The Words of the Jenkins Family

21 Day Workshop in Chung Pyung for Blessed Wives and additional workshop for the graduates of the first and second 21 day workshop.

Michael Jenkins

To: All Blessed Wives up to 8000 Blessing (2075 & 6000)in North America, All Leaders; All Regional and State FFWPU, ACC, WFWP, Kodan , Orgnanizational Directors, Business Leaders and all Department Heads

Fm: Rev. Michael Jenkins

Re: 21 Day Workshop in Chung Pyung for Blessed Wives and additional workshop for the graduates of the first and second 21 day workshop.

Dt: August 10, 2000

Note: Please make every effort to see that every blessed couple in your organization or region receives this memo.

This is the fifth memo since July 26 concerning the Blessed Wives Workshop, a number of families reported that they did not receive any communication on this special dispensation. A better system of communication will be developed. Currently all official directions are sent through the Regional Headquarters and to the headquarters of major organizations founded by True Parents. Both are responsible to get all official memos to members under their leadership.

All blessed wives up to 8000 have been asked to participate in the 21 day workshop at Chung Pyung Lake International Training Center with their blessing group as part of a process of registration for the Kingdom of Heaven.

Purpose of the Workshop

Father has stated that all blessed families must pass through three levels of blessing. First is the family level blessing, second is the national level blessing and third is the world level blessing. The family level blessing was the first blessing each couple received. The national level blessing is to be held upon the condition of the Unification of God's Fatherland. The world level blessing will follow.

Father has announced that the Unification of the Fatherland has been successfully established on a conditional basis. Therefore Father can now give the family level blessing. The 21 day workshop is required to connect to the family level blessing. Father recently said that all family mistakes of the past can be forgiven through this 21 day workshop. After receiving this education, it is planned that 2700 couples will be the first group to register as children of Heaven.

Workshop Schedules According to Blessing

1st Workshop: (currently in progress) July 24th to August 13th 2000 Participants (wives only): 36 Couples, 72 Couples, 124 Couples, 430 Couples and 777 Couples.

2nd Workshop: August 14th to September 3rd 2000 Participants (wives only): up to 1800 Couples. 3rd Workshop: September 4th to September 24th 2000 Participants (wives only): 2075 up to 6000 Couples. SPECIAL NOTE: (Dr. Yang is asking all wives who attend this workshop and are living in North America to stay until September 30th )

Participation Requirements

Workshop Fee: $1000 US Conditions for Participation:

Families that have completed the blessing of 180 couples

Families that have donated some portion toward the Total Living Offering

Families that have not fallen (sexual fall - in a situation that someone fell, if they received the forgiveness ceremony through True Parents, drank the Holy Wine, and received the blessing prayer they are qualified.)

Books That You Should Bring

1. The Completed Testament Age and Ideal Kingdom (Or the following as individual volumes: Earthly Life and Spirit World (vols 1 & 2) Who Is He? True Parents Life in the Spirit World and on Earth)

2. Blessed Family and Ideal Kingdom (1 & 2)

3. Father Prayers (Vols. 1~6 if available)

4. North-South Unification from the Viewpoint of God

Sincerely Yours,

Michael Jenkins, President, FFWPU North America 

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