Grade Sunday School Lesson Plan

First Unit:  The Principles of Creation

Lesson #2 Universal Prime Force and Give and Take Action

Theme for the year:  "God is my friend"  Father's Words "Do not be discouraged.  Even though sometimes you feel that there is no God, know that He is always present.  With That feeling you must remember that God is with you." The Way of Tradition,
Vol 1, p. 2

 Father's Words for the Principles of Creation Unit:  "You are a Son of God or a prince of God, or a princess of God.  In order to deserve this title, you must learn to think as God thinks, live as God lives, and be concerned as God is concerned, and love as God loves. The Way of Tradition, Vol 1, p. 265.


Warm Up

Get to know one another (Again!)

Choose a partner.

For students not at the first lesson, interview your partner and then write the information received in the first person, as if you are your partner.  Then, using a blank sheet with these questions, answer each question, as if you are your partner.  Each partner should take a turn.  For those who already did this in the first class, rematch the students, and see how many of the questions they can remember without asking the other person.  Grade each teams presentations.  (You can find this for printing here)

1.  My name is_____.

2.  I live in ______.

3.  I have _____ sister(s), and _____ brother(s).

4.  My birthday is ____________(month)_____(day)

5.  My pets are ________________, ________________.

__________________(name and kind of animal)

6.  I play (sports) _______________, _________________, __________________, _______________.

7.  My best subject in school is _______________.

8.  I want to be a ____________________.

9.  My favorite vacation was ____________________________________________.

10.  I'd really like to visit ______________________________________________.


Divine Principle Lesson

"Universal Prime Force and Give and Take Action"

 Key points:

 A.  Universal Prime Force

            God existed before time and space and transcends time and space.  God is eternal, self-existing, and absolute.  The fundamental force for his being was not created and has always existed within God.  This force is called the Universal Prime Force.  Every being is endowed with this force when it is created.

 B.  Give and Take Action

            1.  The meaning of Give and Take Action.

                        a.  Ideal reciprocal (back and forth) relationship between subject and object is initiated by the Universal Prime Force, and is called Give and Take Action.  When the subject and object elements within a being and between beings have Give and Take Action, all the forces necessary for its existence, reproduction, and action are generated

                        b.  Give and Take occurs both within each being, and between beings




S           O       



Forces for existence, development reproduction




            Arteries and veins

            Inhale and exhale


























Discussion:  What are other examples of give and take?

 2.  The Relationship between Universal Prime Force and the Forces of Give and Take Action

            a.  Give and Take action is initiated by the Universal Prime Force.  It is the force which God projects into each being at the time of its creation. 

            b.  The Creation is harmonious because all Give and Take is initiated by the Universal Prime Force, which originates in God.


Applying the Lesson

 From EQ:  The Social-Emotional Intelligence Program for Kindergarten through 8th Grade  Mo Therese Hannah and Joe Marrone

        Teacher's Notes

        EQ Relationship Builder 1: Listening

                          "Go ahead. I'm listening."

                It might seem silly to be teaching about something as obvious and seemingly easy as listening, because 

1) Listening is very easy: all we have to do is use our ears. (The reason we have two ears and one mouth is that we are supposed to listen twice as much as we speak.) But,      

2) Listening is also very hard: we must think about what another person is saying, rather than thinking about what we are more interested in, or about what we ourselves would like to say.

               Explain that listening is a "relationship builder" because listening is what enables two  people to relate to one another.

               Finally, point out that listening is primarily an exercise of the "thinking" end of the EQ  triangle.



-                            Feeling                      Behaving


                     Why is listening so important?

       -Everyone has the need to feel listened to--some of us more than others

       -Listening is a way to show you care about and respect another person

        -Listening is the basic foundation of learning about people, places, and things

        -Listening to another person is the best way to learn about that person and develop a relationship with him or her '

        - Listening to others is necessary if you want others to listen to you. Often, people will listen better to someone who has been a good listener for them.

        - Listening is the "emotionally intelligent" thing to do when you are having a conversation with someone and you are upset or confused and don't know what to say. The general principle is, when in doubt, don't say anything--listen instead! (It is better to talk later, when you are calmer.)

                    What gets in the way of our listening?

                 - We get distracted (like when the lawn mower is going past our window at school and we listen to that instead of the teacher).

                - We don't like what we're hearing (like when a parent is scolding a child for doing something wrong).

-               -We have the habit of daydreaming (imagining fun things or being somewhere we'd like to be can be more pleasant than what we are hearing).

_               -We want to answer the person who's talking to us, so we think about what we're going  to say next,' rather than thinking about what the person is saying to us.

                How can we become better listeners?

-               - If we are distracted by sounds around us, for example, in school, we can ask the teacher or other people for help in making the classroom quieter.

                - If we find ourselves daydreaming, we can postpone or delay the daydream, telling

-         ourselves that what we are listening to is the most important thing now, and we can return to the daydream later on, when we have time.

                - When we are having a conversation with someone, we can give a verbal   acknowledgement once in a while by saying things like, "Oh," "I see," "uh-huh," "right,"-"I get it," and so on.

-               - When someone is having a conversation with us, we can stop the person every once in a while and say back to the person something like, "are you saying that...?" This is a form of  "active listening" and shows that we're listening and understanding the person.

--            - In school, taking notes about what the teacher is saying can keep us focused on listening  to the teacher.

                -Remind ourselves that, if we want others to really listen to us, we have to really listen to others.