The Words of the Eby Family

By-Laws for the Washington, DC Finance Committee

Lloyd Eby
October 2, 1999

By-Laws for the DC Metro Finance Committee

I. Name and Purpose of the Committee

The name of this Committee (hereinafter known as the Committee) shall be: D.C. Metro Finance Committee

This is a Committee made from the members of the Unification Washington Metro Church or congregation (hereinafter known as the Congregation) -- also known as the DC Family Church. Its purpose is to support God, the True Parents, and the Congregation in carrying out the financial aspects of their efforts to advance the Divine providence. The Committee shall have authority over the budget and financial affairs of the Congregation and any of its sub-Congregations.

The Regional Director, appointed by the True Parents, has ultimate authority over and responsibility for the affairs of the Congregation and over its budget. He, in the role of parent, shall act as advisor to the Committee.

II. Membership in the Committee

The Committee shall be made up of from seven to twelve Delegates, plus the Pastor of the Congregation. (Hereinafter known as Committee Members.)

Since the Congregation now comprises twelve districts, each district shall have the right to choose one Delegate and one Alternate Delegate for the Committee. Should the structure of the Congregation change with respect to local units, each unit shall have the right to choose an equal number of Delegates so that the total number of Committee Members shall be seven to twelve plus the Pastor. In the event that a restructuring of the Congregation is necessary or takes place, it shall be the responsibility of the Committee existing at that time to decide, in good faith, how the structuring of the Committee and the apportioning of Delegates shall be done.

The first Delegate selections are to be carried out within two weeks of adoption of these by-laws by the Congregation. In subsequent years, the choosing of Delegates is to be carried out by the Districts or other units in April.

Delegates shall serve for a period of two years, and be chosen in alternate years. (For the first Delegate selection, all Delegates shall be chosen for a one year term, and a lottery shall be conducted by the Pastor and held among the Delegates by which half of those Delegates are given two-year terms. The Pastor shall announce to the Congregation, and to the districts they represent, which Delegates have been given two-year terms.) Delegates may be reelected as many times as their district wishes to do so.

Each Delegate shall attend each meeting of the Committee, and have full rights of discussing and voting on all issues. If a Delegate is unable to attend a meeting of the Committee, the Alternate for that district or unit shall attend in place of the Delegate, and shall have all rights and responsibilities of the Delegate. If a Delegate is unable to carry out his duties, his Alternate shall become the Delegate, and a new Alternate shall be chosen by the members of the district or unit in question.

III. Officers

A. The Committee shall have four officers: Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Treasurer, and Secretary. The Pastor and the Regional Director are not eligible to be officers of the Committee. The officers, who will serve a term of one year, shall be elected by the Delegates from among the Delegates at the first meeting of the Committee after the election of Delegates. The Pastor shall preside over the election of the Chairperson, who will then preside over all the other elections and all other Committee business. Officers may serve as many terms as the Committee wishes.

B. Duties of officers:

1. The Chairperson shall: (1) ascertain that a Quorum is present and call all regular and special meetings to order; (2) preside over meetings and preserve decorum, fairness, and freedom of all to discuss; (3) limit the time Delegates take to make their points; (4) see that any Delegate who wishes to speak is given the opportunity to do so; (5) announce the results of any votes to the Secretary.

The Chairperson, or another designated agent from within the Committee, shall meet with the Treasurer each month to go over the financial statement and plan the agenda of the Committee's meeting for the next month.

2. The Vice-Chairperson shall assist the Chairperson. If the Chairperson is unable to attend a Committee meeting, the Vice-Chairperson shall preside and exercise all the duties and rights of the Chairperson for that meeting. If the Secretary is unable to attend, the Vice Chairperson shall keep the minutes, unless another Delegate is so designated by the presiding officer.

If the Chairperson is unable to carry out his or her duties, the Vice-Chairperson shall become Chairperson and a new Vice-Chairperson shall be elected by the Committee.

3. The Treasurer shall meet with the Congregation's bookkeeper(s) each month to: (a) ascertain the correctness of accounts; (b) review any requests for funding and report on those requests to the Committee, (c) help the Chairperson and Secretary in preparing the packet for the Delegates before each Committee meeting, and (d) prepare quarterly and all other reports requested by the Committee. If the Treasurer is unable to carry out his duties, a new Treasurer shall be elected by the Committee.

4. The Secretary shall keep minutes of the activities of each regular or special Committee meeting. Each business on which a vote is taken shall be entered into a log: dated, numbered, and described (its vote tally, projected cost, duration, and any other details needed for full explanation)

The packet for each meeting, and any papers or other materials distributed at a meeting become part of the record, and the secretary shall keep copies of these. At least three additional copies shall be made of these; one copy is to be given to the Chairperson, one to the Pastor, and one to the Regional Director. The secretary shall be the repository for all financial reports, all sub-committee reports and any other reports or recommendations made to the Committee. All these items shall be made available to any Delegate upon request. The entire record, except in specific cases where decided otherwise by the Regional Director or by 2/3 vote of all members of the Committee, shall be public and available to the Congregation.

If the Vice Chairperson is filling in for the Chairperson, and the Secretary is also not present, a temporary secretary shall be chosen to keep the minutes and voting information. If the Secretary is unable to complete his or her term, a new Secretary shall be elected by the Committee.

IV. Meetings, Quorum, Venue

A. Meetings of the Committee shall be held regularly on the second Monday of each month.

The meeting shall be called to order by the Chairperson, who will establish that a Quorum of Delegates (or their Alternates if a Delegate is missing) is present.

Discussion will proceed according to the packet distributed to each Delegate to the Committee. The packet shall include:

1. Minutes of the previous meeting. 2. Agenda for the current meeting 3. List of ongoing projects and cost estimates. 4. Financial report. 5. Any requests from the Congregation, any Delegate, the Pastor, or the Regional Director for funding, or any other business that is germane to the Committee. 6. Any other reports or requests to the Committee, and any other new business.

Discussion may be limited to Delegates or opened to observers if the Committee elects to do so.

B. A Quorum shall consist of 2/3 of the total number of Committee Members.

C. Venue is to be at Upshur House. The venue may be changed by vote of the Committee, but only after notifying the Congregation.

D. All voting meetings are to be regular and open to any member of the Congregation who may attend as an observer. The Committee may go into executive session open only to Committee Members if privacy is deemed necessary by the Chairperson, but any voting must be done in open session accessible to any member of the Congregation, unless the Committee by 2/3 vote decides otherwise.

E. Special meetings of the Committee may be called when an extraordinary or immediate need arises. These meetings may be called by the Regional Director or the Pastor, in consultation with the Chairperson, or by the Chairperson with the consent of at least two additional Delegates. The Congregation shall be informed at the next opportunity that such a special meeting was held.

V. Responsibilities of Delegates and the Committee

The Committee and its Delegates are encouraged to promote tithing by all members of the Congregation. They have the responsibility to develop, implement, and coordinate strategies and methods for raising funds to meet the budget, and review and approve any written solicitations or fundraising appeals made to the Congregation.

The Committee's Delegates are to oversee the accuracy of collections and distributions of funds. Delegates are to be careful, honorable, informed, and mindful of the whole- purpose in preparing and voting on the budget.

The Committee should receive, review, and approve by voting the quarterly reports prepared for the Congregation. After approval, these quarterly reports will be made available to the Congregation.

The Committee is to prepare operating and capital budgets (short-term and long-term).

The Committee may appoint sub-committees, either of its own members or of whatever other persons it deems appropriate, to study, make recommendations, do investigations, or whatever other work the Committee, by vote, regards as necessary. No funds are to be spent by any sub-committee without an approving vote by the Committee.

VI. Voting

1. All Delegates at Quorum (or Alternates when a Delegate is absent) shall have one vote each. No vote may be cast on behalf of an absent member. The Pastor shall have one vote.

2. A simple majority of the members of the Quorum is required to approve expenditures less than or equal to 20% of a monthly budget line item, or a threshold as determined by the Committee by 2/3 vote.

3. A 2/3 majority of the members of the Quorum is required to approve every contract, capital expenditure, property improvement, and any allocation greater than 20% of a monthly budget line item.

4. Allocations between meetings:

Between regular Committee meetings, needs may arise outside of the normal allocation and month's projection. Additional funds of up to $500 may be released upon approval of the Chairperson and two additional Delegates. Such allocations must be reported to the full Committee at the next regular meeting. The Pastor has special privilege for allocating funds for exceptional occasions, but the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Treasurer, and Secretary shall all be informed of all such events and a report must be given to the full Committee at the next regular meeting.

VII. Allocations

The Committee shall make up a 12-month budget for the Congregation. If there are sub-Congregations, budgets shall be made for them also. The Committee shall allocate funds, by line item, for each such budget.

VIII. Reporting

Detailed reports of all receipts and allocations of funds are to be kept by the Treasurer or by whatever other agent the Committee may designate. These reports are to be made public to all members of the Congregation. Copies of the reports are to be made available to every member of the Congregation at three-month (quarterly) intervals, or at whatever other intervals either the Committee or the Regional Director may deem appropriate.

Delegates should report on the affairs and deliberations of the Committee to their Districts or other units.

IX. Amendments

Amendments to these by-laws shall be by 2/3 majority of the total number of Delegates to the Committee. Proposals for amendment must be reported to the Congregation and must be submitted in detail to the Committee at least one full meeting prior to discussion and voting.

X. Ratification of these by-laws

These by-laws will be ratified and take effect upon approval by the Regional Director and by vote of the majority of the Congregation present at a Sunday Service. The contents of these by-laws and the coming vote for ratification must be announced.

(Adopted by unanimous vote of the ad-hoc drafting committee, 3/16/98, ratified by vote of the Congregation and containing an amendment adopted in September 1999.)

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