The Words of the Ablong Family |
To: All Philippine brothers living in Kyushu-Okinawa-Shikuoku Islands (Western PUCMJ members)
Dear Philippine Brothers,
Those who cannot attend the Tokyo or Mie-Ken Holy Wine Ceremony on February 10th should come to Hakata on Sunday, February 17th from 1 p.m. to receive it in a formal ceremony.
Please come in your formal attire and be sure to have finished all your requirements for Holy wine Ceremony before that day (submission of the four Foundation Day Holy Wine Attachments). Also bring a photo of your wife if she cannot come with you on that day.
My house address:
T812-0014 Fukuoka-Shi
Hie-Machi 7-27
Hakataeki Higashi Toho Mansion 608
Call me when you arrive at Hakata Terminal Station or Higashihie Subway Station
Thank you.
Rafael E. Ablong