The Words of the Lamson Family |
New York Report
Michael Lamson
November 21, 2007
On November 21 all the District Directors and their wives were invited by True Mother to attend the last event in the 12-city tour and a special Thanksgiving Breakfast at East Garden on the 22nd.
The event in NY was held at the Hammerstein Ballroom in the Manhattan Center. The event was well attended by many dignitaries, which included 8 or 9 UN ambassadors. The hall was packed and the program was well organized and smooth. Melba Moore offered a rendition of songs that inspired everyone.
The highlight of this event was True Mothers message. True Mother was inspired and the audience applauded many many times during her speech. The NY event was just the right finish for the 12-city tour.
The following morning we gathered at the New Yorker at 4:30am and headed for East Garden. The event at East Garden was by invitation and the main room was set up for a banquet. 120 leaders were invited. The tables were set with crystal and china and everything was very formal. It was clear that True Mother wanted to offer the best to the American movement and that the banquet for the 120 invited was her way of saying thank you to America for making the 12 city tour a success.
The program started when True Mother and members of the True Family entered the hall at 6am. Everyone offered a bow to True Mother then we recited the Family Pledge in Korean. Dr. Yang and Rev. Jenkins shared about the tour followed by a moving testimony from Bishop Stallings. Bishop Stalling shared that he was representing Christianity and as he repented for Christianity's failure to respond to True Parents he and many attending were in tears.
It was very interesting to have such a large feast at 7am in the morning. True Mother and the East Garden staff cooked up 20 turkeys and all the trappings of a traditional Thanksgiving Feast. Hyun Jin Nim and members of the True Family cut a turkey and served it to members and everyone in the hall offered a toast to the victory of the 12 city tour.
True Mother offered gifts to leaders present so it was like Christmas. True Mother called each district leader couple up to receive a special gift. A suit was given to each district leader and each wife received a dress, purse and pearl necklace and earring set. Mother also gave a special gift to Sherri Routter for all her years of witnessing and her sp. children.
Philip Schanker offered a song to True Mother which also brought many tears and many others offered songs during the program.
At the end of the program True Mother joined all the leaders for a family photo in front of East Garden.
True Father also bought a winter coat for all the State Leaders which I am bringing back from NY with me.
I want to thank each of you for all you did to make our event in Ohio an offering which could be accepted by heaven.
Rev. Lamson