. You cannot think about him from our own point of view. One time, he had 16 poles. He had an exact order, he would cast lines in the exact places, and all caught fishes. His face was completely blackened by the sun. Do not think that he just likes to fish. Then, why does he go to Las Vegas? To uproot the satanic culture and to change that, this is his concentration in Las Vegas. He is not coming here to gamble, to struggle that kind of providence. No one has ever loved Las Vegas as True Father has done. Once his will for a place is established he will not stop unless things are fulfilled.
Do not do things from your own thinking. If you do not understand, ask.
I talked with True Father so many times over the telephone, when I was in Japan. I have a big box full of notebooks, many secrets of God's providence. One time, in the future, they will be made public.
These days are precious. Tomorrow we will talk about Abraham, Moses, Jesus, etc.