The Words of the Lamson Family |
Columbus Report on 12 City Tour
Mike Lamson and Susan Nishio
November 17, 2007
Ohio Is A Powerful Region - It Has Become Like LA And SF
Dear Family,
The Ohio event was overflowing with guests. Rev. Lamson organized well and the community is really united. The Ambassadors for Peace and Clergy are all working together as one.
Mother was very pleased with the Ohio Victory!!. Also, Hyun Jin Nim said, the evidence of the Victory spirit and the Tsunami is that Ohio State won the victory 14 - 3 against Michigan and will now go to the Rose bowl. Victory was everywhere.
My Father and Mother came - True Mother called for my Father on to the stage and receive flowers for his 80th birthday. Bishop Emma White once again organized many churches and brought two buses.
Here is Rev. Lamson's and Susan Nishio's report. Congratulations Ohio!! We are proud of the Buckeye State!!
MWJ (Michael Jenkins)
Columbus Report on 12 City Tour
November 17th
By: Susan Nishio and Rev. Mike Lamson
FFWPU members, ACLC pastors, AFP and friends joined forces over the last few weeks to support the Global Peace Festival 12-city tour stop in Columbus Ohio on November 17th. Saturday was our night and everyone came to the Renaissance Hotel with high expectations and hope.
As the guests started arriving Ohio’s very own trio "Providence" welcomed them with beautifully arranged songs, that set a good tone and clear, upbeat spirit. Rev. Josef Schrattenecker welcomed all the guests along with Mussa Farah who welcomed the Arabic community.
Preparation for this event combined the best of the past with the victorious spirit of Chun Il Guk. Numerous times in the midst of the campaign we stood back in awe: we were having so much fun. At night, tired and hungry, we’d come home and instead of sitting down to eat immediately, we would dance.
Yes, old, been-doing-this-for-years-people, dancing, because the joy of the work went beyond words, beyond smiles. We felt ourselves coming alive. If the language of the past was tears, then the language of this campaign was laughter.
First of all, 4 cities sent representatives to work on the campaign: 3 first generation, and 6 second gen. joined the well-trained Columbus members. Burgi Hutcherson, NC State Leader, brought one minister to help with mobilization in response to Rev. Lamson’s request for volunteers.
Great things happened. We started out the door with a really good, classy-looking flyer our members created. There were no cheesy or black-writing on colored-paper handouts. We had a web-page that worked: it said what we couldn’t, it was easy to navigate, and gave us real credibility with those that use the internet.
We partnered with SAVE (Strategies Against Violence Everywhere) a well-known local organization that worked with inner-city kids to reduce violence in their neighborhoods, selling tickets as a fundraiser for them, who later performed for us during our program.
New Things happened. Melba Moore was well-known in parts of our community, but more than that, she wanted to do this tour because she believed in the peace messages and True Parents. Its’ effect on our outreach was really significant.
For the Ohio State campus, we developed a glossy post-card flyer and a banner, more in tune with issues of the day that socially-minded students are concerned about. Graphics were delivered by a 15 year old. Louisville, Cleveland, Columbus, and Indianapolis all contributed BCs to the mobilization team that took the large, hand-painted 6’ x 4’ banner our youth designed, and went to Ohio State campus to "sound-off" for peace.
Using 4 plastic trash cans as drums, and invited others to join us in the drumming. It was cold, and the banner-holders looked it, but by the end, we had delivered our message, handed out flyers, broken drum sticks, involved students, and did not want to stop drumming when the time was finished.
The Columbus church members knew their areas of responsibility well and could accomplish pulling together the event without long hours of organizing. The outreach was able to meet and develop connections not just with new people, but new organizations.
Melba Moore’s performance was professional in every way, as one would expect. What was unexpected was her music conveys a depth of conviction and integrity that really lent a purposeful quality to the entertainment. God has great plans for Melba Moore and she as an AFP is ready to give all she has for the dream of One Family Under God.
What made this gathering so special was the incredible diversity witnessed by all who came to the event. All races, cultures and religions were represented.
After serving the holy juice to bless the family, Rev. Jenkins took the reigns and the main program began. He asked Bishop Emma White to give the invocation. Jessie Edwards then spoke about calling out to God to bring this nation back to God.
New AFP were recognized at the beginning of the program as names of all the newly appointed AFP were scrolled on both screens. This event was celebrated with 372 new AFP and YAFP. Rev. Flores joined with Rev. Jenkins and Dr. Yang to present 7 representative AFP their framed certificates on the stage.
Through Dr. Yang’s message, the audience caught a glimpse of how God is working through and with Rev. Sun Myung Moon to bring true peace to the world. Many participants shared that the message of "One Family Under God" touched them deeply.
Dr. Hyun Jin Moon gave a passionate testimony to the work of his father and mother, and helped those in attendance to appreciate the message so eloquently delivered by his mother. He spoke about his father coming to awaken the United States.
"Rev. Moon came here to find the soul of America, and he stood as a lone Korean in the midst of Americans." Dr. Moon also reminded his audience that America has a destiny to fulfill with the living God. "Looking beyond the racial and religious divisions -- that is the spirit that made this nation great," he said.
Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon was very beautiful as she delivered the peace message. She was strong, loving and articulate. She gave the peace message with passion and enthusiasm. Mrs. Moon embraced and lifted up the entire audience. One participant wrote, "I loved hearing what Mother Moon had to say. She called on all women to join her in this great effort. I believe that the world needs the heart of a mother to heal."
The event came to a happy celebrative conclusion with Melba Moore singing many songs and the excitement of the door prize drawings.
A special thanks to Heavenly Father for His constant and never wavering love, to True Parents for touching us so deeply and to Dr. Yang and Rev. Jenkins for all they did to help our event become so wonderful.
Columbus Ohio 11/17/07 Testimonies
1. Pastor Fermin Bocanagra:
"What a wonderful vision to be One Family Under God. This is what Jesus wanted when he prayed: "Father I pray for those you have given me that some day they will be one". I thank God for using the True Parents to unite the families of all faiths in peace and harmony
2. Lisa Wilson:
I came to this event tonight because I am a lifetime supporter of world peace. I am leaving this event tonight with more inspiration and a new conviction that one person does make a difference. Peace begins in our hearts and transcends to all humanity. Not only were our spirits raised by the beautiful and talented Melba Moore, my life was changed.
3. Gayle Warren Galloway:
From tonight’s program I believe that we all have the opportunity to become peace makers. If we work together we can reach the goal.
4. Bishop Emma White:
The program was really fantastic and the speech was awesome as was everything about the program. My heart was deeply, deeply, moved.
5. Hazel Williams:
Mother Moon's speech about bringing Peace to the world at this time really inspired me. She is a wonderful example of a mother both in her personal life and her professional life. She shows by example that a mother, a woman can set the tone for harmony. The patience, diplomacy and love and nurturing exemplified in Mother bring harmony to discord.
6. Evangelist Cynthia Hill:
I was able to work for the last week with a wonderful group of volunteers inviting people to this event. It was a Holy Spirit experience. God is working with Father and Mother Moon and their vision of one family under God is a vision which can bring unity to all people.
7. Clifton Hardy:
I was moved by the speakers at tonight’s event. The central message that the family is the most important component to building peace was made crystal clear. I was asked to help promote the event and when I was told that 3000 people needed to be mobilized in less than two weeks I had many doubts. When I came to the event however the hall was packed and it truly was an event which drew on all races, cultures and religions. I have never seen this