The Words of the Derflinger Family |
Our community of 35 Blessed Central Families is located in South New Jersey. Living a bit far from the main church center, we felt the need to organize our families. Starting the "Family Fellowship" small groups came about naturally two years ago. We started with three small groups and we have been holding our community gatherings every three months with testimonies, reports, Hon Dok Hae, prayers, BBQs, dinners, and so forth.
My group is called “The Golden Ring”. Each group has its own name and motto: “Family of Joy” -- Mrs. Tomoe Mulls’ group, and “Loving Happy Family” -- Mr. Cleveland Rollins’ group. Each group has either weekly or biweekly small group meetings. About a year ago “The Going Back to Our Roots” program came as an inspiration and from Heavenly guidance to stimulate the small group families to reach out to warm contacts and take care of them by supporting each other and celebrating LIFE. Our first meeting was held on May 5, 2007. Mrs. Marie Ang graciously accepted to give the first presentation on how she grew up as a Midwest farm girl. She spoke from her heart, and showed pictures and books. It was especially inspiring to our American neighbors. The house was filled with people including seven guests: coworkers, neighbors and friends. A potluck dinner was served. Everybody was grateful for the event. After the event, we received thank-you cards and chocolates; some guests offered their house for another meeting.
At our second meeting on November 3rd, we invited a dear neighbor, who is a history professor at Rutgers University. She shared about her amazing life in India. We had 10 guests attending: some were returning guests. We had people from various religions: Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Jewish and Unificationists, coming altogether in a small house. Later on, we enjoyed Indian food, and we laughed a lot.
We held our third meeting with another professor from Rutgers University on February 9 this year, the mother of one of my students, and we learned about her experiences as an American working and volunteering her time in Central and South America, risking her life on a few occasions. Mrs. Mull invited a coworker from Princeton University to talk about her life in Japan, another deep and moving story. Even though these meetings were first meant for women, the husbands started to show some interest and attended, too. Inspired by the testimonies, the messages of peace and prayers at the meeting, a lady from Pakistan went to Mother's speech afterwards, and even brought her husband to our next meeting. They volunteered to be the next speakers and offered their spacious house for the next meeting. We are planning to invite our whole community to our fourth program of “Going Back to Our Roots” at their house on June 8th.
We are being encouraged by our New Jersey leadership (Reverend Geller and Mrs. Feddema) to continue this program. I am grateful for their support. We are now making plans to work with a group of artists. We will need a larger place then. Each time we gather around, there is a warm feeling and a glowing light in the house. I believe that God Himself is smiling and approving. This program can be of a great support to our BCFs to take care of the people they meet. Working together as a community is also very powerful and attractive to others. Through these gatherings, we have realized that we CAN be part of God's plan to build His Kingdom. It is important for everyone to feel respected and accepted. Our life IS exciting, and sharing with others about their lives keeps us humble and compassionate.
Thank you, Heavenly Father and True Parents!
Thank you, Family
Fellowship small groups!