The Words of the Cotter Family |
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
May the love and blessings of our Heavenly Parent and our True Parents be with you and with your families.
True Parents are holding Hoon Dok Hae every morning now at East Garden and are giving so much love, guidance and precious words to our families. We are so deeply grateful and humbled to see our True Parents, who are still giving every ounce of their being 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in order to save mankind and offer this world to God by 2013. Nothing can deter them; they are truly the one and only Messiah and True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind. True Father has incredible, boundless energy, more than anyone half his age. As he listens to his own words in sermons that he gave in the 1960's, he becomes re-inspired and recommits himself once again to accomplish God's will. For him there is seemingly no day or night, just one constant effort to bring joy, comfort and liberation to God.
As you know, True Parents have asked us to hold a very significant event in New York on Saturday, July 24 at the Manhattan Center. On the foundation of the great victory in Korea on July 8 at Cheon Jeon Gung, we will hold a similar event in America entitled, "Assembly to Proclaim the Word that Firmly Establishes the Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind" A "Legacy of Peace" program will also be held as part of the event, where we will honor those who gave their lives on all of the wars in American history. True Parents are inviting guests to come from the major providential nations which were involved in World War II. During the second part of the program we will have True Father's speech.
More than 5,000 participants will gather at the Manhattan Center in the Hammerstein Ballroom and in the Grand Ballroom from 1:30 to 5:00 PM on Saturday, July 24th. Participants will include many guests and dignitaries from overseas as well as UN ambassadors, Ambassadors for Peace, clergy from all faith traditions, women leaders, veterans, NGO leaders, academic and youth leaders and blessed families. The event will be broadcast live throughout the nation to our over 100 church locations and will be broadcast to the world, reaching an estimated 120,000 people worldwide. We are encouraging all of our families to come from across America and invite your closest contacts and friends.
True Parents are very serious about the Original Divine Principle education and so we will hold an abbreviated ODP workshop in conjunction with the main event. The ODP workshop will be open to all guests and members of our church, so this would be an ideal time for you to attend, if you have not had the opportunity yet. The ODP workshop will begin on Thursday evening, July 22, and continue throughout the day on Friday, July 23. It will be held in a nearby hotel, which will be announced very soon. The registration for the ODP workshop will be $300 (the special donation will not be required this time). Participants in the ODP workshop will need to pre-register through Rev. Jorg Heller at our Headquarters office. (Use the attached Excel Registration Form and send one complete list per district) Then on Saturday morning, the conclusion of the ODP workshop will take place at the Manhattan Center Grand Ballroom from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM, followed by a light lunch. Ambassadors for Peace and clergy will also join for this education period. There will be a $25 registration fee for those who only attend the Saturday morning education program. Doors will open in the Hammerstein and Grand Ballroom at 1:00 PM for the main program.
The districts which are closest to New York (New York, New Jersey, Boston and Washington, D. C.) will be bringing the largest number of guests and families to the event on July 24. We would like to encourage all of our other districts and states to participate in this historic event as well. We are suggesting that each state make a goal to send 3 clergy to the program and ambassadors for peace. Of course, all of our families who can attend are welcome to come. The District Directors and State Leaders may wish to take up an offering from our families in order to help sponsor people from your states. We would also like to ask you to work on getting proclamations and letters of congratulations for our True Parents on this great occasion.
We will be sending out the information on area hotels where families and guests can stay while they are in New York. The location for the ODP workshop will also be forthcoming. We encourage everyone who can to stay over Saturday night and attend Lovin' Life Ministries Sunday Service on Sunday, July 25th.
You may obtain invitational materials from your District Director and State Leader. UPF, WFWP, ACLC and CARP are all producing invitational materials that can be used to invite your guests.
Let's make a concerted effort across America to bring an overwhelming victory for True Parents on July 24th and really show them how much we love them here in America.
Thank you brothers and sisters.
May God bless you.