The Words of the Cotter Family |
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
"Forging the Path to Peace: Building a United Nations that Embodies the True Love of God" was the theme of the gathering in Las Vegas, guided by our True Parents and jointly sponsored by UPF, HSA and ACLC. More than twelve hundred people packed the Sunset Ballroom at the Flamingo Hotel in Las Vegas on the afternoon of Wednesday, December 16th to hear our True Father's keynote address, "Establishing the World of Peace Centered on the True Parents". A large number of Ambassadors for Peace and clergy from Las Vegas attended in addition to hundreds of others who came from every corner of America. The audience that gathered in Las Vegas was truly a representation of the entire nation, including many faith traditions, races and cultures.
It was truly miraculous that, with just a few days to prepare, such an historical and victorious event could be offered on behalf of all of our families and related organizations. True Parents were very comforted and inspired to see the response that came from all 12 Districts in America. Rev. Tim Henning and the Los Angeles District brought over 300 to Las Vegas. Rev. Thompson and the San Francisco District brought well over 100. The Seattle District under Rev. Larry Krishnek and the Texas District under Rev. Mark Hernandez each brought large numbers, even though the traveling distance was so great. We greatly appreciate all those who flew in or drove in from points across America to ensure success.
The doors opened at 1:00 PM and the ballroom quickly filled. Rev. Joshua Cotter introduced the Lovin' Life Band, who prepared the spirit and lifted everyone up with 3 songs. Dr. Thomas Walsh, UPF International Secretary-General, welcomed the huge crowd and did an outstanding job as MC for the evening. The opening prayer was offered by Rev. Emanuel Wasson pastor of the Holy Trinity AME Church in Las Vegas. Rev. Wasson welcomed everyone to Las Vegas and remarked, "Though we come from many different nations, let us celebrate the most important thing we all have in common: that we are all the children of one God."
Todd L. Moody, President of the LDS Church in Southern Nevada, gave opening remarks centering on the importance of family. Dr. Walsh then invited the Lovin' Life Band to return to the stage and play 2 songs during the main program. After their performance, three "UPF Excellence in Leadership Awards" were presented to leaders from Las Vegas and Nevada. The presenters were distinguished Ambassadors for Peace from America (Sen. Donzella James), Japan (Mr. Oyamada) and Korea (Mr. Shin Hwa Kim). The recipients of the awards were Dr. Pouran Ameli, Pres. of the Iranian-American Association, Pres. Todd L. Moody (LDS Church) and Rev. Marion Bennett, pioneering civil rights leader, longtime supporter of Rev. Moon and pastor in Las Vegas. They were given beautiful crystal awards.
Bishop William Shields of Hopewell Baptist Church in Norcross, Georgia (the nation's 13th largest church) brought down the Holy Spirit as he asked everyone to stand and "hook up and look up (to God)". He said, "There are three institutions in life: the home, the workplace and the place of worship. All of these need to be in healthy balance with each other, but we know that they are not. This is why Father Moon's call to America to turn its face back to God is so important."
Dr. Walsh gave a stirring introduction to Rev. In Jin Moon, our national president and senior pastor, who in turn gave a beautiful and powerful testimony to her father as the keynote speaker for the evening. "Everyone comes to Las Vegas to win the jackpot," she said, "and I think those of us who have come here today to hear this message are already the winners of a much more important prize." In Jin Nim praised her father's life work, saying, "My father has not let his advanced age of 90, nor his six imprisonments, nor any amount of of bigotry or misunderstanding sway him from the path of God's Will. As we welcome him today, let us determine that we ourselves will become like him, and be the people God needs to bring change to America and the world."
In his keynote address, Father Moon addressed the need for a change of heart and a change of mind to bring America back in line with the destiny given to her by God. He said, "I have watched many people waste their time and their money here, but I still want to help them and to help America. I can never forget that is was American soldiers who freed me from a communist prison and prevented my homeland from being lost to tyranny, and I will always love America deeply. Yet I can see that the moral climate is getting worse."
He said, "Without God there is no way we can rescue America from a self-centered and individualistic culture. We must realize that God is our living, heavenly parent. Even this town can become a heavenly community filled with the children of God, our Heavenly King."
Toward the end of his speech, Father Moon suddenly called Rev. Do Soon Im to the stage to perform a "Ki Test", or test of heavenly energy. Members of the audience were encouraged by Father Moon (who was now sitting in a chair on stage) to come forward and participate in the test of energy. The dramatic demonstrations proved that there was great heavenly power in Father's words and even in pictures of Jesus or napkins with Father's saliva! The audience was totally captivated and enthralled as this was going on. Surely they never expected to see such a show, even in Las Vegas!
"I want you to make me a promise today," Father Moon said as he moved to his conclusion, "God desperately needs good men and women to build His kingdom now. Yet the nations of the world are wasting their time and effort on armies and weapons and families are breaking down because people are not honoring the true love, life and lineage that God wants to give to all of us. If you knew the depth of what I am saying, you would stay up all night to read my words and put them into practice."
True Mother, In Jin Nim and many leaders from UPF, HSA and ACLC joined True Father on stage as True Parents were presented with flowers and did the honors of cutting a huge, beautiful victory cake. The entire audience sang "Happy Birthday" and "Happy Victory" to True Parents, capping off a wonderful evening and an incredible year of 2009. True Parents waved with great joy and love, giving their blessing to us all.
Thank you to everyone for your prayers and support in creating such a heavenly victory for God, True Parents and our nation!
God bless us every one and Merry Christmas!
Rev. Joshua Cotter