The Words of the Lamson Family |
First, True Father put Hyun Jin Nim in charge of Unification Church International (UCI).
Father did appoint Hyun Jin Nim to take care of UCI. I am sure that Father expected Hyun Jin Nim to follow Fathers directions and providential mandates also, which Hyun Jin Nim did not and is not doing.
Father has asked all of us not to support the Global Peace Festival (GPF). Hyun Jin Nim is the one deciding where funds go from all UCI companies. Hyun Jin Nim is building the GPF providence and actively recruiting Unification Church members and Blessed Families to support GPF even though he knows it is against Fathers wishes.
Who was saying that Hyun Jin Nim did not provide the support for Father's jet, simply told half story and tried to twist the heart, love and attendance of members towards True Father, against Hyun Jin Nim.
Father could use the jet until Hyun Jin Nim hijacked UCI. After that True Parents had to take commercial airlines. This is not twisting anything.
In America in the first place, on the tour of the wife of Peter Kim, they start this by saying that Hyun Jin Nim did not allowed the jet to fly in support of True Father, but from Mike comment, they did not because they presumed the money will go to support GPF activities.
Father has asked all of us not to support GPF. Hyun Jin Nim is the one deciding where funds go from all UCI companies. Hyun Jin Nim is building the GPF providence and actively recruiting Unification Church members and Blessed Families to support GPF even though he knows it is against Fathers wishes.
Basically they insinuate in the mind and heart of brother and sisters, that Hyun Jin Nim, a True Son of True Father, act like some of us may do in their life, out of resentment and in "getting even".
We do not need to debate Hyun Jin Nim's motivation, only he knows that. What we do know is that Hyun Jin Nim and his staff are building a providence centered on GPF that Father has asked them not to do. We know that Father built UCI, that he trained the leaders and members who built it and that Japanese members sacrificed beyond imagination to support the building of UCI. We know that Hyun Jin Nim used the authority which Father trusted him with to take this foundation away and use it against Fathers wishes and directions.
From this you can see one very simple example of the double talk, slander, double standard and half true that several people are spreading around about members of True Family.
The bottom line here is that Hyun Jin Nim and his staff are actively and purposefully working against the providence lead by True Parents through developing the GPF providence. How could this ever be justified? Members are smart and they can see where the double talk is coming from. Hyun Jin Nim is the one making so many problems for his parents because he refuses to follow them and he refuses to unite with Hyung Jin Nim who Father has appointed as the central person for the True Family. This takes Hyun Jin Nim and the blessed families that follow him out of Fathers providence and out of spirit world's protection.
Nikolaus Beutl shares about Hyun Jin Nim heart and his tears. We need to be clear about who we are and about who True Parents are. True Parents are the Messiah, the Lord of the Second Advent, the Second Coming that all mankind has been longing for. As in Jesus time Father has had an uphill battle with humanity understanding who he is yet Father never for one day stopped working, praying and leading us. Now Father is 90 years old and one of his sons is using what Father has built against what Father wants to do. Whose tears and heart should we be concerned about? True Love is honest. If we really loved Hyun Jin Nim we would be serious and verbal in asking him to unite with his Father and not be sympathetic with Hyun Jin Nim or those around him.
Father can not speak out about Hyun Jin Nim's actions or put negative things in writing, the True Children can not do this either. They want Hyun Jin Nim to come home. We however as faithful sons and daughters have an obligation to stand up for True Parents and those that they have appointed. This is what heaven expects from Blessed Central Families and this is how we will build a sustainable era of Cheon Il Guk.