The Words of the Lamson Family |
College Retreat Report
Michael Lamson
August 31, 2007
This summer we had our first college-aged retreat of the Ohio district the weekend of August 10th-13th. Caravanning for 12 hours with 15 Ohio college second gen., we met up with 3 second gen. from North Carolina and made a beach house our home for the weekend. After traveling all day on Friday, we couldn't resist jumping into the ocean (the guys without even changing into their swimsuits) first thing. We couldn't ask for better weather all weekend. The water was warm (although rough at times), and the sun was out the whole time.
Saturday we woke up and spent most of our morning on the beach. After a quick and simple lunch (and afternoon nap) we split up into teams and had a friendly Volleyball and Soccer-tennis tournament. We grilled out for dinner and finished the night with poker and board games. Sunday we woke up to another beautiful morning, along with an inspirational morning service given by JS. We spent the rest of the day playing more sand Volleyball and hanging out on the beach. We concluded our wonderful retreat with a homemade breakfast at the home of the Lamson's (Rev. Lamson's brother) in Raleigh on the way home.
Aside from a few small mishaps (a couple scraped faces and elbows from the rough ocean waves and a swollen ankle) the trip was an amazing success. We look forward to doing it again next year, and inviting more college students in our district whom we can meet and bond with.