The Words of the Ame Family |
Global Peace Rally Update
Ria Ame
November 17, 2007
Warm greetings from the Philippine Headquarters!
I am sending you the updates on the Global Peace Festival 2007 preparation here in the Philippines.
Martin Luther King III is confirmed to come together with Hyun Jin Nim during the Festival. Mayor Alfredo Lim of Manila agreed to give the welcome remarks during our Main Event at the Quirino Grandstand where 250,000 individuals will convene. Mr. Manny Pacquiao and Mr. Robin Padilla will also grace our big rally while Pres. Arroyo and Speaker De Venecia will deliver their messages on that day.
A number of artists including Ms. Pops Fernandez and Jay-R have agreed to sing pro bono during the entertainment.
During the four-day GPF event (December 10-13) affiliates of Universal Peace Federation (UPF) will simultaneously hold diverse conferences. An International Leadership Conference will draw 700 top decision makers from government, civil society and the various faiths in the Philippines to a conference on "The Need for Vision and Leadership at a time of Global Crisis: Building Partnerships among Governments, Faith-Based Organizations and NGOs". The 2nd International Professors and Educators’ Conference will convene 2,100 foreign and local top educators on the theme: "Institutionalizing the Culture of Heart in the Family, School and Society."
The 2nd Youth Power Assembly 2007 will assemble 2,100 high school student leaders on "Molding the Future Leaders of the Nation with the Culture of Heart." The College and University Students Assembly will appoint 1,200 students leaders as Collegiate Ambassadors for Peace.
Simultaneously, an enormous gathering of 10,000 students will conduct a clean-up drive of the coast along Manila Bay. Festivities and competitions will abound during the Festival, with singing, dancing, lantern and cheering competitions based on the festival’s theme: "One Family Under God." A colorful parade will take place at 1:00 p.m. on December 12, 2007, starting from the Philippine Cultural Center to the Quirino Grandstand.
There are lots of preparations being made for this festival, Kuya. In fact, most regional leaders are already in HQ to help out. Aside from them, we have around 60 mobilizers from the diff. centers in the regions to invite people from QC and Manila.
In connection to this preparation, all leaders, 90 of them, attended a 1-Day Leaders' Alignment Seminar at UM HQ last November 14. WCARP SVP Kyung Myung Yoo, in his lectures, explained the significance of the Global Peace Festival (GPF). HJN wants to restore national sovereignty and establish CIG by 2012 through the GPF. The Philippine GPF in Manila from Dec. 10-13, 2007 is to be the model for all other GPFs in the coming years, not only in Asia but for the entire world.
Kuya, this is all I can share for now. I'll be sending you pictures in a separate email.
By the way, our Philippine Movement has joined the Saguisag's family in their bereavement with the passing on of Mrs. Dulce Saguisag to the spirit world. All leaders from the movement as well as some of our members have visited the wake of Mrs. Saguisag and we even sent her off through a special prayer before her internment. Atty Saguisag is still at the hospital recuperating. He's now in better shape.
Kuya, thank you for all your support and hard work for the Philippine Providence, let us all bring victory for God, TP and HJN through the success of GPF 2007.
Eog Mansei!
Ria Ame
Secretary to the Natl Leader
International Leadership Conference Schedule
The Need for Vision and Leadership at a Time of Global Crisis: Building Partnerships among Governments, Faith-Based Organizations and NGOs
December 11, 2007
1:00 PM V 2:00 PM Registration
2:00 PM V 3:30 PM Opening Plenary
Achieving the Millennium Development Goals: The Need for Partnership among Governments, Faith-Based Organizations and NGOs
Inter-religious Prayer
National Anthem
Welcome Address by Dr. Christopher BH Kim
Inspirational Message by H.E. Rafael E. Seguis,
Undersecretary, Dept. of Foreign Affairs
Special Remarks by Dr. Martin Luther King III
Video Presentation on UPF
Keynote Address by Dr. Hyun Jin Moon
3:30 PM V 4:00 PM Coffee Break
4:00 PM V 5:30 PM Session I: The Need for Vision and Leadership: One Family Under God
Introduction to UPF: Dr. Thomas Walsh
Chairmans Address: Dr. Chung Hwan Kwak
5:30 PM V 5:45 PM Break
5:45 PM V 6:45 PM Session II: Leadership and the Significance of Character, Religion and Spirituality
7:00 PM V 9:00 PM Welcome Banquet
Speakers: Dr. Martin Luther King III
Dr. Hyun Jin Moon
December 12, 2007
9:00 AM V 10:30 AM Session III: United Nations Renewal: the Significance of Religion and Civil Society in Achievement of the MDGs
Hon. Jose de Venecia Jr., Keynote Address
10:30 AM V 11:00 AM Coffee Break
11:00 AM V 12:30 PM Session IV: Principles of Peace-building and Conflict Resolution
MEPI Report and Role of Ambassadors for Peace
Launching of Barangay Federation for World Peace (BFWP)
Closing Session
Presentation of Ambassador for Peace Awards
12:30 PM -2:00 PM Lunch
2:00 PM V 3:00 PM Informal Discussion
3:00 PM V 3:30 PM Coffee Break
3:30 PM Departure for Global Peace Festival Rally at Quirino Grandstand
4:00 PM V 5:00 PM Pre-Event, Global Peace Festival
5:00 PM V 8:00 PM Main Event
Special Remarks: Hon. Jose de Venecia, Jr.
Dr. Martin Luther King III
Keynote Address: Dr. Hyun Jin Moon