The Words of the Yamaguchi Family |
I'd like to share my excitement these days. As some knows, I have another Filipina sister in my small church, Nakano church here in Northern Nagano. Her name is Janet Salazar-Tadenuma, from Leyte, Cebu CARP. She actually started family and gave birth to her 4 children in the Philippines before they came settle here in Japan in 2008. They actually stayed in Sendai (the earthquake area!) for a month before they came to Nagano in September 2008.
Since the start, she has been attending Nihongo class once a week here in Nakano City Chuokouminkan (Citizen's Hall). The teachers are all volunteers mostly retired school teachers. She was able to give to each of the 12 volunteer teachers, a copy of True Father's Autobiography. The last person, whom he attempted to give the book is a fervent Christian, a retired school principal. Last year, in our yearly gathering of Foreigners here in Nakano, I attempted to give to the same person, True Father's autobiography but he declined and just told me, "Gambatte Kudasai." Before that, I already gave him a copy of True Father's Peace Message, "God's Ideal Family 111". The speech might have been too hard for him that he just didn't want to receive any add'l reading material.
Anyway, Janet attempted to give him the book and when he declined, Janet answered, "You're the last, Sir. Everybody have already read it." The poor Christian was very very surprised and he immediately called up a meeting with all of his co-volunteers. The result, six of the 12 teachers returned the book to Janet. Last Sunday, Janet told me she felt very nervous when they had a meeting and said, "I don't know what will happen next. We'll start class again on Tuesday."
You know what happened? All of those six Cain-type persons (those who returned the book) decided to quit teaching in the Nihongo class. The Abel type persons must have been more bold in defending Janet. In their Nihongo lesson last Tuesday, Janet was able to share here views regarding the Mar 11 quake/tsunami and told her teachers that we, the Unification Church members, fasted for 3 days and gave donations for the quake/tsunami victims. All of her teachers were in tears, inspired by her sharing. Amazing spirit, isn't it? Kudos, Janet!
Of course, it's still a sad thing that the Cain-type teachers can't open their heart and mind. I still hope to meet them again in October's gathering for foreigners. One was my teacher when I attended the same Nihongo class in 1999-2000. I have a real close affinity to most of them, most especially, the retired principal (Christian). Just hope that by October, their "original minds" could have won and that we could meet again.
Thanks for reading.