The Words of the Ablong Family |
Dear Philippine Brothers and Sisters,
The Foundation Day Holy Wine and Foundation Day Registration Blessing have been held but we still have a lot of things to solve especially within ourselves.
Although it is challenging and seriously difficult, we have to overcome our individual pride and selfishness. Let us not be confounded or confused by our external circumstances. We can solve our persistent problems of recording and reporting tithes and donations thru proper reporting and respect or obedience to the principle of vertical and horizontal order or hierarchy of heart; alignment with and centrality of God's purpose; and connectedness (the idea of interconnected bodies) with our Fil-Jap FFWPU movement and Philippine FFWPU Headquarters.
Those of us who are living in Japan should be clear about the following:
1. Report the status of all our unaccomplished Foundation Day Holy Wine requirements, monthly tithes and or special donations to the Philippines thru your FilJap FFWPU leaders or chosen representatives under the overall leadership of Kuya Dante Negre.
Remember, we are not a bank or business. Tithing is a tradition of faith that should be done regularly. Small tithes cannot be accumulated or saved for the next month. It should be given on a regular monthly basis. This is the tradition of faith and attendance.
2. What is our point of connection to Philippine church in Japan, is it thru PUCMJ (now FilJap FFWPU)?
3. If we always go to Japan Church and give our tithes and donations there and we get confused or burdened so much by it, then choose one.
4. If we have more connection, we feel better and more at home with Japan Church, then just declare it clearly. Anyway, it is the same church. God will be happy if you decide one for a greater purpose. We are one church but we need to know who our Abel is.
5. Giving directly to our region or tribe in the Philippines and count it as tithe or donation is one personal or individual choice. Having the FilJap FFWPU record or account for it is another. Remember, private missions are convenient to do because we can decide on what to do with ourselves or with "our" money. Public mission is ordained or given by the church through its leaders. We cannot expect FilJap FFWPU to account for the things that were given to us or were not reported to us
6. The reality of mind and body relationship and the reality of God's kingship and our heavenly citizenship is as real and essential as the necessity of leaders. Those who say we do not need leaders are actually denying the mind -- body relationship according to the Divine Principle.
7. Those who want formal and official recognition for their work or mission should be properly, seriously and respectfully connected to their leaders or True Parents representatives. They should help and respect their leaders especially when doing it is difficult. After all, it is the leaders who will be asked for recommendations.
8. Leaders recommend for the performance of members. They are not the final judge or arbiters of truth, recognition and achievements. There are a few people above them who are given the responsibility to decide who among the recommended members may be given the best recognition or appreciation since everybody is working for the Providence.
Filipino blessed family members living in Japan should be properly aligned and connected with the FilJap FFWPU in Japan movement. This is our Philippine church in Japan. Philippine directions come thru this organization. We follow the tradition of tithing and donation in our church through our FilJap FFWPU leaders.
Remember It is hard to account or report anything that is not reported to us. Members that do not give tithes or donations directly to the FilJap FFWPU in Japan should not be wondering why their donations are not recorded here. Members who are confused of their Philippine church membership in Japan and Japanese church membership should better give up one. Anyway, it is the same church but we can only have one Abel, not two.
Biblically and based on the Principle, the proper way to offer 10 percent (tithe) and donations is through Abel or leader, not to anyone else. Be careful with what you say to your Abels or leaders. The Spirit World has come down. It is aware of what we are thinking, saying or doing in front or in the back.
Not all leaders receive funding or allowance. All of us in Japan do not receive anything and we are not exempted from anything. We work as hard as anyone else and work harder than members when it comes to church matters. We deserve to be respected as our Heavenly Parent and True Parents representatives just as we should respect each other as brothers and sisters or as children of one Heavenly Parent and True Parents.
Thank you for your patience brothers and sisters. Let us continue to trust and respect each other just as we help or support each other in this great time of God's Providence,
May all our tribes increase in goodness, faith, hope and love.
Sincerely yours,
Raphael Enriquez Ablong
Noted by:
Kuya Dante Negre Regional Executive Director
FilJap FFWPU in