The Words of the Fenoli Family |
It was the time of the Korean War when the miracle of the national prayer melted the ice of the river Han... this stopped the enemy to pass and save so many life's... united prayer bring miracle...
Now we know that division create pain, suffering, frustration, confusion, doubt, multiply all negativity...
So as God and True Parents taught to all mankind that unity come first even before love, since if the mind and body are divided how can we love somebody?
The only solution to make God and True Parents happy again and reunited we all blessed central families around the world are to take responsibility by asking forgiveness and repent since we couldn't fulfilled by 2003 the tribal messiah mission and we blocked True Parents to received the crown of king of kings by all of us, for that thy couldn't go back victoriously to their home town to declare the nation of Cheon Il Guk... for that Hyo Jin Nim was offered to go to the spiritual world...
This must be clear or we will not again understand our responsibility in the God's dispensation of restoration... as 1 united forces we can repent and all ask forgiveness to God the king of kings vertically and True Parents king of kings horizontally...and pray in deep tears (true father told us that prayer with no tears has no result)...that Hyun Jin Nim go back voluntarily to his true father...
This is my proposal, since we do not need more consideration, evaluation, judgment, point of view... we can only help the "reconciliation" by taking responsibility of recognizing our past failure, unfullfillment on witnessing by winning the goal of 1-1-1 and the 360 families home church, when we were singles and from 1994. 160 families in the tribal messiah -- home town of husband and wife united as "one"...
Please united with my proposal by understanding that if we would have made it we as Cain children of True Parents we would make the shield protection for all the children...
The Cheon Il Guk would have started already as a 4th Adam nation and the 12 tribal leaders of Cheon Il Guk will lead the nation under the true heavenly monarchy of the royal family, restoring the failure of the Judeo-Christian history by uniting all the central 4 religions as "one family under God and True Parents under their kingship".
Forgive me if I do urge this solution, but there will be no other than this one...
Please tell me if I'm wrong and if so which other possible solution do you see... I do repent first and ask forgiveness in front of all of you, in front of God and True Parents for my failure in my mission and goals of faith for which I become the base for Satan to attack the true family and created the base of the prolongation of the suffering of human history.
Let us not pray for the true son to come back but for repentance and forgiveness and promise absolutely to make the tribal messiah of our home town possible by 2012... so that the true family united and gloriously can enter in the land of honey and milk by braking the wall of Jericho of north Korea with the 12 spies and walk to the true home town and birthplace where the messiah, the savior of mankind, the lord of second advent, the anointed, can live in the final true palace which is existing in heaven and must still be build in Chonju on the house of his birth place which Jesus could never see.
Please understand my Shim Jung... with a painful and tearful feeling.
The 12 apostles should have died for Jesus but they did not witness to the Jewish that he was the messiah, this failure is connected with ours?
Yes or no? If we can answer and take responsibility Hyun Jin Nim will go back to his true father and we can speedy build the Cheon Il Guk by 2012... not 2013... do you believe that?
If yes... let us start to pray from today for 40 days of repentance... no time, no minutes just anytime you feel cry and feel during the day the pain of God and true pants stop and repent... I promise you... you do not need any leaders to tell you that... just do it... all those whom can deeply understand: "what happen now is just because of my unfulfillment of responsibility"... that's all...
I promise you in 40 day... if you can convince someone to understand to do the same with tears... "God and True Parents will give us the crown of glory" Let us start today in total unity, kansahamnida... from Seoul,
Kuya Luciano Fenoli